old QB Defender game - anyone want to try to bring this up to speed?
(03-31-2023, 05:34 PM)TempodiBasic Wrote: Hi 
running it in QB64pe after turnig  DEF FNRND into FUNCTION FNRND  I got a broken game that leaves so  many garbage on the screen.
Putting a _LIMIT 10 into main loop the result does not change.

I am seeing graphics but the player's ship doesn't get erased from the old position when you move (I had to hack on some new keyboard reading routines). Also it isn't drawing the mountains / terrain. 
The program is a mess, it could probably serve as a template or framework for someone who wouldn't mind rewriting the outdated QuickBasic 4.5 parts.

Messages In This Thread
RE: old QB Defender game - anyone want to try to bring this up to speed? - by madscijr - 03-31-2023, 07:16 PM

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