Everybody's heard about the blurred
Doing some reading up on gaussian blur this evening. Here's my go at the algorithm as I understand it.

Code: (Select All)
'OldMoses' first attempt at Gaussian Blur algorithm
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(1024, 512, 32)
b& = _LOADIMAGE("bird sample.jpg", 32)
r& = _NEWIMAGE(_WIDTH(b&), _HEIGHT(b&), 32)

'seeding matrix  (7:1) x (1:7)
DIM a%(-3 TO 3)
a%(-3) = 1: a%(-2) = 2: a%(-1) = 4: a%(0) = 8: a%(1) = 4: a%(2) = 2: a%(3) = 1

'alpha multiplier matrix kernel (7:7)
FOR x% = LBOUND(kern%, 1) TO UBOUND(kern%, 1) '                 iterate kernel matrix columns
    FOR y% = LBOUND(kern%, 2) TO UBOUND(kern%, 2) '             iterate kernel matrix rows
        kern%(x%, y%) = a%(x%) * a%(y%) '                       seed the gaussian kernel position
NEXT y%, x%
mult! = 255 / kern%(0, 0) '                                     set a multiplier to prevent alpha bleed through

'display clear image, create and display blurred image
_PUTIMAGE (1, 1), b& '                                          place clear bird image on left of mainscreen
FOR ox% = 0 TO _WIDTH(b&) - 1 '
    FOR oy% = 0 TO _HEIGHT(b&) - 1 '
        _SOURCE b& '                                            source: clear bird image
        c~& = POINT(ox%, oy%) '                                 get source pixel color at (ox%, oy%)
        _DEST r& '                                              destination: blurred receiving image
        FOR x% = LBOUND(kern%, 1) TO UBOUND(kern%, 1) '         apply the alpha matrix around original point
            FOR y% = LBOUND(kern%, 2) TO UBOUND(kern%, 2)
                PSET (ox% + x%, oy% + y%), _RGBA32(_RED32(c~&), _GREEN32(c~&), _BLUE32(c~&), mult! * kern%(x%, y%))
        NEXT y%, x%
NEXT oy%, ox%
_DEST 0 '                                                       destination back to mainscreen
_PUTIMAGE (_WIDTH(0) - _WIDTH(r&) - 2, 1), r& '                 place blurred receiving image on right of mainscreen

Attached Files Image(s)

Messages In This Thread
Everybody's heard about the blurred - by OldMoses - 07-26-2023, 01:32 AM
RE: Everybody's heard about the blurred - by Dav - 07-26-2023, 03:47 AM
RE: Everybody's heard about the blurred - by Dav - 07-26-2023, 06:24 PM
RE: Everybody's heard about the blurred - by Dav - 07-27-2023, 11:07 PM
RE: Everybody's heard about the blurred - by Dav - 07-28-2023, 10:19 PM

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