I'm glad to hear that, your tutorial is worked out nicely and clearly, and a lot of details always come in handy. If you keep the format you started, it will be great.
Here is a sample - the first texture. I wrote a function for maximum simplification and I immediately solved the freeing of memory when the program was terminated, and I added an example with DisplayOrder to make it clear how the layers of the image are rendered one after the other.
Please use correct file name on row 34.
Here is a sample - the first texture. I wrote a function for maximum simplification and I immediately solved the freeing of memory when the program was terminated, and I added an example with DisplayOrder to make it clear how the layers of the image are rendered one after the other.
Please use correct file name on row 34.
Code: (Select All)
Type GL_Loader
PointerGL As Long
End Type
ReDim Shared GLL(0) As GL_Loader
Dim Shared GL_InitInfo As _Byte
_Title "Use texture!"
Screen _NewImage(600, 600, 32)
Dim Shared t 'bad solution, it is just for this use
_DisplayOrder _GLRender , _Software 'in background run OpenGL screen, in foreground run Software (QB64 standard) screen
Locate 1
Print Time$
_Limit 40
If _Exit Then
'if program end, this is step 2. Step 1 is in _GL Sub, in this place program just end.
End If
Sub _GL ()
if t = 0 then t = LoadTexture("dum03.jpg") 'function load texture from valid file and return OpenGL Handle for this texture
_glEnable _GL_TEXTURE_2D 'enable texture mapping
_glClearColor 0, 0, 0, 1 'set color to solid black - here it is in range 0 to 1 - in QB64 it is in range 0 to 255, so 0.5 here is the same as 127 in QB64
_glBindTexture _GL_TEXTURE_2D, t '<--------------- this handle is used here
_glBegin _GL_QUADS 'simply draw a quad
_glTexCoord2f 0, 1
_glVertex2f -0.5, 0.5 'top-left
_glTexCoord2f 1, 1
_glVertex2f 0.5, 0.5 'top-right
_glTexCoord2f 1, 0
_glVertex2f 0.5, -0.5 'bottom right
_glTexCoord2f 0, 0
_glVertex2f -0.5, -0.5 'bottom left
If _Exit Then
DeleteTexture t 'if program end, first free texture from memory, then exit from GL and return to main loop
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub GL_Init
If GL_InitInfo = 0 Then
_glViewport 0, 0, _Width, _Height
GL_InitInfo = 1
End If
End Sub
Sub DeleteTexture (nr As Long)
For P = LBound(GLL) To UBound(GLL)
If GLL(P).PointerGL = nr Then
Dim DEL As Long
DEL = GLL(P).PointerGL
_glDeleteTextures 1, _Offset(DEL)
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Function LoadTexture (image As String)
If GL_InitInfo = 0 Then GL_Init
If _FileExists(image) Then
tex& = _LoadImage(image$, 32)
texinv& = _NewImage(_Width(tex&), _Height(tex&), 32)
_PutImage (0, _Height(tex&) - 1)-(_Width(tex&) - 1, 0), tex&, texinv&
_FreeImage tex&
Dim Texture As Long
_glGenTextures 1, _Offset(Texture) 'generate our texture handle (reserve place in memory for new texture)
_glBindTexture _GL_TEXTURE_2D, Texture 'select our texture handle (set this texture for use)
Dim m As _MEM
m = _MemImage(texinv&)
_glTexImage2D _GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, _GL_RGB, _Width(texinv&), _Height(texinv&), 0, _GL_BGRA_EXT, _GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, m.OFFSET
U = UBound(GLL)
GLL(U).PointerGL = Texture
ReDim _Preserve GLL(U + 1) As GL_Loader
_MemFree m
'set out texture filtering
_glTexParameteri _GL_TEXTURE_2D, _GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, _GL_NICEST 'for scaling up
_glTexParameteri _GL_TEXTURE_2D, _GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, _GL_NEAREST 'for scaling down
Print "LoadTexture Error: "; image$; " - file not found."
End If
LoadTexture = Texture
End Function