I use these functions to include all images in my code:
Use like this:
Code: (Select All)
Function image2data (image$)
Const I2DBLOCK = 2048
hImg& = _LoadImage(image$, 32): If hImg& < -1 Then _Source hImg& Else Print "LOAD ERROR": Exit Function
iWidth% = _Width(hImg&): iHeight% = _Height(hImg&)
pathsep$ = Mid$("/\", 1 - (Left$(_OS$, 4) = "[WIN"), 1)
in% = _InStrRev(image$, pathsep$): If in% > 0 Then datafile$ = Mid$(image$, in% + 1) Else datafile$ = image$
in% = _InStrRev(datafile$, "."): If in% > 0 Then lbl$ = Left$(datafile$, in% - 1) Else lbl$ = datafile$
datafile$ = lbl$ + ".img"
Print "Generating "; datafile$; " ("; _Trim$(Str$(iWidth%)); "x"; _Trim$(Str$(iHeight%)); "x32) ... ";
Dim alpha As _Byte, cval As Long, imgArray(iWidth% * iHeight%) As Long
Get (0, 0)-(iWidth% - 1, iHeight% - 1), imgArray(): _Source 0: _FreeImage hImg&
alpha = _Alpha32(imgArray(1)): If alpha = &H10 Then imgArray(1) = imgArray(1) + (2 ^ 24)
cn& = 1: cval = imgArray(1): o$ = String$(4 * iWidth% * iHeight%, 0): opos~& = 1
For n& = 2 To iWidth% * iHeight%
alpha = _Alpha32(imgArray(n&)): If alpha = &H10 Then imgArray(n&) = imgArray(n&) + (2 ^ 24)
it& = n& - cn&
If cval <> imgArray(n&) Or it& = (2 ^ 24) - 1 Then
If it& > 2 Then
Mid$(o$, opos~&, 8) = MKL$(&H10000000 + it&) + MKL$(cval): opos~& = opos~& + 8
ElseIf it& = 2 Then
Mid$(o$, opos~&, 8) = MKL$(cval) + MKL$(cval): opos~& = opos~& + 8
Mid$(o$, opos~&, 4) = MKL$(cval): opos~& = opos~& + 4
End If
cn& = n&: cval = imgArray(n&)
End If
Next n&
it& = n& - cn&
If it& > 2 Then
Mid$(o$, opos~&, 8) = MKL$(&H10000000 + it&) + MKL$(cval): opos~& = opos~& + 8
ElseIf it& = 2 Then
Mid$(o$, opos~&, 8) = MKL$(cval) + MKL$(cval): opos~& = opos~& + 8
Mid$(o$, opos~&, 4) = MKL$(cval): opos~& = opos~& + 4
End If
o64$ = base64encode$(_Deflate$(Left$(o$, opos~& - 1)))
Print Using "##,###,### bytes"; Len(o64$)
Open datafile$ For Output As #1
Print #1, lbl$ + ": '"; image$; "' ("; _Trim$(Str$(iWidth%)); "x"; _Trim$(Str$(iHeight%)); ")"
Print #1, "Data"; RTrim$(Str$(iWidth%)); ","; RTrim$(Str$(iHeight%))
For n& = 1 To Len(o64$) Step I2DBLOCK
Print #1, "Data " + Chr$(34) + Mid$(o64$, n&, I2DBLOCK) + Chr$(34)
Next n&
Print #1, "Data " + Chr$(34) + "*" + Chr$(34)
Print #1, "Restore "; lbl$
Close #1: image2data = -1
End Function
Function data2image&
Read iWidth%, iHeight%
Dim alpha As _Byte, cval As Long, imgArray(iWidth% * iHeight%) As Long: imgArray(0) = iHeight% * 2 ^ 16 + iWidth%
Read lin$: i64$ = String$(6 * iWidth% * iHeight%, 0): i64pos~& = 1
Do While lin$ <> "*"
l& = Len(lin$): Mid$(i64$, i64pos~&, l&) = lin$: i64pos~& = i64pos~& + l&: Read lin$
