A cell program which is easier to create than to explain
A chain of 0 and 1 is created in array
and how strip are regrouped into segments in table
what is particularly visible: left column is constant
Meaning: to see if there are patterns among random ones
Formula 0 and 1 Int(Sin(i)+Cos(i)+0.5) or Int(rnd+0.5)
So far we see: computer random normal without patterns
Animations are always small 0.1 MB, I hope they are visible
or I will post them on a file sharing site
Nobel Prize will not receive itself
Nobelevskaya premiya sama sebya ne poluchit
Нобелевская премия сама себя не получит
Le prix Nobel ne se recevra pas
Nobelpreis wird sich nicht erhalten
Il Premio Nobel non ricevera se stesso
A chain of 0 and 1 is created in array
and how strip are regrouped into segments in table
what is particularly visible: left column is constant
Meaning: to see if there are patterns among random ones
Formula 0 and 1 Int(Sin(i)+Cos(i)+0.5) or Int(rnd+0.5)
So far we see: computer random normal without patterns
Code: (Select All)
n = 1000: Dim d(80,80): Randomize Timer ' kletka.bas
Dim a(n): For i = 1 To n: a(i) = Int(rnd+0.5): Next
' wave ' a(i)=Sin(i)+Cos(i)
For k = 60 To 13 Step -1: s = Int(n/k): Screen 12
f = 0: For i = 1 To s: For j = 1 To k ' DANILIN
f = f+1: d(i,j) = a(f): Next: Next: Cls
For i = 1 To s: For j = 1 To k
If d(i,j) = 1 Then c = 7 Else c = 0 'color c=(i+j) Mod 5
For m = 0 To 7:
Line (i*8,j*8+m)-(i*8+7,j*8+m),c
Next: Next: Next
_Delay .5: Next: End
Animations are always small 0.1 MB, I hope they are visible
or I will post them on a file sharing site
Nobel Prize will not receive itself
Nobelevskaya premiya sama sebya ne poluchit
Нобелевская премия сама себя не получит
Le prix Nobel ne se recevra pas
Nobelpreis wird sich nicht erhalten
Il Premio Nobel non ricevera se stesso
Write name of program in 1st line to copy & paste & save filename.bas
Insert program pictures: press print-screen-shot button
Open paint & Paste & Save as PNG
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Russia looks world from future. Big data is peace data.
I never recommend anything & always write only about myself
Insert program pictures: press print-screen-shot button
Open paint & Paste & Save as PNG
Add picture file to program topic
Russia looks world from future. Big data is peace data.
I never recommend anything & always write only about myself