So here is code now QBJS:
Ah the centering code for title is not working either:
Can the text labels be center aligned?
Code: (Select All)
Import Dom From "lib/web/dom.bas"
Const SaveTextAs256Color = 0 'Flag to Save as 256 color file or 32-bit color file, when converting SCREEN 0 to an image
' Set to TRUE (any non-zero value) to save text screens in 256 color mode.
' Set to FALSE (zero) to save text screens in 32-bit color mode.
_Title "B+ Banner Builder" ' b+ 2023-03-12
' mod 1 start banner
' mod 2 add sun and rays
' mod 3 no overlap!
' mod 4 plasma coloring? don't like random bland!
' mod 5 number of petals determines color also twirl flower petals randomly
' mod 6 more flowers!
' mod 7 clean logo both sides of title
' mod 8 new draw flower with special pallet, only one screen option now
Const XMAX = 1400 ' screen banner specs
Const YMAX = 256
Const MinPetals = 4 ' flower from 4 to 8 petals
Const MaxPetals = 8
Dim Shared As Object label, txtFlowers, txtTitle, lstFont, txtFontSize, txtFontWeight
Screen _NewImage(XMAX, YMAX, 32)
Randomize Timer ' oh we can have different flower arrangements
Sub DrawBanner
Cls = "none"
' color palette according to Pedals of flower 4 to 8
ReDim pal~&(MinPetals To MaxPetals) ' colors in the peLogo
pal~&(4) = _RGB32(255, 0, 0) ' high red
pal~&(5) = _RGB32(242, 94, 13) ' deep orange
pal~&(6) = _RGB32(26, 50, 230) ' blue
pal~&(7) = _RGB32(77, 161, 179) ' cyan
pal~&(8) = _RGB32(242, 175, 13) ' pale orange
Dim As Long logo, fnt, wallpaper
Dim k$, logo, sq, i, border~&, ray, angle, n, px1, py1, colr, shift
logo = _LoadImage("peLogo.png")
sq = (YMAX - 140) ^ 4
For i = 0 To 140 ' sky
Line (0, i)-(XMAX, i), _RGB32(50 + i, 50 + i, 115 + i)
border~& = _RGB32(255, 255, 100)
ray = _Hypot(701, 141) ' longest diagonal line is this
angle = _Pi(1 / 30) ' 60 to a circle like minutes to a clock
For n = -1 To 31
px1 = 700 + ray * Cos(_Pi(1) + n * angle)
py1 = 140 + ray * Sin(_Pi(1) + n * angle)
Line (700, 140)-(px1, py1), border~& ' catch some rays
If n > -1 Then
px1 = 700 + .1 * ray * Cos(_Pi(1) + n * angle - .5 * angle + shift)
py1 = 140 + .1 * ray * Sin(_Pi(1) + n * angle - .5 * angle + shift)
If n Mod 2 Then colr = _RGB32(255, 255, 50, 45) Else colr = _RGB32(255, 255, 200, 45)
Paint (px1, py1), colr, border~&
End If ' shade the rays for sun spectacular
For i = 140 To YMAX ' ground
Line (0, i)-(XMAX, i), _RGB32(0, 255 - i, 0)
nf = txtFlowers.value '2000 ' number of flowers setup and draw flowers
ReDim fx(1 To nf), fy(1 To nf), fs(1 To nf) 'x, y size
For i = 1 To nf
dim ok
ok = 1
xoff = Rnd * XMAX
yoff = YMAX - (Rnd * sq) ^ .25
size = 15 * (yoff - 140) / 116
If size < 1 Then size = 1
For j = 1 To i - 1 ' space out flowers less overlap!