i$ = _Inflate$(base64decode$(Left$(i64$, i64pos~& - 1))): cn& = -3
Do While n& < iWidth% * iHeight%
cn& = cn& + 4: cval = CVL(Mid$(i$, cn&, 4)): alpha = _Alpha32(cval)
If alpha = &H10 Then
it& = cval - &H10000000: cn& = cn& + 4: cval = CVL(Mid$(i$, cn&, 4))
Do While it& > 0
n& = n& + 1: imgArray(n&) = cval: it& = it& - 1
n& = n& + 1: imgArray(n&) = cval
End If
hImg& = _NewImage(iWidth%, iHeight%, 32): _Dest hImg&: Put (0, 0), imgArray(): _Dest 0: data2image& = hImg&
End Function
Function base64encode$ (b$)
' elke 3 bytes > 4 bytes
' +1 + elke overige byte
d$ = b$: dl~& = Len(d$): d$ = d$ + String$((3 - (Len(b$) Mod 3)) Mod 3, 0): e$ = Space$(_Ceil((dl~& * 4) / 3)): ep~& = 0
For i3~& = 1 To dl~& Step 3
v~& = 0
For p = 0 To 2
c = Asc(Mid$(d$, i3~& + p, 1)): x2~& = 2 ^ ((2 - p) * 8): v~& = v~& + c * x2~&
Next p
For p1 = 3 To 0 Step -1
c1 = v~& \ 2 ^ (p1 * 6): v~& = v~& - c1 * 2 ^ (p1 * 6): ep~& = ep~& + 1
Select Case c1
Case 0 To 25
Mid$(e$, ep~&, 1) = Chr$(c1 + Asc("A"))
Case 26 To 51
Mid$(e$, ep~&, 1) = Chr$(c1 - 26 + Asc("a"))
Case 52 To 61
Mid$(e$, ep~&, 1) = Chr$(c1 - 52 + Asc("0"))
Case 62
Mid$(e$, ep~&, 1) = "+"
Case 63
Mid$(e$, ep~&, 1) = "/"
Case Else
End Select
Next p1
Next i3~&
e$ = Left$(e$, _Ceil((dl~& * 4) / 3)): base64encode$ = e$ + String$((4 - (Len(e$) Mod 4)) Mod 4, "=")
End Function
Function base64decode$ (b$)
' elke 4 bytes > 3 bytes
' + Int(overige bytes*3/4)
e$ = b$ + String$((4 - (Len(b$) Mod 4)) Mod 4, "="): el~& = Len(e$): d$ = Space$(el~& / 4 * 3): dp~& = -2
For i4~& = 1 To el~& Step 4
v~& = 0
For p = 0 To 3
c = Asc(Mid$(e$, i4~& + p, 1)): x2~& = 2 ^ ((3 - p) * 6)
Select Case c
Case Asc("A") To Asc("Z")
v~& = v~& + (c - Asc("A")) * x2~&
Case Asc("a") To Asc("z")
v~& = v~& + (c - Asc("a") + 26) * x2~&
Case Asc("0") To Asc("9")
v~& = v~& + (c - Asc("0") + 52) * x2~&
Case Asc("+")
v~& = v~& + (c - Asc("+") + 62) * x2~&
Case Asc("/")
v~& = v~& + (c - Asc("/") + 63) * x2~&
Case Asc("=")
el~& = el~& - 1
Case Else
End Select
Next p
c1 = v~& \ 2 ^ 16: v~& = v~& - c1 * 2 ^ 16: c2 = v~& \ 2 ^ 8: v~& = v~& - c2 * 2 ^ 8: c3 = v~&: dp~& = dp~& + 3
Mid$(d$, dp~&, 3) = Chr$(c1) + Chr$(c2) + Chr$(c3)
Next i4~&
base64decode$ = Left$(d$, Int(el~& / 4 * 3))
End Function
Use like this:
Code: (Select All)
'Print image2data("E:\TEMP\pattern.png"): End 'Uncomment first time to generate *.img includefile
Screen _NewImage(_DesktopWidth, _DesktopHeight, 32): Do: _Delay .01: Loop Until _ScreenExists: _FullScreen
'$include: 'E:\TEMP\pattern.img'
h& = data2image&: If h& >= 0 Then End
_PutImage (0, 0), h&
45y and 2M lines of MBASIC>BASICA>QBASIC>QBX>QB64 experience