05-15-2022, 02:35 PM
Here is a demo of Text sub
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Demo Text Sub" ' b+ 2022-05-15
Const w = 1024, h = 600, wd2 = 512, hd2 = 300
Screen _NewImage(w, h, 32)
_ScreenMove 80, 0
txt$ = "Hello World"
For textHeight = 1 To hd2 / 2
r = 255 * textHeight / (hd2 / 2)
Text wd2 - .5 * (textHeight / 16) * 8 * Len(txt$), hd2 - textHeight / 2, textHeight, _RGB32(r, 0, 255 - r), txt$
_Limit 30
Sub Text (x, y, textHeight, K As _Unsigned Long, txt$)
Dim fg As _Unsigned Long, cur&, I&, multi, xlen
fg = _DefaultColor
cur& = _Dest
I& = _NewImage(8 * Len(txt$), 16, 32)
_Dest I&
Color K, _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 0)
_PrintString (0, 0), txt$
multi = textHeight / 16
xlen = Len(txt$) * 8 * multi
_PutImage (x, y)-Step(xlen, textHeight), I&, cur&
Color fg
_FreeImage I&
End Sub
b = b + ...