05-23-2022, 04:15 AM
Code: (Select All)
On Error GoTo errorchecker
GoTo skip_errorchecker
glitch = glitch + 1
Locate 8 + glitch, 1
Print "Glitch in a file somewhere. Something didn't get downloaded properly. :P"
Resume Next
Dim Shared Cache_Folder As String
Cache_Folder$ = "./"
If InStr(_OS$, "WIN") = 0 Then Cache_Folder$ = ".\"
'If _DirExists(Cache_Folder$) = 0 Then MkDir Cache_Folder$
Dim Shared Help_sx, Help_sy, Help_cx, Help_cy
Dim Shared Help_Select, Help_cx1, Help_cy1, Help_SelX1, Help_SelX2, Help_SelY1, Help_SelY2
Dim Shared Help_MSelect
Help_sx = 1: Help_sy = 1: Help_cx = 1: Help_cy = 1
Dim Shared Help_wx1, Help_wy1, Help_wx2, Help_wy2 'defines the text section of the help window on-screen
Dim Shared Help_ww, Help_wh 'width & height of text region
Dim Shared help_h, help_w 'width & height
Dim Shared Help_Txt$ '[chr][col][link-byte1][link-byte2]
Dim Shared Help_Txt_Len
Dim Shared Help_Line$ 'index of first txt element of a line
Dim Shared Help_Link$ 'the link info [sep][type:]...[sep]
Dim Shared Help_Link_Sep$: Help_Link_Sep$ = Chr$(13)
Dim Shared Help_LinkN
Dim Shared Help_NewLineIndent
Dim Shared Help_Underline
'Link Types:
' PAGE:wikipagename
' EXTL:external link url
Dim Shared Help_Pos, Help_Wrap_Pos
Dim Shared Help_BG_Col
Dim Shared Help_Col_Normal: Help_Col_Normal = 7
Dim Shared Help_Col_Link: Help_Col_Link = 9
Dim Shared Help_Col_Bold: Help_Col_Bold = 15
Dim Shared Help_Col_Italic: Help_Col_Italic = 15
Dim Shared Help_Col_Section: Help_Col_Section = 8
Dim Shared Help_Bold, Help_Italic, Help_DList
Dim Shared Help_LockWrap, Help_LockParse
Dim Shared Help_Center, Help_CIndent$
ReDim Shared Help_LineLen(1)
ReDim Shared Back$(1)
ReDim Shared Back_Name$(1)
Type Help_Back_Type
sx As Long
sy As Long
cx As Long
cy As Long
End Type
ReDim Shared Help_Back(1) As Help_Back_Type
Back$(1) = "QB64 Help Menu"
Back_Name$(1) = Back2BackName$(Back$(1))
Help_Back(1).sx = 1: Help_Back(1).sy = 1: Help_Back(1).cx = 1: Help_Back(1).cy = 1
Dim Shared Help_Back_Pos
Help_Back_Pos = 1
Dim Shared Help_Search_Time As Double
Dim Shared Help_Search_Str As String
Dim Shared Help_PageLoaded As String
Dim Shared Help_Recaching, Help_IgnoreCache
'Unicode replacements
Type wikiUtf8Replace
utf8 As String * 4 '= MKI$(reversed hex 2-byte UTF-8 sequence) or MKL$(reversed hex 3/4-byte UTF-8 sequence)
repl As String * 8 '= replacement string (1-8 chars)
End Type
Dim Shared wpUtfRepl(0 To 50) As wikiUtf8Replace
Dim Shared wpUtfReplCnt: wpUtfReplCnt = -1 'wpUtfRepl index counter (pre-increment, hence
'you don't need "wpUtfReplCnt - 1" when used in loops, just do "0 TO wpUtfReplCnt"
'Note: All UTF-8 values must be reversed in MKI$/MKL$, as it flips them to little endian.
' In the wiki text they are noted in big endian, hence we need to pre-flip them.
'2-byte sequences
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HA9C2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = "(c)" 'copyright
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HA9C3): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(130) 'accent (é)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HA2C3): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(131) 'accent (â)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HA0C3): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(133) 'accent (à)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HA5C3): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(134) 'accent (å)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HA7C3): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(135) 'accent (ç)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HAAC3): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(136) 'accent (ê)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HABC3): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(137) 'accent (ë)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HA8C3): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(138) 'accent (è)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HAFC3): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(139) 'accent (ï)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HAEC3): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(140) 'accent (î)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HA2C2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(155) 'cents (ø)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HBDC2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(171) 'fraction (½)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HBCC2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(172) 'fraction (¼)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKI$(&HA0C2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(255) 'non-breaking space
'3-byte sequences
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&HA680E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = "..." 'ellipsis
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H8C94E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(218) 'single line draw (top/left corner)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H9094E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(191) 'single line draw (top/right corner)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H9494E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(192) 'single line draw (bottom/left corner)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H9894E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(217) 'single line draw (bottom/right corner)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H8094E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(196) 'single line draw (horizontal line)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H8294E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(179) 'single line draw (vertical line)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&HB494E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(193) 'single line draw (hori. line + up connection)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&HAC94E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(194) 'single line draw (hori. line + down connection)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&HA494E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(180) 'single line draw (vert. line + left connection)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H9C94E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(195) 'single line draw (vert. line + right connection)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&HBC94E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(197) 'single line draw (hori./vert. line cross)
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&HB296E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(30) 'triangle up
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&HBC96E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(31) 'triangle down
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H8497E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(17) 'triangle left
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&HBA96E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(16) 'triangle right
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H9186E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(24) 'arrow up
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H9386E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(25) 'arrow down
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H9086E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(27) 'arrow left
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H9286E2): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = Chr$(26) 'arrow right
'4-byte sequences
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H80989FF0): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = ":)" 'smily
wpUtfReplCnt = wpUtfReplCnt + 1: wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).utf8 = MKL$(&H88989FF0): wpUtfRepl(wpUtfReplCnt).repl = ";)" 'wink
'========= END OF WIKI.BI
updatestep = 1
Do 'main loop
'-------- custom display changes --------
'update steps
Select Case updatestep
Case 1
Print "Generating list of cached content..."
Case 2
Print "Adding core help pages to list..."
Case 3
Print "Regenerating keyword list..."
Case 4
Print "Building download queue..."