If _Hypot(xoff - fx(j), yoff - fy(j)) < size + fs(j) + 1 Then ok = 0: Exit For
Loop Until ok
fx(i) = xoff: fy(i) = yoff: fs(i) = size
petals = Int((MaxPetals - MinPetals + 1) * Rnd) + MinPetals
size = 15 * (yoff - 140) / 116
If size < 1 Then size = 1
DrawFlower xoff, yoff, petals, size, pal~&(petals)
_PutImage (25, 5), logo ', wallpaper
_PutImage (_Width - 25 - _Width(logo), 5), logo ', wallpaper = "block"
label.innerHTML = txtTitle.value = txtFontSize.value + "px" = lstFont.value '"comic sans ms, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" = "normal" = "-" + Fix(label.offsetWidth / 2) + "px"
End Sub
Sub DrawFlower (x, y, nPetals, radius, c~&) ' better flowers developed today 3/12/2023
Dim roffset, pa, r, a, xx, yy
roffset = _Pi(2) * Rnd
pa = _Pi(2 / nPetals)
r = .66 * radius
For a = 0 To _Pi(2) Step pa
xx = x + r * Cos(a + roffset)
yy = y + r * Sin(a + roffset)
FCirc xx, yy, radius / 2, c~&
For a = 0 To _Pi(2) Step pa
xx = x + radius * Cos(a + roffset + .5 * pa)
yy = y + radius * Sin(a + roffset + .5 * pa)
Line (xx, yy)-(x, y), _RGB32(255 - y)
FCirc x, y, radius / 3, _RGB32(229, 242, 13) ' fixed yellow to match Logo
End Sub
Sub FCirc (CX As Long, CY As Long, R As Long, C As _Unsigned Long)
Dim Radius As Long, RadiusError As Long
Dim X As Long, Y As Long
Radius = Abs(R): RadiusError = -Radius: X = Radius: Y = 0
If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C ', BF
While X > Y
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
If RadiusError >= 0 Then
If X <> Y + 1 Then
Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C ', BF
Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C ', BF
End If
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
End If
Y = Y + 1
Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C ', BF
Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C ', BF
End Sub
Sub InitUI
Dim As Object panel, btn
label = Dom.Create("div", , "") = "absolute" = "#fff" = "0px" = "50%" = "normal" = "nowrap" = "3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)"
panel = Dom.Create("div") = "20px" = "normal"
Dom.Create "span", panel, "Flowers: "
txtFlowers = Dom.Create("input", panel, "1900")
txtFlowers.type = "number" = "75px" = "right"
Dom.Create "span", panel, " Title: "
txtTitle = Dom.Create("input", panel, "QB64 Phoenix Edition")
Dom.Create "span", panel, " Font: "
lstFont = Dom.Create("select", panel)
AddOption lstFont, "Arial (sans-serif)", "Arial, sans-serif"
AddOption lstFont, "Impact (sans-serif)", "Impact, sans-serif"
AddOption lstFont, "Times New Roman (serif)", "Times New Roman, serif"
AddOption lstFont, "Georgia (serif)", "Georgia, serif"
AddOption lstFont, "Courier (monospace)", "Courier, monospace"
AddOption lstFont, "Lucida (monospace)", "Lucida, monospace"
AddOption lstFont, "Brush Script MT (cursive)", "Brush Script MT, cursive"
AddOption lstFont, "Comic Sans MS (cursive)", "Comic Sans MS, cursive"
lstFontWeight = Dom.Create("select", panel)
AddOption lstFontWeight, "100 (Lightest)", "100"
AddOption lstFontWeight, "200", "200"
AddOption lstFontWeight, "300", "300"
AddOption lstFontWeight, "400 (Normal)", "400"
AddOption lstFontWeight, "500", "500"
AddOption lstFontWeight, "600", "600"
AddOption lstFontWeight, "700 (Bold)", "700"
AddOption lstFontWeight, "800", "800"
AddOption lstFontWeight, "900 (Boldest)", "900"
lstFontWeight.value = "400"
'Dom.Create "span", panel, " Font Size: "
txtFontSize = Dom.Create("input", panel, "75")
txtFontSize.type = "number" = "50px" = "right"
Dom.Create "span", panel, "px "
btn = Dom.Create("button", panel, "Redraw") = "10px"
Dom.Event btn, "click", sub_DrawBanner
End Sub
Sub AddOption(list, text, value)
Dim opt As Object
opt = Dom.Create("option", list)
opt.value = value
opt.innerText = text
End Sub
Ah the centering code for title is not working either:
Can the text labels be center aligned?
b = b + ...