Printing to printer - Linux - LPRINT alternative?
Making solid progress - based off the very helpful info provided by forum members.  Heart

Thus far (working well):
1.  Capture text in lumps - per major print subroutine (8 off them) - write to txt. Some display/print depending on menu choices in the design.
2.  SHELL - rm old files. SHELL cat file1.txt file2.txt >> file_summary.txt etc

To follow:
3.  SHELL linux convert txt->ps
4.  SHELL linux convert ps->pdf
5.  Optional: Launch pdf readers

To follow in future:
6.  Convert main number-crunching subroutines to headless subroutines.
7.  Write: Input GUI -> headless subroutines -> output GUI
8.  Launch multiple runs through headless subroutines -> the rank multiple outcomes based on equipment capital cost.

Folks can follow progress on my Patreon site - it will be updated regularly

Messages In This Thread
RE: Printing to printer - Linux - LPRINT alternative? - by desA - 05-30-2023, 02:34 AM

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