Well I think I have my GUI version working but for Windows only mainly due to fact I have to add C: to pathed files to match the IDE's pathed files so duplicate entries are avoided.
Apparently recent.bin requires a blank line before each pathed file entry ?? Thanks to reading over Eric's code I discovered this, so thanks Eric for idea to try this little exercise and figuring out recent.bin's format.
Here is code for the GUI (version GUIb) for the Editor:
BTW, _MessageBox is still screwing up titles in version 3.6, just test code in Windows.
Which is useless without the GUIb.BI and .BM and supplementary Fonts
So zip for this little project is here:
Apparently recent.bin requires a blank line before each pathed file entry ?? Thanks to reading over Eric's code I discovered this, so thanks Eric for idea to try this little exercise and figuring out recent.bin's format.
Here is code for the GUI (version GUIb) for the Editor:
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit '
_Title "Edit QB64 Recent Files GUIb" ' b+ started 2023-03-31
' Windows only, mainly because GetBas$ adds a C: to the beginning of what _OpenFileDialog returns
' This matches the C: needed in the other IDE recent list to avoid duplicate listing.
' Edit the following path for recent.bin your QB64pe setup
Const RecentF$ = "C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\3_6 qb64pe_win-x64-3.6.0\qb64pe\internal\temp\recent.bin"
ReDim Shared fList$(1 To 1024)
Dim Shared nLines
Dim Shared lstRecent$ ' this is the long ~ delimited string for lstRecent control
Dim Shared Saved
' Set Globals from BI
Xmax = 1220: Ymax = 680: GuiTitle$ = "Edit QB64 Recent Files GUIb"
OpenWindow Xmax, Ymax, GuiTitle$, "arial.ttf" ' before drawing anything from NewControl()
' GUI Controls
' Dim and set Globals for GUI app
Dim Shared As Long lstRecent, BInsert, BReplace, BAdd, BDelete, BSav, BExit
lstRecent = NewControl(3, 20, 40, 1180, 580, "", "Recent Files List")
BInsert = NewControl(1, 20, 640, 180, 24, "Insert at Highlight", "")
BReplace = NewControl(1, 220, 640, 180, 24, "Replace at Highlight", "")
BAdd = NewControl(1, 420, 640, 180, 24, "Add (to end)", "")
BDelete = NewControl(1, 620, 640, 180, 24, "Delete Highlighted", "")
BSav = NewControl(1, 820, 640, 180, 24, "Save", "")
BExit = NewControl(1, 1020, 640, 180, 24, "Exit", "")
' End GUI Controls
Saved = -1
Dim fl$
' join array to long string delimited by ~ for lst control
Open RecentF$ For Input As #1 ' load the file into buf$
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, fl$
fl$ = _Trim$(fl$)
If fl$ <> "" Then
nLines = nLines + 1
fList$(nLines) = fl$
End If
Close #1
lstRecent$ = Join$(fList$(), "~") ' join to long string
con(lstRecent).Text = lstRecent$ ' for lstRecent control
drwLst lstRecent ' update the control with new list
' ready to edit
MainRouter ' _exit will exit mainRouter but now you must handle ending the program
Sub BtnClickEvent (i As Long)
Dim As Long hiNum, j
Dim f$, b$
Select Case i
Case BInsert
f$ = GetBas$
If f$ <> "" Then
hiNum = LstHighliteNum&(lstRecent)
If hiNum = 0 Then
lstRecent$ = f$ + "~" + lstRecent$
ReDim temp$(1 To 1)
Split lstRecent$, "~", temp$()
For j = LBound(temp$) To UBound(temp$)
If j = hiNum Then
If Len(b$) Then b$ = b$ + "~" + f$ Else b$ = f$
End If
If temp$(j) <> f$ Then ' don't add duplicates
If Len(b$) Then b$ = b$ + "~" + temp$(j) Else b$ = temp$(j)
End If
lstRecent$ = b$
End If
con(lstRecent).Text = lstRecent$ ' for lstRecent control
drwLst lstRecent ' update the control with new list
Saved = 0
End If
Case BReplace
f$ = GetBas$
If f$ <> "" Then
hiNum = LstHighliteNum&(lstRecent)
If hiNum = 0 Then ' just add it to top of list
lstRecent$ = f$ + "~" + lstRecent$
ReDim temp$(1 To 1)
Split lstRecent$, "~", temp$()
For j = LBound(temp$) To UBound(temp$)
If j = hiNum Then
If Len(b$) Then b$ = b$ + "~" + f$ Else b$ = f$
If temp$(j) <> f$ Then
If Len(b$) Then b$ = b$ + "~" + temp$(j) Else b$ = temp$(j)
End If
End If
lstRecent$ = b$
End If
con(lstRecent).Text = lstRecent$ ' for lstRecent control
drwLst lstRecent ' update the control with new list
Saved = 0
End If
Case BAdd
f$ = GetBas$
If f$ <> "" Then
ReDim temp$(1 To 1)
Split lstRecent$, "~", temp$()
For j = LBound(temp$) To UBound(temp$)
If temp$(j) <> f$ Then
If Len(b$) Then b$ = b$ + "~" + temp$(j) Else b$ = temp$(j)
End If
lstRecent$ = b$
lstRecent$ = lstRecent$ + "~" + f$
con(lstRecent).Text = lstRecent$ ' for lstRecent control
drwLst lstRecent ' update the control with new list
Saved = 0
End If
Case BDelete
hiNum = LstHighliteNum&(lstRecent)
If hiNum <> 0 Then
ReDim temp$(1 To 1)
Split lstRecent$, "~", temp$()
For j = LBound(temp$) To UBound(temp$)
If j <> hiNum Then
If Len(b$) Then b$ = b$ + "~" + temp$(j) Else b$ = temp$(j)
End If
lstRecent$ = b$
con(lstRecent).Text = lstRecent$ ' for lstRecent control
drwLst lstRecent ' update the control with new list
Saved = 0
End If
Case BSav
Case BExit
End Select
End Sub
Sub LstSelectEvent (control As Long)
control = control
End Sub
Sub SldClickEvent (i As Long)
i = i
End Sub
Sub PicClickEvent (i As Long, Pmx As Long, Pmy As Long)
i = i: Pmx = Pmx: Pmy = Pmy
End Sub
Sub PicFrameUpdate (i As Long, MXfracW, MYfracH)
i = i: MXfracW = MXfracW: MYfracH = MYfracH
End Sub
Sub LblClickEvent (i As Long)
i = i
End Sub
Sub checkSaved
Dim As Long ans
If Saved = 0 Then
ans = _MessageBox("Save Work?", "Do you want to save your changes to the Recent.Bin file?", "yesno", "question")
If ans = 1 Then saveWork
End If
End Sub
Sub saveWork ' assumes workfile <> "" and correct
Dim As Long i
ReDim lst(1 To 1) As String
Split con(lstRecent).Text, "~", lst$()
Open RecentF$ For Output As #1
For i = 1 To UBound(lst$)
Print #1, ""
Print #1, _Trim$(lst$(i))
Close #1
Saved = -1
_MessageBox "Saved:", RecentF$
End Sub
Function GetBas$
Dim bas$
bas$ = _OpenFileDialog$("Select a .bas file", "*.bas", "*.bas", "Basic file")
If bas$ <> "" Then
If Left$(bas$, 2) <> "C:" Then GetBas$ = "C:" + bas$ Else GetBas$ = bas$
End If
End Function
BTW, _MessageBox is still screwing up titles in version 3.6, just test code in Windows.
Which is useless without the GUIb.BI and .BM and supplementary Fonts
So zip for this little project is here:
b = b + ...