Case 5
Locate 8, 1: Print "Updating help content file...";
End Select
If updatestep = 5 Then
maxprogresswidth = 52 'arbitrary
percentage = Int(n / c * 100)
percentagechars = Int(maxprogresswidth * n / c)
'percentageMsg$ = "[" + STRING$(percentagechars, 254) + SPACE$(maxprogresswidth - percentagechars) + "]" + STR$(percentage) + "%"
percentageMsg$ = Str$(percentage) + "%"
Print percentageMsg$
ElseIf updatestep = 6 Then
percentageMsg$ = " 100%"
Print percentageMsg$
End If
'-------- end of custom display changes --------
'-------- update routine -------------------------------------
Select Case updatestep
Case 1
'Create a list of all files to be recached
f$ = Chr$(0)
'Prepend core pages to list
f$ = Chr$(0) + "Keyword_Reference_-_By_usage.txt" + f$
f$ = Chr$(0) + "QB64_Help_Menu.txt" + f$
f$ = Chr$(0) + "QB64_FAQ.txt" + f$
updatestep = updatestep + 1
Case 2
updatestep = updatestep + 1
Case 3
'Download and PARSE alphabetical index to build required F1 help links
FullMessage$(1) = "Regenerating keyword list..."
Help_Recaching = 1: Help_IgnoreCache = 1
Print "Downloading: Keyword Reference - Alphabetical "
a$ = Wiki$("Keyword Reference - Alphabetical")
Help_Recaching = 0: Help_IgnoreCache = 0
WikiParse a$
fh1 = FreeFile
Open "Keyword_Reference_-_Alphabetical_1000000_100000000_-_100000000000.txt" For Binary As #fh1
temp$ = Space$(LOF(fh1))
Get #fh1, 1, temp$
Close #fh1
Open "links.txt" For Output As #fh1
p = InStr(p + 2, temp$, "]]")
If p = 0 Then Exit Do
p1 = _InStrRev(p, temp$, "[[")
If p1 < oldp Or p1 = 0 Then Exit Do
l$ = Mid$(temp$, p1 + 2, p - p1 - 2)
If Left$(l$, 1) = "_" Then l$ = Mid$(l$, 2)
If Left$(l$, 1) <> "#" Then Print #fh1, l$
oldp = p + 2
Close #fh1
updatestep = updatestep + 1
Case 4
'Add all linked pages to download list (if not already in list)
fh = FreeFile
Open "links.txt" For Input As #fh
Do Until EOF(fh)
Line Input #fh, l$
If Len(l$) Then
c = InStr(l$, ","): l$ = Right$(l$, Len(l$) - c)
'Escape all invalid and other critical chars in filenames
PageName2$ = ""
For i = 1 To Len(l$)
c = Asc(l$, i)
Select Case c
Case 32 ' '(space)
PageName2$ = PageName2$ + "_"
Case 34, 38, 42, 47, 58, 60, 62, 63, 92, 124 '("&*/:<>?\|)
PageName2$ = PageName2$ + "%" + Hex$(c)
Case Else
PageName2$ = PageName2$ + Chr$(c)
End Select
PageName2$ = PageName2$ + ".txt"
If InStr(f$, Chr$(0) + PageName2$ + Chr$(0)) = 0 Then
f$ = f$ + PageName2$ + Chr$(0)
End If
End If
Close #fh
'Redownload all listed files
If f$ <> Chr$(0) Then
c = 0 'count files to download
For x = 2 To Len(f$)
If Asc(f$, x) = 0 Then c = c + 1
c = c - 1
f$ = Right$(f$, Len(f$) - 1)
z$ = Chr$(0)
n = 0
GoTo stoprecache
End If
FullMessage$(2) = ""
updatestep = updatestep + 1
Case 5
If Len(f$) > 0 Then
x2 = InStr(f$, z$)
f2$ = Left$(f$, x2 - 1): f$ = Right$(f$, Len(f$) - x2)
If Right$(f2$, 4) = ".txt" Then
f2$ = Left$(f2$, Len(f2$) - 4)
n = n + 1
FullMessage$(2) = "Page title: " + f2$
Help_IgnoreCache = 1: Help_Recaching = 1: ignore$ = Wiki(f2$): Help_Recaching = 0: Help_IgnoreCache = 0
End If
updatestep = updatestep + 1
End If
Case 6
FullMessage$(1) = "All pages updated."
FullMessage$(2) = ""
Print "Finished!"
_Limit 20
End Select
'-------- end of update routine ------------------------------
mousedown = 0
mouseup = 0
'========= START OF WIKI.BM
Function Back2BackName$ (a$)
If a$ = "Keyword Reference - Alphabetical" Then Back2BackName$ = "Alphabetical": Exit Function
If a$ = "Keyword Reference - By usage" Then Back2BackName$ = "By Usage": Exit Function
If a$ = "QB64 Help Menu" Then Back2BackName$ = "Help": Exit Function
If a$ = "QB64 FAQ" Then Back2BackName$ = "FAQ": Exit Function
Back2BackName$ = a$
End Function
Function Wiki$ (PageName$) 'Read cached wiki page (download, if not yet cached)
Help_PageLoaded$ = PageName$
'Escape all invalid and other critical chars in filenames
PageName2$ = ""
For i = 1 To Len(PageName$)
c = Asc(PageName$, i)
Select Case c
Case 32 ' '(space)
PageName2$ = PageName2$ + "_"
Case 34, 38, 42, 47, 58, 60, 62, 63, 92, 124 '("&*/:<>?\|)
PageName2$ = PageName2$ + "%" + Hex$(c)
Case Else
PageName2$ = PageName2$ + Chr$(c)
End Select
PageName3$ = wikiSafeName$(PageName2$) 'case independent name
'Is this page in the cache?
If Help_IgnoreCache = 0 Then
If _FileExists(Cache_Folder$ + PageName3$ + ".txt") Then
fh = FreeFile
Open Cache_Folder$ + PageName3$ + ".txt" For Binary As #fh
a$ = Space$(LOF(fh))
Get #fh, , a$
Close #fh
chr13 = InStr(a$, Chr$(13))
removedchr13 = 0
Do While chr13 > 0
removedchr13 = -1
a$ = Left$(a$, chr13 - 1) + Mid$(a$, chr13 + 1)
chr13 = InStr(a$, Chr$(13))
If removedchr13 Then
fh = FreeFile
Open Cache_Folder$ + PageName3$ + ".txt" For Output As #fh: Close #fh
Open Cache_Folder$ + PageName3$ + ".txt" For Binary As #fh
Put #fh, 1, a$
Close #fh
End If
Wiki$ = a$
Exit Function
End If
End If
'Check for curl
If _ShellHide("curl --version") <> 0 Then
Print "Can not find cURL. Terminating program."
_Delay 3
End If
'Download message (Status Bar)
If Help_Recaching = 0 Then
a$ = "Downloading '" + PageName$ + "' page..."
