OK you guys made me look at what I did with Dictionary, no hash but I did get multiple values for a given key:
I did use Split but for removing or modifying multiple items under a key. K stands for key and V stands for value(s).
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit ' Dictionary 2 b+ remake of TempodiBasic post 2021-04-06
' ref: https://www.qb64.org/forum/index.php?topic=3786.msg131448#msg131448
' 2021-04-07 add some bells and whistles
Type Dictionary
K As String
V As String
End Type
ReDim MyDict(1 To 1) As Dictionary ' use ubound of array to tell how many values we have
' make some new pairs
Print "Show empty MyDict at start of this demo:"
ShowDict MyDict()
Print "Add a KV pair:"
AddModDictionary MyDict(), "mammals", "Cats"
ShowDict MyDict()
Print "Add a KV pair:"
AddModDictionary MyDict(), "trees", "Oak"
ShowDict MyDict()
Print "Add a KV pair:"
AddModDictionary MyDict(), "fish", "Bass"
ShowDict MyDict()
Print "Swap Dogs for Cats in mammals:"
AddModDictionary MyDict(), "mammals", "Dogs"
ShowDict MyDict()
Print "Check current mammals:"
Print "What is current mammal ? answer: "; GetValue$(MyDict(), "mammals")
Print "Remove mammals:"
RemoveKV MyDict(), "mammals"
ShowDict MyDict()
Print "Bring mammals back with Horses AND Dogs,Cats:"
AddAppendDictionary MyDict(), "Mammals", "Horses"
AddAppendDictionary MyDict(), "mammals", "Cats,Dogs"
ShowDict MyDict()
Print "Remove Cats from mammals:"
RemoveValue MyDict(), "mammals", "Cats"
ShowDict MyDict()
Print "Remove Horses from mammals:"
RemoveValue MyDict(), "mammals", "Horses"
ShowDict MyDict()
Print "Remove Unicorns from mammals:"
RemoveValue MyDict(), "mammals", "Unicorns"
ShowDict MyDict()
Print "And finally wipe out mammals again by removing dogs:"
RemoveValue MyDict(), "mammals", "Dogs"
ShowDict MyDict()
' replace 2 TempodiBasic Functions with 1 Sub, to handle both new and modified values for keys and dynamic Dict() dbl string array.
' Now just take ubound of dict() and have number of pairs it contains
Sub AddModDictionary (Dict() As Dictionary, K$, V$)
ReDim ub As Long, i As Long, ky$
ub = UBound(Dict)
ky$ = UCase$(_Trim$(K$)) 'don't change k$ but make case insensitive?
If ky$ <> "" Then ' bullet proof sub routine K$ must not be empty!
If ub = 1 And Dict(1).K = "" Then 'our very first pair!
Dict(1).K = ky$: Dict(1).V = V$: Exit Sub
For i = 1 To ub ' see if we have that name yet
If ky$ = Dict(i).K Then Dict(i).V = V$: Exit Sub ' yes name is registered so change value
'still here? add var name and value to dictionary
ReDim _Preserve Dict(1 To ub + 1) As Dictionary ' create one slot at a time such that ubound = number or pairs
Dict(ub + 1).K = ky$: Dict(ub + 1).V = V$ ' fill it with key and value
End If
End If
End Sub
' fixed for
Function GetValue$ (Dict() As Dictionary, K$)
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(Dict)
If Dict(i).K = UCase$(_Trim$(K$)) Then
GetValue$ = Dict(i).V: Exit Function
End If
End Function
'modified for quick look
Sub ShowDict (Dict() As Dictionary)
Dim i As Long
Print "Dictionary has "; _Trim$(Str$(UBound(Dict))); " items."
