07-15-2023, 06:33 AM
Nice one James!
I thought players may be curious about the distribution of numbers with the Rnd function, and made a small addition:
I thought players may be curious about the distribution of numbers with the Rnd function, and made a small addition:
Code: (Select All)
'by James D. Jarvis, 5/12/2023 , use as you wish
'demo of asciidie routine rolls 3 dice 6 times and displays total of each roll of the 3 dice
Screen _NewImage(45, 40, 0)
_Font 8 'using font 8 so dice faces show as true squares
_ControlChr Off
Randomize Timer
rl = 0
'-------- need these pre-defined for box subroutine
Dim Shared trc$, tlc$, brc$, blc$, hzb$, vrb$, rl(6) 'strings to keep track of ascii values to display dice face
trc$ = Chr$(191) 'top right corner
tlc$ = Chr$(218) 'top left corner
brc$ = Chr$(217) 'botton right corner
blc$ = Chr$(192) 'bottom left corner
hzb$ = Chr$(196) 'horitzontal bar
vrb$ = Chr$(179) 'vertical bar
Color 15, 0
Do 'demo rolling 3d6 6 times
For r = 1 To 6
d1 = rolld6(3, r * 6 - 5): d2 = rolld6(9, r * 6 - 5): d3 = rolld6(15, r * 6 - 5)
_PrintString (21, r * 6 - 3), "Total Roll = "
_PrintString (36, r * 6 - 3), Str$(d1 + d2 + d3)
Next r
kk$ = waitanykey$
Loop Until kk$ = Chr$(27)
Function waitanykey$ 'uses inkey$ but waits for a return value
_Limit 60
ik$ = InKey$
Loop Until ik$ <> ""
waitanykey$ = ik$
End Function
Function rolld6 (px, py)
'simulate "rolling" a die by calling asciidie repeatedly
' dr = Int(1 + Rnd * 6)
For x = 1 To 6
_Limit 100
dr = Int(1 + Rnd * 6)
asciidie px, py, dr 'displays score dr as a die starting at px,py
Next x
rolld6 = dr
rl(dr) = rl(dr) + 1
Locate 37, 18
Color 14: Print "1 2 3 4 5 6"
Print "Distribution:";
Print: Color 15: Print Tab(14);
For a = 1 To 6: Print Using "#####"; rl(a);: Next
End Function
Sub asciidie (px, py, roll)
'display die face of roll at location px,py
box px, py, 5, 5, " " 'draws a box 5 characters by 5 charcters for display of dice face
Select EveryCase roll
Case 1, 3, 5
_PrintString (px + 2, py + 2), Chr$(7)
Case 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
_PrintString (px + 1, py + 1), Chr$(7)
_PrintString (px + 3, py + 3), Chr$(7)
Case 4, 5, 6
_PrintString (px + 3, py + 1), Chr$(7)
_PrintString (px + 1, py + 3), Chr$(7)
Case 6
_PrintString (px + 1, py + 2), Chr$(7)
_PrintString (px + 3, py + 2), Chr$(7)
End Select
Color 15, 0
End Sub
Sub box (bx, by, ww, hh, ff$)
'draws a box, strings are defined in main program (so they can be changed prior to calling routine)
t$ = tlc$ + String$(ww - 2, hzb$) + trc$
m$ = vrb$ + String$(ww - 2, ff$) + vrb$
b$ = blc$ + String$(ww - 2, hzb$) + brc$
_PrintString (bx, by), t$
For h = 1 To hh - 2
_PrintString (bx, by + h), m$
Next h
_PrintString (bx, by + hh - 1), b$
End Sub
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.)