If Len(a$) > 60 Then a$ = Left$(a$, 57) + String$(3, 250)
If Len(a$) < 60 Then a$ = a$ + Space$(60 - Len(a$))
Color 0, 3
Print a$
End If
'Url query and output arguments for curl
url$ = Chr$(34) + "https://www.qb64phoenix.com/qb64wiki/index.php?title=" + PageName2$ + "&action=edit" + Chr$(34)
outputFile$ = Cache_Folder$ + PageName3$ + ".txt"
'Wikitext delimiters
s1$ = "name=" + Chr$(34) + "wpTextbox1" + Chr$(34) + ">"
s2$ = "</textarea>"
'Download page using curl
Shell _Hide "curl -o " + Chr$(34) + outputFile$ + Chr$(34) + " " + url$
fh = FreeFile
Open outputFile$ For Binary As #fh 'get new content
a$ = Space$(LOF(fh))
Get #fh, 1, a$
Close #fh
'Find wikitext in the downloaded page
s1 = InStr(a$, s1$)
If s1 > 0 Then a$ = Mid$(a$, s1 + Len(s1$)): s2 = InStr(a$, s2$): Else s2 = 0
If s2 > 0 Then a$ = Left$(a$, s2 - 1)
If s1 > 0 And s2 > 0 And a$ <> "" Then
'If wikitext was found, then substitute stuff & save it
'--- first HTML specific entities
While InStr(a$, "&") > 0 ' '& must be first and looped until all
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "&", "&") 'multi-escapes are resolved (eg. &lt; &amp;lt; etc.)
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "<", "<")
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, ">", ">")
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, """, Chr$(34))
'--- then other entities
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "|", "|")
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "π", Chr$(227))
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "θ", Chr$(233))
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "¹", Chr$(252))
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "²", Chr$(253))
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, " ", Chr$(255))
'--- useless styles in blocks
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "Start}}'' ''", "Start}}")
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "Start}} '' ''", "Start}}")
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "Start}}" + Chr$(10) + "'' ''", "Start}}")
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "'' ''" + Chr$(10) + "{{", Chr$(10) + "{{")
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "'' '' " + Chr$(10) + "{{", Chr$(10) + "{{")
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "'' ''" + MKI$(&H0A0A) + "{{", Chr$(10) + "{{")
'--- wiki redirects
a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "#REDIRECT", "See page")
'--- put a download date/time entry
a$ = "{{QBDLDATE:" + Date$ + "}}" + Chr$(10) + "{{QBDLTIME:" + Time$ + "}}" + Chr$(10) + a$
'--- now save it
fh = FreeFile
Open outputFile$ For Output As #fh
Print #fh, a$
Close #fh
'Delete page, if empty or corrupted (force re-download on next access)
Kill outputFile$
a$ = CHR$(10) + "{{PageInternalError}}" + CHR$(10) +_
"* Either the requested page is not yet available in the Wiki," + CHR$(10) +_
"* or the download from Wiki failed and corrupted the page data." + CHR$(10) +_
"** You may try ''Update Current Page'' from the ''Help'' menu." + CHR$(10)
End If
Wiki$ = a$
End Function
Sub Help_AddTxt (t$, col, link) 'Add help text, handle word wrap
If t$ = Chr$(13) Then Help_NewLine: Exit Sub
For i = 1 To Len(t$)
c = Asc(t$, i)
If Help_LockParse = 0 And Help_LockWrap = 0 Then
If c = 32 Then
If Help_Pos = Help_ww Then Help_NewLine: _Continue
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = 32
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = col + Help_BG_Col * 16
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = link And 255
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = link \ 256
Help_Wrap_Pos = Help_Txt_Len 'pos to backtrack to when wrapping content
Help_Pos = Help_Pos + 1: _Continue
End If
If Help_Pos > Help_ww Then
If Help_Wrap_Pos Then 'attempt to wrap
'backtrack, insert new line, continue
b$ = Mid$(Help_Txt$, Help_Wrap_Pos + 1, Help_Txt_Len - Help_Wrap_Pos)
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Wrap_Pos
Mid$(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len + 1, Len(b$)) = b$: Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + Len(b$)
Help_Pos = Help_Pos + Len(b$) \ 4
End If
End If
End If
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = c
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = col + Help_BG_Col * 16
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = link And 255
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = link \ 256
Help_Pos = Help_Pos + 1
End Sub
Sub Help_NewLine 'Start a new help line, apply indention (if any)
If Help_Pos > help_w Then help_w = Help_Pos
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = 13
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = Help_BG_Col * 16
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = 0
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = 0
help_h = help_h + 1
Help_Line$ = Help_Line$ + MKL$(Help_Txt_Len + 1)
Help_Wrap_Pos = 0
If Help_Underline Then
w = Help_Pos
Help_Pos = 1
If Help_Underline = Help_Col_Section Then
Help_AddTxt String$(w - 1, 205), Help_Underline, 0
Help_AddTxt String$(w - 1, 196), Help_Underline, 0
End If
Help_Underline = 0 'keep before Help_NewLine (recursion)
End If
Help_Pos = 1
If Help_Center > 0 Then 'center overrides regular indent
Help_NewLineIndent = 0
Help_AddTxt Space$(Asc(Help_CIndent$, 1)), Help_Col, 0
Help_CIndent$ = Mid$(Help_CIndent$, 2)
ElseIf Help_NewLineIndent > 0 Then
Help_AddTxt Space$(Help_NewLineIndent), Help_Col, 0
End If
End Sub
Sub Help_CheckFinishLine 'Make sure the current help line is finished
If Help_Txt_Len >= 4 Then
If Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 3) <> 13 Then Help_NewLine
End If
End Sub
Sub Help_CheckBlankLine 'Make sure the last help line is a blank line (implies finish current)
