03-24-2023, 02:49 PM
I looked into mingW compiler include - winuser and there is structure declared:
typedef struct tagWNDCLASSEXA {
UINT cbSize;
UINT style;
WNDPROC lpfnWndProc;
int cbClsExtra;
int cbWndExtra;
HINSTANCE hInstance;
HICON hIcon;
HCURSOR hCursor;
HBRUSH hbrBackground;
LPCSTR lpszMenuName;
LPCSTR lpszClassName;
HICON hIconSm;
which is what i expected ...so it is already there
then i need to look into QB64 source and check what is there declared and how ,
and i think that only old structure is used
which is this one :
typedef struct tagWNDCLASSA {
UINT style;
WNDPROC lpfnWndProc;
int cbClsExtra;
int cbWndExtra;
HINSTANCE hInstance;
HICON hIcon;
HCURSOR hCursor;
HBRUSH hbrBackground;
LPCSTR lpszMenuName;
LPCSTR lpszClassName;
typedef struct tagWNDCLASSEXA {
UINT cbSize;
UINT style;
WNDPROC lpfnWndProc;
int cbClsExtra;
int cbWndExtra;
HINSTANCE hInstance;
HICON hIcon;
HCURSOR hCursor;
HBRUSH hbrBackground;
LPCSTR lpszMenuName;
LPCSTR lpszClassName;
HICON hIconSm;
which is what i expected ...so it is already there
then i need to look into QB64 source and check what is there declared and how ,
and i think that only old structure is used
which is this one :
typedef struct tagWNDCLASSA {
UINT style;
WNDPROC lpfnWndProc;
int cbClsExtra;
int cbWndExtra;
HINSTANCE hInstance;
HICON hIcon;
HCURSOR hCursor;
HBRUSH hbrBackground;
LPCSTR lpszMenuName;
LPCSTR lpszClassName;