To me, everyone has missed the mark as far as measures of an angle.
We should use FOC's = Fraction Of a Circle, range from 0 to 1, thus a semi-circle is .5, a 90 degree angle is .25, 45 degrees, .125. 2 would be 2 circles...
Way more intuitive than the crap we use now, 360 degrees is a bit arbitrary and should go the way of the Babylonians from whence it came.
Divide a Radian measure by 2*Pi and you have the FOC, divide a Degree angle by 360 and you have the FOC.
We should use FOC's = Fraction Of a Circle, range from 0 to 1, thus a semi-circle is .5, a 90 degree angle is .25, 45 degrees, .125. 2 would be 2 circles...
Way more intuitive than the crap we use now, 360 degrees is a bit arbitrary and should go the way of the Babylonians from whence it came.
Divide a Radian measure by 2*Pi and you have the FOC, divide a Degree angle by 360 and you have the FOC.
b = b + ...