If Help_Txt_Len >= 8 Then
If Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 3) <> 13 Then Help_NewLine
If Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 7) <> 13 Then Help_NewLine
End If
End Sub
Sub Help_CheckRemoveBlankLine 'If the last help line is blank, then remove it
If Help_Txt_Len >= 8 Then
If Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 3) = 13 Then
Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len - 4
help_h = help_h - 1
Help_Line$ = Left$(Help_Line$, Len(Help_Line$) - 4)
End If
For i = Help_Txt_Len - 3 To 1 Step -4
If Asc(Help_Txt$, i) <> 32 Then
Help_Txt_Len = i + 3: Exit For
End If
If Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 3) <> 13 Then Help_NewLine
End If
End Sub
Function Help_Col 'Helps to calculate the default color
col = Help_Col_Normal
If Help_Italic Then col = Help_Col_Italic
If Help_Bold Then col = Help_Col_Bold 'Note: Bold overrides italic
Help_Col = col
End Function
Sub WikiParse (a$) 'Wiki page interpret
'Clear info
help_h = 0: help_w = 0: Help_Line$ = "": Help_Link$ = "": Help_LinkN = 0
Help_Txt$ = Space$(1000000)
Help_Txt_Len = 0
Help_Pos = 1: Help_Wrap_Pos = 0
Help_Line$ = MKL$(1)
'Word wrap locks (lock wrapping only, but continue parsing regularly)
Help_LockWrap = 0
'Parser locks (neg: soft lock, zero: unlocked, pos: hard lock)
'hard: 2 = inside code blocks, 1 = inside output blocks
'soft: -1 = inside text blocks, -2 = inside fixed blocks
'=> all parser locks also imply a wrapping lock
'=> hard locks almost every parsing except utf-8 substitution and line breaks
'=> soft allows all elements not disrupting the current block, hence only
' paragraph creating things are locked (eg. headings, lists, rulers etc.),
' but text styles, links and template processing is still possible
Help_LockParse = 0
Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0
Help_Underline = 0
Help_BG_Col = 0
Help_Center = 0: Help_CIndent$ = ""
Help_DList = 0
link = 0: elink = 0: cb = 0: nl = 1
col = Help_Col
'Syntax Notes:
'everywhere in text
' ''' = bold text style
' '' = italic text style
' [url text] = external link to url with text to appear (url ends at 1st found space)
' [[page]] = link to another wikipage
' [[page|text]] = link to another wikipage with alternative text to appear
' {{templatename|param|param|param}} or simply {{templatename}} = predefined styles
'at start of line only
' * = dot list point
' ** = sub (ie. further indented) dot list point
' ;def:desc = full definition/description list
' :desc = description only, but indented as in a full def/desc list
' ;* def:desc = combi list, list dot always belongs to description
' :* desc = combi, description only
'First find and write the page title and last update
d$ = "Page not yet updated, expect visual glitches.": i = InStr(a$, "{{QBDLDATE:")
If i > 0 Then
d$ = "Last updated: " + Mid$(a$, i + 11, InStr(i + 11, a$, "}}") - i - 11)
i = InStr(a$, "{{QBDLTIME:")
If i > 0 Then d$ = d$ + ", at " + Mid$(a$, i + 11, InStr(i + 11, a$, "}}") - i - 11)
ElseIf InStr(a$, "{{PageInternalError}}") > 0 Then
d$ = "Page not found."
End If
t$ = Help_PageLoaded$: i = InStr(a$, "{{DISPLAYTITLE:")
If i > 0 Then t$ = Mid$(a$, i + 15, InStr(i + 15, a$, "}}") - i - 15)
If Left$(t$, 4) = "agp@" Then
d$ = "Auto-generated temporary page."
t$ = Mid$(t$, 5)
End If
i = Len(d$): ii = Len(t$)
Help_AddTxt " Ú" + String$(ii + 2, "Ä") + "¿", 14, 0: Help_NewLine
Help_AddTxt " ³ ", 14, 0: Help_AddTxt t$, 12, 0: Help_AddTxt " ³", 14, 0
Help_AddTxt Space$(Help_ww - i - 2 - Help_Pos) + Chr$(4), 14, 0
If Left$(d$, 4) = "Page" Then i = 8: Else i = 7
Help_AddTxt " " + d$, i, 0: Help_NewLine
Help_AddTxt "ÄÄÄÁ" + String$(ii + 2, "Ä") + "Á" + String$(Help_ww - ii - 7, "Ä"), 14, 0: Help_NewLine
'Init prefetch array
prefetch = 20
Dim c$(prefetch)
For ii = 1 To prefetch
c$(ii) = Space$(ii)
n = Len(a$)
i = 1
Do While i <= n
'Get next char and fill prefetch array
c = Asc(a$, i): c$ = Chr$(c)
For i1 = 1 To prefetch
ii = i
For i2 = 1 To i1
If ii <= n Then
Asc(c$(i1), i2) = Asc(a$, ii)
Asc(c$(i1), i2) = 32
End If
ii = ii + 1
'Wiki specific code handling (no restrictions)
s$ = "__NOEDITSECTION__" + Chr$(10): If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then i = i + Len(s$) - 1: GoTo charDone
s$ = "__NOEDITSECTION__": If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then i = i + Len(s$) - 1: GoTo charDone
s$ = "__NOTOC__" + Chr$(10): If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then i = i + Len(s$) - 1: GoTo charDone
s$ = "__NOTOC__": If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then i = i + Len(s$) - 1: GoTo charDone
s$ = "<nowiki>": If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then i = i + Len(s$) - 1: GoTo charDone
s$ = "</nowiki>": If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then i = i + Len(s$) - 1: GoTo charDone
'Direct HTML code is not handled in Code/Output blocks (hard lock), as all text
'could be part of the code example itself (just imagine a HTML parser/writer demo)
If Help_LockParse <= 0 Then
s$ = "<sup>": If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then Help_AddTxt "^", col, 0: i = i + Len(s$) - 1: GoTo charDone
s$ = "</sup>": If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then i = i + Len(s$) - 1: GoTo charDone
s$ = "<center>" 'centered section
If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then
i = i + Len(s$) - 1
wla$ = wikiLookAhead$(a$, i + 1, "</center>")
If InStr(wla$, "#toc") > 0 Or InStr(wla$, "to Top") > 0 Then
i = i + Len(wla$) + 9 'ignore TOC links
Help_Center = 1: Help_CIndent$ = wikiBuildCIndent$(wla$)
Help_AddTxt Space$(Asc(Help_CIndent$, 1)), col, 0 'center content
Help_CIndent$ = Mid$(Help_CIndent$, 2)
