Improved my small Gradient Ball drawing SUB
(07-12-2023, 04:32 PM)Dav Wrote: Nice mousey ball shader code by ZXDunny   Really fast too.  I tried doing that last night but mine worked too slow.

Hey Terry!  Sorry for my freaky code.  Blush  BTW, I can't tell you how many times your tutorials have helped me re-learn something.  Thanks x1000.

- Dav

It freaks me out not because of your code, but because of what is does with so little code. I happen to be working on a shading routine for a custom laser beam for games (think BattleStar Galactica Viper type lasers) and I never thought to use the approach as seen in your code. I'm investigating that distance vectoring method now to see if it will work for my code.
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RE: Improved my small Gradient Ball drawing SUB - by TerryRitchie - 07-12-2023, 06:45 PM

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