08-13-2023, 07:06 PM
Hi Charlie,
Here is something I saved from our fearless leader (Steve), it might be of help or at least of interest:
It doesn't run too long so your time is not wasted ;-))
Here is something I saved from our fearless leader (Steve), it might be of help or at least of interest:
Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
For i = 1 To 50
Line (Rnd * 800, Rnd * 600)-(Rnd * 800, Rnd * 600), _RGB(Rnd * 256, Rnd * 256, Rnd * 256), BF
Fill_It "(100,100)-(200,200)-(300,500)-(200,150)-(100,100)", "(115,110)", -1
Fill_It "(400,400)-(600,400)-(400,550)-(600,550)-(400,400)", "(425,405),(425,545)", &HFFFFFF00
Sub Fill_It (DrawPoint$, FillPoint$, Kolor As _Unsigned Long)
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim temp As Long: temp = _NewImage(_Width, _Height, 32)
d = _Dest
_Dest temp
temp$ = DrawPoint$: temp2$ = FillPoint$
GetPoint temp$, x, y
PSet (x, y), Kolor
Do Until temp$ = ""
GetPoint temp$, x, y
Line -(x, y), Kolor
GetPoint temp2$, x, y
Paint (x, y), Kolor
Do Until Left$(temp2$, 1) <> ","
temp2$ = Mid$(temp2$, 2)
GetPoint temp2$, x, y
Paint (x, y), Kolor
_PutImage (0, 0), temp, d
_Dest d
_FreeImage temp
End Sub
Sub GetPoint (s$, x As Long, y As Long)
l = InStr(s$, ")")
l$ = LTrim$(Left$(s$, l - 1))
s$ = Mid$(s$, l + 1)
If Left$(l$, 1) = "-" Then l$ = Mid$(l$, 2)
If Left$(l$, 1) = "(" Then l$ = Mid$(l$, 2)
x = Val(l$)
y = Val(Mid$(l$, InStr(l$, ",") + 1))
End Sub
It doesn't run too long so your time is not wasted ;-))
b = b + ...