03-23-2023, 05:02 PM
(03-23-2023, 12:49 PM)DANILIN Wrote: it's easy to make multiple stalkers aiming for a hero
It's actually called "Robotwar" and there are many versions of it. I played a "cute" version of it on Linux, last tried it on Knoppix but alas, sometimes it crashes back to desktop when I start a new game. IINM there was even a text-mode version which was one of the old "BSD games" that could be optionally installed for Slackware.
I have programmed such a game but it's not very good. I have it in my archives somewhere...
Anyway, my game was trying to replicate one from an old book given to children programming on an Apple ][E or something like that. It had only one player and one enemy, and the logic of the enemy to move toward the player got better the more the player "stole" from the enemy. In fact the original program didn't have a "Robotwar-like" fence, it had an "exit" that the player tried to run into, after he/she felt "stealing" enough before the enemy caught him/her.