02-19-2023, 09:31 PM
Now you can control where the checkers go, make your own patterns:
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Checkered Recursive, Left Click toggles Square, Right Draws | 2nd Click Restarts" ' b+ 2023-02-19
Screen _NewImage(740, 740, 12)
Randomize Timer
_ScreenMove 300, 0
Dim Shared As Long Divisor, DivisorMinusOne
Dim pSide
Locate 22, 20
Input "(0 quits) Enter 2 to 10, for screen Divisor "; Divisor
If Divisor = 0 Then End
If Divisor < 2 Or Divisor > 11 Then GoTo restart
DivisorMinusOne = Divisor - 1
pSide = (_Height - 1) / Divisor
ReDim Shared arr(DivisorMinusOne, DivisorMinusOne) ' holds pattern
For y = 0 To DivisorMinusOne
For x = 0 To DivisorMinusOne
Line (x * pSide, y * pSide)-Step(pSide, pSide), , B
While _MouseInput: Wend
LBM = _MouseButton(1): RBM = _MouseButton(2): mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
If LBM Then
_Delay .2
x = Int(mx / pSide): y = Int(my / pSide)
If arr(x, y) Then arr(x, y) = 0 Else arr(x, y) = 1
If arr(x, y) Then
Line (x * pSide, y * pSide)-Step(pSide, pSide), 15, BF
Line (x * pSide, y * pSide)-Step(pSide, pSide), 0, BF
Line (x * pSide, y * pSide)-Step(pSide, pSide), 15, B
End If
End If
_Limit 100
Loop Until RBM
CheckRecur 0, 0, (_Width - 1) / Divisor
_Delay 2
While _MouseInput: Wend
LBM = _MouseButton(1): RBM = _MouseButton(2)
_Limit 60
Loop Until RBM Or LBM
GoTo restart
Sub CheckRecur (FirstX, FirstY, Side)
If Side <= 4 Then Exit Sub ' done
For y = 0 To DivisorMinusOne
For x = 0 To DivisorMinusOne
Line (FirstX + x * Side, FirstY + y * Side)-Step(Side, Side), , B
If Side / Divisor <= 4 Then
If arr(x, y) Then
Line (FirstX + x * Side + 1, FirstY + y * Side + 1)-Step(Side - 3, Side - 3), 15, BF
Line (FirstX + x * Side + 1, FirstY + y * Side + 1)-Step(Side - 3, Side - 3), 0, BF
End If
If arr(x, y) Then
CheckRecur FirstX + x * Side, FirstY + y * Side, Side / Divisor
End If
End If
End Sub
b = b + ...