could someone kindly bring me up to date with a couple qb64 items?
#3 -- Read this.  It explains the logic behind our version numbers.  Smile

TLDR: Basically, we branched off the development build.  Any version after 1.0 should be a *stable* build, in my opinion, and we didn't feel we could promise that, as we weren't the ones involved with whatever was in the development build.  We weren't certain about what they'd finished working on, and what was still being worked on. Since we were sorting out the glitches and all that came from server swapping and such, we swapped over to calling our version "Phoenix Edition" and the 0.x version numbers.

We're branched off of -- and built on top of -- version 2.0.2 development.  Think of us as going from Windows 98 to Windows Vista, except we went from QB64 to QBPE.  New team, new fork, new version number -- same base product + enhancements, at the end of the day.  ?

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RE: could someone kindly bring me up to date with a couple qb64 items? - by SMcNeill - 06-13-2022, 07:29 PM

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