quick secret to smooth out transition to new version.
1. Rename old qb64pe to qb64pe-org. Keep intack older version.
2. Using special compiler option. Write them down to use in new version of qb64pe. Change compiler options in the new qb64pe.
3. Copy any special includes like "bi, .h, .dll and you may have others" to the new qb64pe.
4. Copy any special sub-directories to the new qb64pe.
Now you are ready for the best part. Instead of recompiling by hand. Create a "cmd" aka bat file as such.
5. Capture a list of all exe's. using a command prompt x:\qb64pe>"dir /b *.exe > comp.cmd" x: is wherever qb64pe is.
6. edit "comp.cmd"
7. Remove qb64pe.exe from the list. No need to recompile.
8. Add to each line in front of all lines x:\qb64pe\qb64pe.exe -c "x:\qb64pe\My Programs\ Then change .exe to .bas and add a quote to the end of the line. It will look like this:
x:\qb64pe\qb64pe.exe -c "x:\qb64pe\My Programs\program to compile.bas"
some notes:
x: is wherever qb64pe is.
The Quotes are important where they are. Spaces are delimiters, unless quoted. This is very, very, very important.
My Programs is where I have programs. Your location maybe different. Change as needed.
9. You are ready now. Startup a command prompt, change to qb64pe. Execute "comp.cmd"
10. Watch for errors. If the original files compiled you should not get any errors.
Later on when you are happy with the new version the "-org" version can be just deleted. Unless you want to archive it.
edit: This has given me an idea of a program to write. Turns out good I will post.
1. Rename old qb64pe to qb64pe-org. Keep intack older version.
2. Using special compiler option. Write them down to use in new version of qb64pe. Change compiler options in the new qb64pe.
3. Copy any special includes like "bi, .h, .dll and you may have others" to the new qb64pe.
4. Copy any special sub-directories to the new qb64pe.
Now you are ready for the best part. Instead of recompiling by hand. Create a "cmd" aka bat file as such.
5. Capture a list of all exe's. using a command prompt x:\qb64pe>"dir /b *.exe > comp.cmd" x: is wherever qb64pe is.
6. edit "comp.cmd"
7. Remove qb64pe.exe from the list. No need to recompile.
8. Add to each line in front of all lines x:\qb64pe\qb64pe.exe -c "x:\qb64pe\My Programs\ Then change .exe to .bas and add a quote to the end of the line. It will look like this:
x:\qb64pe\qb64pe.exe -c "x:\qb64pe\My Programs\program to compile.bas"
some notes:
x: is wherever qb64pe is.
The Quotes are important where they are. Spaces are delimiters, unless quoted. This is very, very, very important.
My Programs is where I have programs. Your location maybe different. Change as needed.
9. You are ready now. Startup a command prompt, change to qb64pe. Execute "comp.cmd"
10. Watch for errors. If the original files compiled you should not get any errors.
Later on when you are happy with the new version the "-org" version can be just deleted. Unless you want to archive it.
edit: This has given me an idea of a program to write. Turns out good I will post.