I am "roquedrivel's" friend.
Yes sometimes I have to correct "their" programs although it might look like I'm the one posting. Wanted to see how far one could get with an interpreter which focuses on graphics. Something like LOGO. Hey there's an idea for another "script"... will have to run it from the input box though.
In fact this was actually an idea for a game I made a few years ago. On Ubuntu Studio 32-bit I forced myself to program in C for the terminal. The program draws a somewhat predictable "maze". The user is directed to give commands, as many as he/she pleases. There is no interaction possible like INKEY$ without "third-party interference", so all the commands have to be typed in at once. Then press [ENTER] and see how far one could get through the maze. Heh cheaters would just enter one command at a time; a real game would find the way to limit that, to maximize the scoring.
I have also turned it into a variation of a program that I'm sure I shared, and JDJ wrote a derrivative of it (separate program) but I can't find it on this forum. I remembered Pete commented on my program. It's a program where the player is put near the center of the screen and has to be moving constantly inside a clear path, while the screen is always scrolling changing the path.
The only difference is the user first inputs the commands how to move and then he/she is set riding a bicycle through poison oak bushes. LOL.
EDIT: on the other forum don't pay attention where "roquedrivel" said I proposed Linux Mint and I was using it ROFLMAO I despise that distro. That's why I started a thread in Off Topic of this forum to get some feedback about it, but because I obtained very few answers about experience, it hasn't really changed my mind about something that was one of the most garbage Linux distros for me last year. Only for me, on my equipment. Recently quit a forum which has people full of that distro and aren't very tolerant, because they style themselves a "technical" forum. I was checking out something with a brand new installation of Debian MATE "Bullseye" without non-free firmware, and "roquedrivel" insisted on that. I had to go get for "them" the "other" ISO, with the Wifi drivers and that other joint.
Yes sometimes I have to correct "their" programs although it might look like I'm the one posting. Wanted to see how far one could get with an interpreter which focuses on graphics. Something like LOGO. Hey there's an idea for another "script"... will have to run it from the input box though.
In fact this was actually an idea for a game I made a few years ago. On Ubuntu Studio 32-bit I forced myself to program in C for the terminal. The program draws a somewhat predictable "maze". The user is directed to give commands, as many as he/she pleases. There is no interaction possible like INKEY$ without "third-party interference", so all the commands have to be typed in at once. Then press [ENTER] and see how far one could get through the maze. Heh cheaters would just enter one command at a time; a real game would find the way to limit that, to maximize the scoring.
I have also turned it into a variation of a program that I'm sure I shared, and JDJ wrote a derrivative of it (separate program) but I can't find it on this forum. I remembered Pete commented on my program. It's a program where the player is put near the center of the screen and has to be moving constantly inside a clear path, while the screen is always scrolling changing the path.
The only difference is the user first inputs the commands how to move and then he/she is set riding a bicycle through poison oak bushes. LOL.
EDIT: on the other forum don't pay attention where "roquedrivel" said I proposed Linux Mint and I was using it ROFLMAO I despise that distro. That's why I started a thread in Off Topic of this forum to get some feedback about it, but because I obtained very few answers about experience, it hasn't really changed my mind about something that was one of the most garbage Linux distros for me last year. Only for me, on my equipment. Recently quit a forum which has people full of that distro and aren't very tolerant, because they style themselves a "technical" forum. I was checking out something with a brand new installation of Debian MATE "Bullseye" without non-free firmware, and "roquedrivel" insisted on that. I had to go get for "them" the "other" ISO, with the Wifi drivers and that other joint.