End If
GoTo charDone
End If
s$ = "</center>"
If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then
i = i + Len(s$) - 1
Help_Center = 0
GoTo charDone
End If
s$ = "<p style=" 'custom paragraph (maybe centered)
If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then
i = i + Len(s$) - 1
For ii = i To Len(a$) - 1
If Mid$(a$, ii, 1) = ">" Then
wla$ = wikiLookAhead$(a$, ii + 1, "</p>")
If InStr(wla$, "#toc") > 0 Or InStr(wla$, "to Top") > 0 Then
i = ii + Len(wla$) + 4 'ignore TOC links
ElseIf InStr(Mid$(a$, i, ii - i), "center") > 0 Then
Help_Center = 1: Help_CIndent$ = wikiBuildCIndent$(wla$)
Help_AddTxt Space$(Asc(Help_CIndent$, 1)), col, 0 'center (if in style)
Help_CIndent$ = Mid$(Help_CIndent$, 2)
i = ii
End If
Exit For
End If
GoTo charDone
End If
s$ = "</p>"
If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then
i = i + Len(s$) - 1
Help_Center = 0
GoTo charDone
End If
s$ = "<span" 'custom inline attributes ignored
If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then
i = i + Len(s$) - 1
For ii = i To Len(a$) - 1
If Mid$(a$, ii, 1) = ">" Then i = ii: Exit For
GoTo charDone
End If
s$ = "</span>"
If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then
i = i + Len(s$) - 1
GoTo charDone
End If
s$ = "<div" 'ignore divisions (TOC and letter links)
If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then
i = i + Len(s$) - 1
For ii = i To Len(a$) - 1
If Mid$(a$, ii, 6) = "</div>" Then i = ii + 5: Exit For
GoTo charDone
End If
s$ = "<!--" 'ignore HTML comments
If c$(Len(s$)) = s$ Then
i = i + Len(s$) - 1
For ii = i To Len(a$) - 1
If Mid$(a$, ii, 3) = "-->" Then i = ii + 2: Exit For
GoTo charDone
End If
End If
'Wiki text styles are not handled in Code/Output blocks (hard lock),
'as they could be part of the code example itself
If Help_LockParse <= 0 Then
'Bold style
If c$(3) = "'''" Then
i = i + 2
If Help_Bold = 0 Then Help_Bold = 1 Else Help_Bold = 0
col = Help_Col
GoTo charDone
End If
'Italic style
If c$(2) = "''" Then
i = i + 1
If Help_Italic = 0 Then Help_Italic = 1 Else Help_Italic = 0
col = Help_Col
GoTo charDone
End If
End If
'Wiki links ([ext], [[int]]) are not handled in Code/Output blocks (hard lock),
'as all text could be part of the code example itself
If Help_LockParse <= 0 Then
'External links
If c$(5) = "[http" And elink = 0 Then
elink = 1
elink$ = ""
GoTo charDone
End If
If elink = 1 Then
If c$ = "]" Then
elink = 0
etext$ = elink$
i2 = InStr(elink$, " ")
If i2 > 0 Then
etext$ = Right$(elink$, Len(elink$) - i2)
elink$ = Left$(elink$, i2 - 1)
End If
Help_LinkN = Help_LinkN + 1
Help_Link$ = Help_Link$ + "EXTL:" + elink$ + Help_Link_Sep$
If Help_LockParse = 0 Then
Help_AddTxt etext$, Help_Col_Link, Help_LinkN
Help_AddTxt etext$, Help_Col_Bold, Help_LinkN
End If
GoTo charDone
End If
elink$ = elink$ + c$
GoTo charDone
End If
'Internal links
If c$(2) = "[[" And link = 0 Then
i = i + 1
link = 1
link$ = ""
GoTo charDone
End If
End If
'However, the internal link logic must run always, as it also handles
'the template {{Cb|, {{Cl| and {{KW| links used in code blocks
If link = 1 Then
If c$(2) = "]]" Or c$(2) = "}}" Then
i = i + 1
link = 0
text$ = link$
i2 = InStr(link$, "|")
If i2 > 0 Then
text$ = Right$(link$, Len(link$) - i2)
link$ = Left$(link$, i2 - 1)
End If
If InStr(link$, "#") Then 'local page links not supported
Help_AddTxt text$, 8, 0
GoTo charDone
ElseIf Left$(link$, 9) = "Category:" Then 'ignore category links
GoTo charDone
End If
Help_LinkN = Help_LinkN + 1
Help_Link$ = Help_Link$ + "PAGE:" + link$ + Help_Link_Sep$
If Help_LockParse = 0 Then
Help_AddTxt text$, Help_Col_Link, Help_LinkN
Help_AddTxt text$, Help_Col_Bold, Help_LinkN
End If
GoTo charDone
End If
link$ = link$ + c$
GoTo charDone
End If
'Wiki tables ({|...|}) are not handled in Code/Output blocks (hard lock),
'as everything could be part of the code example itself
If Help_LockParse <= 0 Then
'Tables (ignored, give info, if not in blocks)
If c$(2) = "{|" Then
wla$ = wikiLookAhead$(a$, i + 2, "|}"): iii = 0
For ii = 1 To Len(wla$)
If Mid$(wla$, ii, 1) = "|" And Mid$(wla$, ii, 2) <> "|-" Then iii = iii + 1
i = i + 1 + Len(wla$) + 2
If iii > 1 Or InStr(wla$, "__TOC__") = 0 Then 'ignore TOC only tables
If Help_LockParse = 0 Then
Help_AddTxt Space$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "º ", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt "The original help page has a table here, please ", 15, 0: Help_AddTxt " º", 8, 0: Help_NewLine
Help_AddTxt Space$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "º ", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt "use the ", 15, 0: ii = Help_BG_Col: Help_BG_Col = 3: Help_AddTxt " View on Wiki ", 15, 0: Help_BG_Col = ii: Help_AddTxt " button in the upper right", 15, 0: Help_AddTxt " º", 8, 0: Help_NewLine
Help_AddTxt Space$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "º ", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt "corner to load the page into your browser. ", 15, 0: Help_AddTxt " º", 8, 0: Help_NewLine
End If
End If
GoTo charDone
End If
End If
'Wiki templates are handled always, as these are the basic building blocks of all
'the wiki pages, but look for special conditions inside (Help_LockParse checks)
If c$(5) = "{{Cb|" Or c$(5) = "{{Cl|" Or c$(5) = "{{KW|" Then 'just nice wrapped links
i = i + 4 ' 'KW is deprecated (but kept for existing pages)
link = 1
link$ = ""
GoTo charDone
End If
If c$(2) = "{{" Then 'any other templates
i = i + 1
cb = 1
cb$ = ""
GoTo charDone
End If
If cb > 0 Then
If c$ = "|" Or c$(2) = "}}" Then
If c$ = "|" And cb = 2 Then
wla$ = wikiLookAhead$(a$, i + 1, "}}")
cb = 0: i = i + Len(wla$) + 2 'after 1st, ignore all further template parameters
ElseIf c$(2) = "}}" Then
If LCase$(Left$(cb$, 5)) = "small" Then
