06-25-2023, 06:12 PM
@James D Jarvis
the issue starts from the bug that if you set a position on the screen and then you use a DRAW command to draws a line also of one pixel (S4r1) it draws the pixel of r command plus the pixel of the starting position!
buuut if you see at this your code you get the right output using a simple continue r command without bling moving of the graphic cursor.
in other words you have typed too code, REM out these lines of code
the issue starts from the bug that if you set a position on the screen and then you use a DRAW command to draws a line also of one pixel (S4r1) it draws the pixel of r command plus the pixel of the starting position!
buuut if you see at this your code you get the right output using a simple continue r command without bling moving of the graphic cursor.
Code: (Select All)
Rem 26 06 2023 SOLVED TdB
'scanning a section of the screen converting and writing it with DRAW
'why doesn't it work?
Screen _NewImage(480, 400, 256)
_Console Off
Randomize Timer
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
_PrintString (0, 0), "AB"
'Line (1, 1)-(1, 14), 15
_Delay 0.5
msg$ = "<-- scanning this as a sample image"
_PrintString (40, 0), msg$
x = 0: y = 0
dd$ = ""
wid = 16
ht = 16
Draw "s4"
dd$ = Scan_draw$(x, y, ht, wid)
_Delay 1
Locate 4, 4
Line (40, 0)-(40 + Len(msg$) * 8, 15), 0, BF
msg$ = "ready (press any key)"
_PrintString (0, 100), msg$
Line (0, 100)-(Len(msg$) * 8, 115), 0, BF
Locate 4, 4
Print "Draw Scanned image, Why isn't it drawing correctly?"
Print "Is the problem in the scanning routine or in how draw functions?"
putdraw 50, 0, dd$
drawto_console dd$
Input alldone$
' subroutines for making use of draw strings in 256 color mode.
' color 0 is treated as transpaernt
Sub putdraw (xx, yy, dd$)
Draw "bm" + Str$(xx) + "," + Str$(yy) + dd$
End Sub
Sub drawto_console (dd$)
'program must have console output activated earlier
'prints the string in a clean console window so it may be copied and pasted on any system with console support
sd& = _Dest
_Console On
_Dest _Console
Print dd$
Print "Copy and Paste the above text for future use in DRAW commands"
_Dest sd&
End Sub
Function Scan_draw$ (sx, sy, ht, wid)
'scan a screen area starting at point sx,sy and saving it to the string DRW$ for use in later draw commands
'simply scans each row and tracks color changes
For y = 0 To ht - 1
x = 0
klr = Point(sx + x, sy + y)
n = -1
n = n + 1
nklr = Point(x + n, y)
Loop Until nklr <> klr Or x + n >= wid
'If klr = 0 Then
' dd$ = dd$ + "br" + _Trim$(Str$(n))
dd$ = dd$ + "C" + _Trim$(Str$(klr)) + " " + "R" + _Trim$(Str$(n))
' End If
x = x + n
Loop Until x >= wid
dd$ = dd$ + "bd1bl" + Str$(wid)
Next y
Scan_draw$ = dd$
End Function
Quote:'If klr = 0 Thenand let work the R command!
' dd$ = dd$ + "br" + _Trim$(Str$(n))
' End If
Quote: dd$ = dd$ + "C" + _Trim$(Str$(klr)) + " " + "R" + _Trim$(Str$(n))good continuation of developing you app