03-26-2023, 03:12 PM
I'm interested in knowing if there might be a different way to recalculate Scientific Notation into a decimal value. Here is the method I'm presently using which works ok with Single dimension arrays/variables but when the resultant value is zero I've been going back are Redim to Double or whatever can get me a decimal value other than zero.
Code: (Select All)
' Removing Scientific Notation from a Variable/Array of Single dimension
Dim Shared Number, x, y
'In the main module will be a calculation which generates a Scientifically Notated value
Number = 115 / 123456
Print Number
x = 115
y = 123456
Number = SNrid
Print Number
Function SNrid
ScNote$ = Str$(x / y)
If InStr(1, ScNote$, "E") Or InStr(1, ScNote$, "D") Then
SNA = x / y
a = SNA * 10000000
b = a \ 1
C = a - b
If C >= .5 Then
b = b + 1
SNB = b * .0000001
End If
If C < .5 Then
SNB = b * .0000001
End If
SNrid = SNB
Exit Function
End If
SNrid = x / y
End Function