If Asc(cb$, 6) = 196 Then
Help_AddTxt " " + String$(Help_ww - Help_Pos, 196), 15, 0
Help_BG_Col = 0: col = Help_Col
Help_Center = 0
End If
Help_NewLine: cb$ = "" 'avoid reactivation below
End If
cb = 0: i = i + 1
End If
If c$ = "|" And cb = 1 Then cb = 2
If Help_LockParse = 0 Then 'no section headings in blocks
cbo$ = ""
'Standard section headings (section color, h3 w/o underline, h2 with underline)
'Recommended order of main page sections (h2) with it's considered sub-sections (h3)
If cb$ = "PageSyntax" Then cbo$ = "Syntax:"
If cb$ = "PageLegacySupport" Then cbo$ = "Legacy support" 'sub-sect
If cb$ = "PageParameters" Or cb$ = "Parameters" Then cbo$ = "Parameters:" 'w/o Page suffix is deprecated (but kept for existing pages)
If cb$ = "PageDescription" Then cbo$ = "Description:"
If cb$ = "PageQBasic" Then cbo$ = "QBasic/QuickBASIC" 'sub-sect
If cb$ = "PageNotes" Then cbo$ = "Notes" 'sub-sect
If cb$ = "PageErrors" Then cbo$ = "Errors" 'sub-sect
If cb$ = "PageUseWith" Then cbo$ = "Use with" 'sub-sect
If cb$ = "PageAvailability" Then cbo$ = "Availability:"
If cb$ = "PageExamples" Then cbo$ = "Examples:"
If cb$ = "PageSeeAlso" Then cbo$ = "See also:"
'Independent main page end sections (centered, no title)
If cb$ = "PageCopyright" Then cbo$ = "Copyright"
If cb$ = "PageNavigation" Then cbo$ = "" 'ignored for built-in help
'Internally used templates (not available in Wiki)
If cb$ = "PageInternalError" Then cbo$ = "Sorry, an error occurred:"
If cbo$ <> "" Then
If Right$(cbo$, 1) = ":" Then Help_Underline = Help_Col_Section
Help_AddTxt cbo$, Help_Col_Section, 0: Help_NewLine
If cbo$ = "Copyright" Then '_gl commands only
Help_NewLine: Help_AddTxt "1991-2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc.", 7, 0: Help_NewLine
Help_AddTxt "This document is licensed under the SGI Free Software B License.", 7, 0: Help_NewLine
Help_AddTxt "https://spdx.org/licenses/SGI-B-2.0.html https://spdx.org/licenses/SGI-B-2.0.html", 15, 0: Help_NewLine
End If
End If
End If
'Code Block
If cb$ = "InlineCode" And Help_LockParse = 0 Then
Help_BG_Col = 1: Help_LockParse = 2
End If
If cb$ = "InlineCodeEnd" And Help_LockParse <> 0 Then
Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0
Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col
End If
If cb$ = "CodeStart" And Help_LockParse = 0 Then
Help_BG_Col = 1: Help_LockParse = 2
Help_AddTxt String$(Help_ww - 15, 196) + " Code Block " + String$(3, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine
If c$(3) = "}}" + Chr$(10) Then i = i + 1
End If
If cb$ = "CodeEnd" And Help_LockParse <> 0 Then
Help_CheckFinishLine: Help_CheckRemoveBlankLine
Help_AddTxt String$(Help_ww, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine
Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0
Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col
End If
'Output Block
If Left$(cb$, 11) = "OutputStart" And Help_LockParse = 0 Then 'does also match new OutputStartBGn templates
Help_BG_Col = 2: Help_LockParse = 1
Help_AddTxt String$(Help_ww - 17, 196) + " Output Block " + String$(3, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine
If c$(3) = "}}" + Chr$(10) Then i = i + 1
End If
If cb$ = "OutputEnd" And Help_LockParse <> 0 Then
Help_CheckFinishLine: Help_CheckRemoveBlankLine
Help_AddTxt String$((Help_ww - 54) \ 2, 196), 15, 0
Help_AddTxt " This block does not reflect the actual output colors ", 15, 0
Help_AddTxt String$(Help_ww - Help_Pos + 1, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine
Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0
Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col
End If
'Text Block
If cb$ = "TextStart" And Help_LockParse = 0 Then
Help_BG_Col = 6: Help_LockParse = -1
Help_AddTxt String$(Help_ww - 15, 196) + " Text Block " + String$(3, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine
If c$(3) = "}}" + Chr$(10) Then i = i + 1
End If
If cb$ = "TextEnd" And Help_LockParse <> 0 Then
Help_CheckFinishLine: Help_CheckRemoveBlankLine
Help_AddTxt String$(Help_ww, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine
Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0
Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col
End If
'Fixed Block
If (cb$ = "FixedStart" Or cb$ = "WhiteStart") And Help_LockParse = 0 Then 'White is deprecated (but kept for existing pages)
Help_BG_Col = 6: Help_LockParse = -2
Help_AddTxt String$(Help_ww - 16, 196) + " Fixed Block " + String$(3, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine
If c$(3) = "}}" + Chr$(10) Then i = i + 1
End If
If (cb$ = "FixedEnd" Or cb$ = "WhiteEnd") And Help_LockParse <> 0 Then 'White is deprecated (but kept for existing pages)
Help_CheckFinishLine: Help_CheckRemoveBlankLine
Help_AddTxt String$(Help_ww, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine
Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0
Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col
End If
'Template wrapped table
If Right$(cb$, 5) = "Table" And Help_LockParse = 0 Then 'no table info in blocks
Help_AddTxt Space$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "º ", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt "The original help page has a table here, please ", 15, 0: Help_AddTxt " º", 8, 0: Help_NewLine
Help_AddTxt Space$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "º ", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt "use the ", 15, 0: ii = Help_BG_Col: Help_BG_Col = 3: Help_AddTxt " View on Wiki ", 15, 0: Help_BG_Col = ii: Help_AddTxt " button in the upper right", 15, 0: Help_AddTxt " º", 8, 0: Help_NewLine
Help_AddTxt Space$((Help_ww - 52) \ 2) + "º ", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt "corner to load the page into your browser. ", 15, 0: Help_AddTxt " º", 8, 0: Help_NewLine
