CRC-32 : I got this code from the site rosettacode. I added some code to test the processing speed with QB64 compiled with the O3 option and the original version.
6.7x seconds : program compiled with qb64 -O3
17.6x seconds : program compiled with original qb64
here the speed gain is clearly visible.
6.7x seconds : program compiled with qb64 -O3
17.6x seconds : program compiled with original qb64
here the speed gain is clearly visible.
Code: (Select All)
' Rosetta Code - CRC-32
Dim tab$(19)
tab$(0) = "malevolently malevolous malexecution malfeasance malfeasant malfeasantly malfeasants malfeasor overwon"
tab$(1) = "malfed malformation malformations malformed malfortune malfunction malfunctioned malfunctioning overwood"
tab$(2) = "malgovernment nonemotionalism nonemotionally verwing overwinning overwinter overwintered overwintering"
tab$(3) = "nonemanating nonemancipation nonemancipative nonembarkation nonembellished nonembellishing overwiped"
tab$(4) = "nonembellishment nonembezzlement nonembryonal nonembryonic nonembryonically nonemendable overwithered"
tab$(5) = "nonemendation nonemergence nonemergent nonemigrant nonemigration nonemission nonemotional overwomanize"
tab$(6) = "overwisdom overwise overwisely overwoman overwomanly overwooded overwoody overword overwords overwore"
tab$(7) = "overwork segreant segregable segregant segregate segregated segregatedly segregatedness segregateness"
tab$(8) = "segregates segregating segregation segregational segregationist segregationists segregative segregator"
tab$(9) = "teleostean teleostei teleosteous teleostomate teleostome teleostomi teleostomian teleostomous teleosts"
tab$(10) = "teleotemporal teleotrocha teleozoic teleozoon telepath telepathy telepathic telepathically telepathies"
tab$(11) = "telepathist telepathize nffroze unfibbed unfibbing unfiber unfibered unfibred unfibrous unfibrously"
tab$(12) = "unfickle unfictitious unfictitiously unfictitiousness unfidelity unfidgeting unfiducial unfielded"
tab$(13) = "unfiend unfiendlike unfierce unfiercely unfiery unfight unfightable unfighting unfigurable unfigured"
tab$(14) = "zulus zumatic zumbooruk zuni zunian zunyite zunis zupanate zurich zurlite zutugil zuurveldt zuza"
tab$(15) = "zwanziger zwieback zwiebacks zwieselite zwinglian zwinglianism zwinglianist zwitter zwitterion"
tab$(16) = "zwitterionic cognovits cogon cogonal cogons cogovernment cogovernor cogracious cograil cogrediency"
tab$(17) = "cogredient cogroad cogs cogswellia coguarantor coguardian cogue cogway cogways cogware cogweel"
tab$(18) = "cogweels cogwheel cogwheels xiphistna xiphisura xiphisuran xiphiura xiphius xiphocostal xiphodynia"
tab$(19) = "xiphodon xiphodontidae xiphoid xyphoid xiphoidal xiphoidian xiphoids xiphopagic xiphopagous xiphopagus"
Color 7: Print "Wait..."
Color 2: Print: Print " generation of test string..."
Dim tabch$(15)
For boucle% = 1 To 15
chaine$ = ""
For i = 1 To 10000
chaine$ = chaine$ + tab$(Rnd * 19)
Next i
tabch$(boucle%) = chaine$
Next boucle%
Dim hash$(15)
Color 3: Print: Print " crc calculation 100 times in : ";
start = Timer(.001)
For nbr% = 1 To 100
For boucle% = 1 To 15
chaine$ = tabch$(boucle%)
hash$(boucle%) = Hex$(crc32(chaine$))
Next boucle%
Next nbr%
Print Timer(.001) - start; "seconds"
Color 14: Print
For boucle% = 1 To 15: Print " "; hash$(boucle%): Next boucle%
Color 7
Function crc32~& (buf As String)
Static table(255) As _Unsigned Long
Static have_table As _Byte
Dim crc As _Unsigned Long, k As _Unsigned Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
If have_table = 0 Then
For i = 0 To 255
k = i
For j = 0 To 7
If (k And 1) Then
k = _SHR(k, 1)
k = k Xor &HEDB88320
k = _SHR(k, 1)
End If
table(i) = k
have_table = -1
End If
crc = Not crc ' crc = &Hffffffff
For i = 1 To Len(buf)
crc = (_SHR(crc, 8)) Xor table((crc And &HFF) Xor Asc(buf, i))
crc32~& = Not crc
End Function