"gob·ble·dy·gook" = your instructions when served oatmeal.
@PhilOfPerth I like OldMoses tilted ellipse too, going to compare th STx I posted here
that I think Steve reposted. The Tilted Fill from Steve is different though (pretty complex!).
Don't like "semi axis" stuff which is like an x radius and a y radius for ellipse ie 2 radii for an ellipse as comapred to one for circle. Fitting a tilted ellipse inside a Width Height rectangle is no longer simple.
Now how you do this with Draw commands and without Trig, that's something! But it might be done with Pythagorus and some rotations.
@PhilOfPerth I like OldMoses tilted ellipse too, going to compare th STx I posted here
that I think Steve reposted. The Tilted Fill from Steve is different though (pretty complex!).
Don't like "semi axis" stuff which is like an x radius and a y radius for ellipse ie 2 radii for an ellipse as comapred to one for circle. Fitting a tilted ellipse inside a Width Height rectangle is no longer simple.
Now how you do this with Draw commands and without Trig, that's something! But it might be done with Pythagorus and some rotations.
b = b + ...