End If
'Small template text will be centered (maybe as block note)
If LCase$(cb$) = "small" And Help_LockParse <= 0 Then 'keep as is in Code/Output blocks
wla$ = wikiLookAhead$(a$, i + 1, "}}")
Help_CIndent$ = wikiBuildCIndent$(wla$): iii = 0
If i > 31 And Asc(Help_CIndent$, 1) >= Help_ww / 4 Then
If InStr(Mid$(a$, i - 30, 30), "{{CodeEnd}}") > 0 Then iii = -1
If InStr(Mid$(a$, i - 30, 30), "{{TextEnd}}") > 0 Then iii = -6
If InStr(Mid$(a$, i - 31, 31), "{{FixedEnd}}") > 0 Then iii = -6
If InStr(Mid$(a$, i - 31, 31), "{{WhiteEnd}}") > 0 Then iii = -6
End If
If iii <> 0 Then
For ii = Help_Txt_Len - 3 To 1 Step -4
If Asc(Help_Txt$, ii) = 13 And iii < 0 Then
help_h = help_h - 1: Help_Line$ = Left$(Help_Line$, Len(Help_Line$) - 4)
ElseIf Asc(Help_Txt$, ii) = 196 And iii < 0 Then
iii = -iii
ElseIf Asc(Help_Txt$, ii) = 13 And iii > 0 Then
Help_Txt_Len = ii + 3: Exit For
End If
Help_BG_Col = iii: cb$ = cb$ + Chr$(196) 'special signal byte
Help_AddTxt String$(Asc(Help_CIndent$, 1) - 1, 196) + " ", 15, 0
col = 15 'further text color until closing
Help_Center = 1: cb$ = cb$ + Chr$(0) 'no special signal
Help_AddTxt Space$(Asc(Help_CIndent$, 1)), col, 0 'center content
End If
Help_CIndent$ = Mid$(Help_CIndent$, 2)
End If
GoTo charDone
End If
If cb = 1 Then cb$ = cb$ + c$ 'reading macro name
If cb = 2 Then Help_AddTxt Chr$(c), col, 0 'copy macro'd text
GoTo charDone
End If
'Wiki headings (==...==}) are not handled in blocks (soft- and hard lock), as it would
'disrupt the block, also in code blocks it could be part of the code example itself
If Help_LockParse = 0 Then
'Custom section headings (current color, h3 w/o underline, h2 with underline)
ii = 0
If c$(5) = " === " Then ii = 4
If c$(4) = "=== " Then ii = 3
If c$(4) = " ===" Then ii = 3
If c$(3) = "===" Then ii = 2
If ii > 0 Then i = i + ii: GoTo charDone
ii = 0
If c$(4) = " == " Then ii = 3
If c$(3) = "== " Then ii = 2
If c$(3) = " ==" Then ii = 2
If c$(2) = "==" Then ii = 1
If ii > 0 Then i = i + ii: Help_Underline = col: GoTo charDone
End If
'Wiki/HTML rulers (----, <hr>) are not handled in blocks (soft- and hard lock), as it would
'disrupt the block, also in code blocks it could be part of the code example itself
If Help_LockParse = 0 Then
If c$(4) = "----" And nl = 1 Then
i = i + 3
Help_AddTxt String$(Help_ww, 196), 8, 0
GoTo charDone
End If
If c$(4) = "<hr>" Or c$(6) = "<hr />" Then
If c$(4) = "<hr>" Then i = i + 3
If c$(6) = "<hr />" Then i = i + 5
Help_AddTxt String$(Help_ww, 196), 8, 0
GoTo charDone
End If
End If
'Wiki definition lists (;...:...) are not handled in blocks (soft- and hard lock), as it would
'disrupt the block, also in code blocks it could be part of the code example itself
If Help_LockParse = 0 Then
'Definition lists
If c$ = ";" And nl = 1 Then 'definition (new line only)
If c$(2) = "; " Then i = i + 1
Help_Bold = 1: col = Help_Col: Help_DList = 1
If c$(3) = ";* " Then i = i + 2: Help_DList = 3 'list dot belongs to description
If c$(2) = ";*" Then i = i + 1: Help_DList = 2 'list dot belongs to description
GoTo charDone
End If
If c$ = ":" And Help_DList > 0 Then 'description (same or new line)
If c$(2) = ": " Then i = i + 1
Help_Bold = 0: col = Help_Col
If nl = 0 Then Help_NewLine
Help_AddTxt " ", col, 0
Help_NewLineIndent = Help_NewLineIndent + 3
If Help_DList > 1 Then
Help_AddTxt Chr$(4) + " ", 14, 0
Help_NewLineIndent = Help_NewLineIndent + 2
End If
Help_DList = 0
GoTo charDone
End If
If c$ = ":" And nl = 1 Then 'description w/o definition (new line only)
If c$(2) = ": " Then i = i + 1
Help_AddTxt " ", col, 0
Help_NewLineIndent = Help_NewLineIndent + 3
GoTo charDoneKnl 'keep nl state for possible <UL> list bullets
End If
End If
'Wiki lists (*, **) are not handled in blocks (soft- and hard lock), as it would
'disrupt the block, also in code blocks it could be part of the code example itself
If Help_LockParse = 0 Then
'Unordered lists
If nl = 1 Then
If c$(2) = "**" Then
If c$(3) = "** " Then i = i + 2: Else i = i + 1
Help_AddTxt " " + Chr$(4) + " ", 14, 0
Help_NewLineIndent = Help_NewLineIndent + 5
GoTo charDone
End If
If c$ = "*" Then
If c$(2) = "* " Then i = i + 1
Help_AddTxt Chr$(4) + " ", 14, 0
Help_NewLineIndent = Help_NewLineIndent + 2
GoTo charDone
End If
End If
End If
'Unicode handling (no restrictions)
If ((c And &HE0~%%) = 192) And ((Asc(c$(2), 2) And &HC0~%%) = 128) Then '2-byte UTF-8
i = i + 1
For ii = 0 To wpUtfReplCnt
If wpUtfRepl(ii).utf8 = c$(2) + MKI$(&H2020) Then
Help_AddTxt RTrim$(wpUtfRepl(ii).repl), col, 0: Exit For
End If
GoTo charDone
End If
If ((c And &HF0~%%) = 224) And ((Asc(c$(2), 2) And &HC0~%%) = 128) And ((Asc(c$(3), 3) And &HC0~%%) = 128) Then '3-byte UTF-8
i = i + 2
For ii = 0 To wpUtfReplCnt
If wpUtfRepl(ii).utf8 = c$(3) + Chr$(0) Then
Help_AddTxt RTrim$(wpUtfRepl(ii).repl), col, 0: Exit For
End If
GoTo charDone
End If
If ((c And &HF8~%%) = 240) And ((Asc(c$(2), 2) And &HC0~%%) = 128) And ((Asc(c$(3), 3) And &HC0~%%) = 128) And ((Asc(c$(4), 4) And &HC0~%%) = 128) Then '4-byte UTF-8
i = i + 3
For ii = 0 To wpUtfReplCnt
If wpUtfRepl(ii).utf8 = c$(4) Then
Help_AddTxt RTrim$(wpUtfRepl(ii).repl), col, 0: Exit For
End If
GoTo charDone
End If
'Line break handling (no restrictions)
If c = 10 Or c$(4) = "<br>" Or c$(6) = "<br />" Then
If c$(4) = "<br>" Then i = i + 3
If c$(6) = "<br />" Then i = i + 5
Help_NewLineIndent = 0
If Help_LockParse > -2 Then 'everywhere except in fixed blocks
If Help_Txt_Len >= 8 Then 'allow max. one blank line (ie. collapse multi blanks to just one)
If Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 3) = 13 And Asc(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 7) = 13 Then
