qb=export bbcode now available!
You can now use [ q b = e x p o r t ] {pasted export from QB64 IDE} [ / q b ] to embed QB64 exported source code.

This method of sharing includes hyperlinks to the wiki for keywords, etc.

I could not get the line numbers to be added at this time. I have successfully added them, but I cannot get them to not be selected with the code in the Code (select all) function above the embed.

Better than nothing for now.

@RhoSigma made this feature in QB64 and it's awesome!

To be clear, let's review how we can embed QB64 code in this forum:

  1. Using [ q b ] - This will take any QB64 source and share it with highlighting and line numbers.
  2. Using [ q b = e x p o r t ] - This explicitly takes QB64 source that is Exported to embed bbcode in the code itself and the keywords are linked to the wiki!
  3. Using [ q b j s ] - This allows you to share QB64 source and immediately edit it and run it in an in-thread QBJS IDE embed.

So! No excuses. Pick your method and start sharing!
grymmjack (gj!)
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Messages In This Thread
qb=export bbcode now available! - by grymmjack - 06-09-2023, 01:33 AM
RE: qb=export bbcode now available! - by SMcNeill - 06-09-2023, 03:14 AM
RE: qb=export bbcode now available! - by RhoSigma - 06-09-2023, 06:58 AM
RE: qb=export bbcode now available! - by RhoSigma - 06-14-2023, 08:29 AM
RE: qb=export bbcode now available! - by Jack - 06-09-2023, 01:47 PM

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