04-08-2023, 04:15 PM
It goes, but: "Locate" does not take into account the positioning by graphic pixels. After what is based on something the positioning after increasing the font size?
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
Screen _NewImage(600, 440, 32)
Dim As Integer schrift
Dim As String text
schrift = _LoadFont("C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\Arial.ttf", 14, "bold")
_Font schrift
'Notwendig fuer Locate Zeile 22
Locate 3, 10
text = String$(20, "X")
'Positionierung in Grafikpixeln!
_PrintString (20, 20), text
'Die Positionierung durch Grafikpixel
'wird NICHT beruecksichtigt.
Locate CsrLin + 2, 10
Print "Screen width is 80 chars"
Locate CsrLin + 2, 297
Print "Middle"
'Neue Schriftgroesse
'Eigenartiges Verhalten bei der Darstellung und Positionierung.
'Nach was richtet die sich?
_Font 16
_PrintString (20, 297), "Middle"
_FreeFont schrift