If Help_Center > 0 Then Help_CIndent$ = Mid$(Help_CIndent$, 2) 'drop respective center indent
GoTo skipMultiBlanks
End If
End If
End If
Help_AddTxt Chr$(13), col, 0
If Help_LockParse <> 0 Then 'in all blocks reset styles at EOL
Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col
If c = 10 Then Help_DList = 0: Help_Bold = 0: col = Help_Col 'def list incl. style ends after real new line
End If
nl = 1
GoTo charDoneKnl 'keep just set nl state
End If
Help_AddTxt Chr$(c), col, 0
nl = 0
charDoneKnl: 'done, but keep nl state
i = i + 1
'Trim Help_Txt$
Help_Txt$ = Left$(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) + Chr$(13) 'chr13 stops reads past end of content
End Sub
Function wikiSafeName$ (page$) 'create a unique name for both case sensitive & insensitive systems
ext$ = Space$(Len(page$))
For i = 1 To Len(page$)
c = Asc(page$, i)
Select Case c
Case 65 To 90: Asc(ext$, i) = 49 'upper = 1
Case 97 To 122: Asc(ext$, i) = 48 'lower = 0
Case Else: Asc(ext$, i) = c 'non-letter = take as is
End Select
wikiSafeName$ = page$ + "_" + ext$
End Function
Function wikiLookAhead$ (a$, i, token$) 'Prefetch further wiki text
wikiLookAhead$ = "": If i >= Len(a$) Then Exit Function
j = InStr(i, a$, token$)
If j = 0 Then
wikiLookAhead$ = Mid$(a$, i)
wikiLookAhead$ = Mid$(a$, i, j - i)
End If
End Function
Function wikiBuildCIndent$ (a$) 'Pre-calc center indentions
wikiBuildCIndent$ = "": If a$ = "" Then Exit Function
org$ = a$: b$ = "" 'eliminate internal links
For i = 1 To Len(org$)
If Mid$(org$, i, 2) = "[[" Then
For ii = i + 2 To Len(org$)
If Mid$(org$, ii, 1) = "|" Then i = ii + 1: Exit For
If Mid$(org$, ii, 2) = "]]" Then i = i + 2: Exit For
End If
If Mid$(org$, i, 2) = "]]" Then i = i + 2
b$ = b$ + Mid$(org$, i, 1)
org$ = b$: b$ = "" 'eliminate external links
For i = 1 To Len(org$)
If Mid$(org$, i, 5) = "[http" Then
For ii = i + 5 To Len(org$)
If Mid$(org$, ii, 1) = " " Then i = ii + 1: Exit For
If Mid$(org$, ii, 1) = "]" Then i = i + 1: Exit For
End If
If Mid$(org$, i, 1) = "]" Then i = i + 1
b$ = b$ + Mid$(org$, i, 1)
org$ = b$: b$ = "" 'eliminate templates
For i = 1 To Len(org$)
If Mid$(org$, i, 2) = "{{" Then
For ii = i + 2 To Len(org$)
If Mid$(org$, ii, 1) = "|" Then i = ii + 1: Exit For
If Mid$(org$, ii, 2) = "}}" Then i = i + 2: Exit For
End If
If Mid$(org$, i, 1) = "|" Then
For ii = i + 1 To Len(org$)
If Mid$(org$, ii, 2) = "}}" Then i = ii: Exit For
End If
If Mid$(org$, i, 2) = "}}" Then i = i + 2
b$ = b$ + Mid$(org$, i, 1)
org$ = b$: b$ = "" 'eliminate text styles
For i = 1 To Len(org$)
If Mid$(org$, i, 3) = "'''" Then i = i + 3
If Mid$(org$, i, 2) = "''" Then i = i + 2
b$ = b$ + Mid$(org$, i, 1)
b$ = StrReplace$(b$, "<br>", Chr$(10)) 'convert HTML line breaks
b$ = StrReplace$(b$, "<br />", Chr$(10)) 'convert XHTML line breaks
b$ = _Trim$(b$) + Chr$(10) 'safety fallback
i = 1: st = 1: br = 0: res$ = ""
While i <= Len(b$)
ws = InStr(i, b$, " "): lb = InStr(i, b$, Chr$(10))
If lb > 0 And (ws > lb Or lb - st <= Help_ww) Then Swap ws, lb
If ws > 0 And ws - st <= Help_ww Then
br = ws: i = ws + 1
If Asc(b$, ws) <> 10 And i <= Len(b$) Then _Continue
End If
If br = 0 Then
If lb < ws Then
br = lb
If ws > 0 Then br = ws: Else br = lb
End If
End If
ci = (Help_ww - (br - st)) \ 2: If ci < 0 Then ci = 0
res$ = res$ + Chr$(ci)
i = br + 1: st = br + 1: br = 0
wikiBuildCIndent$ = res$
End Function
'===== Strings.bas
Function StrRemove$ (myString$, whatToRemove$) 'noncase sensitive
Dim a$, b$
Dim As Long i
a$ = myString$
b$ = LCase$(whatToRemove$)
i = InStr(LCase$(a$), b$)
Do While i
a$ = Left$(a$, i - 1) + Right$(a$, Len(a$) - i - Len(b$) + 1)
i = InStr(LCase$(a$), b$)
StrRemove$ = a$
End Function
Function StrReplace$ (myString$, find$, replaceWith$) 'noncase sensitive
Dim a$, b$
Dim As Long basei, i
If Len(myString$) = 0 Then Exit Function
a$ = myString$
b$ = LCase$(find$)
basei = 1
i = InStr(basei, LCase$(a$), b$)
Do While i
a$ = Left$(a$, i - 1) + replaceWith$ + Right$(a$, Len(a$) - i - Len(b$) + 1)
basei = i + Len(replaceWith$)
i = InStr(basei, LCase$(a$), b$)
StrReplace$ = a$
End Function
Function AddQuotes$ (s$)
AddQuotes$ = Chr$(34) + s$ + Chr$(34)
End Function
"So what is this, and what does it do," you ask?
It takes a look at our wiki and basically does the same thing externally that QB64.bas does internally with the Help menu -- it downloads our wiki in a simplified TEXT format.
Now, one important caveat before you guys load this and run it: Save this program in a directory by itself, as it *WILL* download about 870 files from the internet into that directory. If you run this is your main QB64 folder, and come back later to complain about the mess it made of things, I *WILL* giggle at you and point at the big red warning here. Remember -- make a directory for this program, save it inside that directory, and OUTPUT EXE TO SOURCE FOLDER.
Or not... And have a very cluttered directory which this download tons of junk off the web to... The choice is yours.

I just figured this might be something nice which folks who code without using the IDE might want to use for offline reference from time to time, without having to grab the whole wiki itself.
Note2: As is, this doesn't download any of the _gl keywords. We almost never see programs which use _gl commands in them on the forums here, so I figured there wasn't a large demand to have those files downloaded from the wiki. Why waste bandwidth and tie up the wiki with requests for something which folks don't generally use? The files which are downloaded here are all the QB45 A-Z commands, and all the QB64 _A-_Z commands. Other pages can be added later, if wanted/needed.

Note3: This is still a work in progress, hence the forum I posted it under. Don't expect it to be 100% glitch free yet.
