That's an interesting idea. In the case of such a command with QB64, I would suggest two more parameters at the end: Source and target screen. This can be done very easily with _PutImage.
Something as this, maybe:
Something as this, maybe:
Code: (Select All)
image& = _NewImage(400, 400, 256)
_Dest image&
Cls , 140
_PrintString (200 - 64, 200 - 8), "12345678"
_Dest 0
Screen _NewImage(1024, 768, 32)
k& = _KeyHit
Select Case k&
Case 18432: Yp = Yp + 10
Case 20480: Yp = Yp - 10
Case 19200: Xp = Xp + 10
Case 19712: Xp = Xp - 10
End Select
Line (311, 153)-(713, 555), _RGB32(255), BF
SCROLL 312, 154, 712, 554, Xp, Yp, image&, _Dest
_Limit 20
Sub SCROLL (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, h%, v%, s&, d&)
Wi% = _Width(s&)
He% = _Height(s&)
_PutImage (x1%, y1%)-(x2%, y2%), s&, d&, (h%, v%)
End Sub