As bplus already elucidated, what I call the _MEM gang. But it's somewhat clunky to some people used to how code looks in C. They prefer Freebasic because those developers desired as close association to C/C++ as possible. It explains the "ZString" type and the folly with using fixed-length strings in UDT's and working with files.
QB64 allows the programmer to do pointer-heavy stuff in C if he/she wanted to. Just include stuff in "dot-H" files and have a matching "DECLARE LIBRARY... END DECLARE" to have subprogram and function prototypes. This is actually done extensively in QB64 itself to expand the language.
QB64 allows the programmer to do pointer-heavy stuff in C if he/she wanted to. Just include stuff in "dot-H" files and have a matching "DECLARE LIBRARY... END DECLARE" to have subprogram and function prototypes. This is actually done extensively in QB64 itself to expand the language.