03-23-2023, 09:23 AM
Did not like key action in Bandit so I tried a Keypad setup and got bonus of arrow keys working too
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Basic Chase and Prize Game" ' b+ 2023-03-24
Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(640, 480, 32) '80 cols X 30 rows
_ScreenMove 250, 100
Locate 7, 20: Print "*** Basic Chase and Prize Game ***"
Locate 10, 20: Print "H = Hero"
Locate 12, 20: Print "* = Prize"
Locate 14, 20: Print "X = Doom!"
Locate 18, 20: Print "Object: Use NumberPad to Collect prizes,"
Locate 19, 28: Print "don't let Doom come to Hero!"
Locate 25, 20: Print "press any to start...."
DoomMoves = 20
HeroX = 40: HeroY = 15
PrizeX = Int(Rnd * 80) + 1: PrizeY = Int(Rnd * 30) + 1
DoomX = Int(Rnd * 80) + 1: DoomY = Int(Rnd * 30) + 1
Cls ' screen update
Locate HeroY, HeroX: Print "H";
Locate PrizeY, PrizeX: Print "*";
Locate DoomY, DoomX: Print "X";
If HeroX = PrizeX And HeroY = PrizeY Then
score = score + 1
PrizeX = Int(Rnd * 80) + 1: PrizeY = Int(Rnd * 30) + 1
DoomX = Int(Rnd * 80) + 1: DoomY = Int(Rnd * 30) + 1
If DoomMoves > 5 Then DoomMoves = DoomMoves - 1
ElseIf HeroX = DoomX And HeroY = DoomY Then
Locate 15, 35: Print "Game Over"
Beep: _Delay 8: _KeyClear: Sleep: Exit Do
End If
_Title "Prizes:" + Str$(score)
kh& = _KeyHit
Select Case kh& ' top left to bottom right
Case 55, 18176 ' up and left
DX = -1: DY = -1
Case 56, 18432 ' up
DX = 0: DY = -1
Case 57, 18688 ' up and right
DX = 1: DY = -1
Case 52, 19200 ' left
DX = -1: DY = 0
Case 54, 19712 ' right
DX = 1: DY = 0
Case 49, 20224 ' left and down
DX = -1: DY = 1
Case 50, 20480 ' down
DX = 0: DY = 1
Case 51, 20736 ' down and right
DX = 1: DY = 1
Case Else
DX = 0: DY = 0
End Select
testX = HeroX + DX: testY = HeroY + DY
If testX > 0 And testX < 81 And testY > 0 And testY < 31 Then
HeroX = testX: HeroY = testY
End If
lc = lc + 1
If lc = DoomMoves Then
DoomX = DoomX + Sgn(HeroX - DoomX): DoomY = DoomY + Sgn(HeroY - DoomY)
lc = 0
End If
_Limit 30
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
b = b + ...