For i = 1 To UBound(Dict)
Print i, Dict(i).K, Dict(i).V
Print "zzz... press any to continue"
End Sub
'========================== new stuff 2021-04-07
Sub RemoveKV (Dict() As Dictionary, K$)
Dim As Long i, j
For i = 1 To UBound(Dict)
If Dict(i).K = UCase$(_Trim$(K$)) Then
If i <> UBound(Dict) Then
For j = i + 1 To UBound(Dict)
Swap Dict(j - 1), Dict(j)
End If
ReDim _Preserve Dict(1 To UBound(Dict) - 1) As Dictionary
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
' instead or replacing a value with another we will add the new value delimited by a comma
Sub AddAppendDictionary (Dict() As Dictionary, K$, V$)
ReDim ub As Long, i As Long, ky$
ub = UBound(Dict)
ky$ = UCase$(_Trim$(K$)) 'don't change k$ but make case insensitive?
If ky$ <> "" Then ' bullet proof sub routine K$ must not be empty!
If ub = 1 And Dict(1).K = "" Then 'our very first pair!
Dict(1).K = ky$: Dict(1).V = V$: Exit Sub
For i = 1 To ub ' see if we have that name yet
If ky$ = Dict(i).K Then Dict(i).V = Dict(i).V + "," + V$: Exit Sub ' yes name is registered so change value
'still here? add var name and value to dictionary
ReDim _Preserve Dict(1 To ub + 1) As Dictionary ' create one slot at a time such that ubound = number or pairs
Dict(ub + 1).K = ky$: Dict(ub + 1).V = V$ ' fill it with key and value
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub RemoveValue (Dict() As Dictionary, K$, RemoveV$)
ReDim As Long ub, i, j
ReDim ky$, b$
ub = UBound(Dict)
ky$ = UCase$(_Trim$(K$)) 'don't change k$ but make case insensitive?
If ky$ <> "" Then ' bullet proof sub routine K$ must not be empty!
If ub = 1 And Dict(1).K = "" Then 'our very first pair!
Exit Sub
For i = 1 To ub ' see if we have that name yet
If ky$ = Dict(i).K Then
If InStr(Dict(i).V, ",") > 0 Then
ReDim t$(1 To 1)
Split Dict(i).V, ",", t$()
For j = 1 To UBound(t$)
If t$(j) <> RemoveV$ Then
If b$ = "" Then
b$ = t$(j)
b$ = b$ + "," + t$(j)
End If
End If
Dict(i).V = b$
ElseIf Dict(i).V = RemoveV$ Then
Dict(i).V = ""
End If
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
' note: I buggered this twice now, FOR base 1 array REDIM MyArray (1 to 1) AS ... the (1 to 1) is not same as (1) which was the Blunder!!!
'notes: REDIM the array(0) to be loaded before calling Split '<<<< IMPORTANT dynamic array and empty, can use any lbound though
'This SUB will take a given N delimited string, and delimiter$ and create an array of N+1 strings using the LBOUND of the given dynamic array to load.
'notes: the loadMeArray() needs to be dynamic string array and will not change the LBOUND of the array it is given. rev 2019-08-27
Sub Split (SplitMeString As String, delim As String, loadMeArray() As String)
Dim curpos As Long, arrpos As Long, LD As Long, dpos As Long 'fix use the Lbound the array already has
curpos = 1: arrpos = LBound(loadMeArray): LD = Len(delim)
dpos = InStr(curpos, SplitMeString, delim)
Do Until dpos = 0
loadMeArray(arrpos) = Mid$(SplitMeString, curpos, dpos - curpos)
arrpos = arrpos + 1
If arrpos > UBound(loadMeArray) Then ReDim _Preserve loadMeArray(LBound(loadMeArray) To UBound(loadMeArray) + 1000) As String
curpos = dpos + LD
dpos = InStr(curpos, SplitMeString, delim)
loadMeArray(arrpos) = Mid$(SplitMeString, curpos)
ReDim _Preserve loadMeArray(LBound(loadMeArray) To arrpos) As String 'get the ubound correct
End Sub
I did use Split but for removing or modifying multiple items under a key. K stands for key and V stands for value(s).
b = b + ...