08-22-2023, 09:38 PM
Thanks, @johnno56.
Adding the scrolling stars image presented a problem. Lost all the lazy-haze look to it because of the stars image draws. Had to resort to a _PUTIMAGE screen blur trick at the end to bring blurriness back somewhat. I prefer the old look, but moving stars does add another interest. Here's the new one with moving star background.
- Dav
Adding the scrolling stars image presented a problem. Lost all the lazy-haze look to it because of the stars image draws. Had to resort to a _PUTIMAGE screen blur trick at the end to bring blurriness back somewhat. I prefer the old look, but moving stars does add another interest. Here's the new one with moving star background.
- Dav
Code: (Select All)
'Screesaver of Orbs pulsating in space
'Coded by Dav for QB64-PE, AUGUST/2023
'v2 - added scrolling stars background
' - orbs get new x/y position after shrinking away
' - had to change alpha values of plasma cloud and orbs,
' because of scrolling stars background. It's different.
' - Uses _PUTIMAGE screen trick to blur final _DISPLAY
Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(1000, 640, 32)
'=== orb settings
orbs = 60 'number of orbs on screen
OrbSizeMin = 5 'smallest size an orb can get
OrbSizeMax = 60 'largest size an orb can get
Dim OrbX(orbs), OrbY(orbs), OrbSize(orbs), OrbGrowth(orbs), OrbDir(orbs)
'=== generate some random orb values
For i = 1 To orbs
OrbX(i) = Rnd * _Width 'x pos
OrbY(i) = Rnd * _Height 'y pos
OrbSize(i) = OrbSizeMin + (Rnd * (OrbSizeMax - OrbSizeMin)) 'orb size
OrbGrowth(i) = Int(Rnd * 2) 'way orb is changing, 0=shrinking, 1=growing
OrbDir(i) = Int(Rnd * 4) 'random direction orb can drift (4 different ways)
'=== make a space background image
For i = 1 To 100000
PSet (Rnd * _Width, Rnd * _Height), _RGBA(0, 0, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 225)
For i = 1 To 1000
x = Rnd * _Width: y = Rnd * _Height
Line (x, y)-(x + Rnd * 3, y + Rnd * 3), _RGBA(192, 192, 255, Rnd * 175), BF
'=== grab screen image for repeated use
back& = _CopyImage(_Display)
BackX = 0
'=== scroll starry background first
_PutImage (BackX, 0)-(BackX + _Width, _Height), back&
_PutImage (BackX - _Width, 0)-(BackX, _Height), back&
BackX = BackX + 4: If BackX >= _Width Then BackX = 0
'=== draw moving plasma curtain next
t = Timer
For x = 0 To _Width Step 3
For y = 0 To _Height Step 3
b = Sin(x / (_Width / 2) + t + y / (_Height / 2))
b = b * (Sin(1.1 * t) * (_Height / 2) - y + (_Height / 2))
Line (x, y)-Step(2, 2), _RGBA(b / 3, 0, b, 50), BF
Next: t = t + .085
'=== now process all the orbs
For i = 1 To orbs
'=== draw orb on screen
For y2 = OrbY(i) - OrbSize(i) To OrbY(i) + OrbSize(i) Step 3
For x2 = OrbX(i) - OrbSize(i) To OrbX(i) + OrbSize(i) Step 3
'make gradient plasma color
If Sqr((x2 - OrbX(i)) ^ 2 + (y2 - OrbY(i)) ^ 2) <= OrbSize(i) Then
clr = (OrbSize(i) - (Sqr((x2 - OrbX(i)) * (x2 - OrbX(i)) + (y2 - OrbY(i)) * (y2 - OrbY(i))))) / OrbSize(i)
r = Sin(6.005 * t) * OrbSize(i) - y2 + OrbSize(i) + 255
g = Sin(3.001 * t) * OrbSize(i) - x2 + OrbSize(i) + 255
b = Sin(2.001 * x2 / OrbSize(i) + t + y2 / OrbSize(i)) * r + 255
Line (x2, y2)-Step(2, 2), _RGBA(clr * r, clr * g, clr * b, 30 + Rnd * 25), BF
End If
'=== change orb values
'if orb is shrinking, subtract from size, else add to it
If OrbGrowth(i) = 0 Then OrbSize(i) = OrbSize(i) - 1 Else OrbSize(i) = OrbSize(i) + 1
'if orb reaches maximum size, switch growth value to 0 to start shrinking now
If OrbSize(i) >= OrbSizeMax Then OrbGrowth(i) = 0
'if orb reaches minimum size, switch growth value to 1 to start growing now
'and reset x/y pos
If OrbSize(i) <= OrbSizeMin Then
OrbGrowth(i) = 1
OrbX(i) = Rnd * _Width
OrbY(i) = Rnd * _Height
End If
'creates the shakiness. randomly adjust x/y positions by +/-3 each
If Int(Rnd * 2) = 0 Then OrbX(i) = OrbX(i) + 3 Else OrbX(i) = OrbX(i) - 3
If Int(Rnd * 2) = 0 Then OrbY(i) = OrbY(i) + 3 Else OrbY(i) = OrbY(i) - 3
'drift orb in 1 of 4 directions we generated, and +x,-x,+y,-y to it.
If OrbDir(i) = 0 Then OrbX(i) = OrbX(i) + 2 'drift right
If OrbDir(i) = 1 Then OrbX(i) = OrbX(i) - 2 'drift left
If OrbDir(i) = 2 Then OrbY(i) = OrbY(i) + 2 'drift down
If OrbDir(i) = 3 Then OrbY(i) = OrbY(i) - 2 'drift up
'below handles if ball goes off screen, let it dissapear completely
If OrbX(i) > _Width + OrbSize(i) Then OrbX(i) = -OrbSize(i)
If OrbX(i) < -OrbSize(i) Then OrbX(i) = _Width + OrbSize(i)
If OrbY(i) > _Height + OrbSize(i) Then OrbY(i) = -OrbSize(i)
If OrbY(i) < -OrbSize(i) Then OrbY(i) = _Height + OrbSize(i)
'== screen blur trick to make it more misty looking
tmpback& = _CopyImage(_Display)
_SetAlpha 50, , tmpback&
_PutImage (-1, 0), tmpback&: _PutImage (1, 0), tmpback&
_PutImage (0, -1), tmpback&: _PutImage (0, 1), tmpback&
_PutImage (-1, -1), tmpback&: _PutImage (1, -1), tmpback&
_FreeImage tmpback&
_Limit 15
Loop Until InKey$ <> ""