06-14-2022, 04:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-14-2022, 02:24 PM by bplus.
Edit Reason: Clear up and expand on opening comments
One day into it, here is my starter:
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "GUI - starter 2022-06" 'b+ 2022-06-13
' Very simple buttons and textboxes for starters"
' Use white border for active control, black for inactive ones.
' Use Tab and Shift+Tab for shifting active control else Mouse Click, to cursor position in TextBox.
' Main loop will decide active control ID is basically the Index order for controls same as you
' post them with NewControl conType, X, Y, W, H, Text
' textBox is _RGB32(255, 255, 200) on _RGB32(0, 0, 128)
' height needs to be at least 32 pixels high for cursor below letters in box
' conType = 2 N1 is cursor position, N2 to track toggle for blinking cursor
Type Control ' all are boxes with colors, 1 is active
As Long ID, ConType, X, Y, W, H, N1, N2 ' N1, N2 sometimes controls need extra numbers for special functions
' ID is actually index number same order as you enter NewControls
As String Text, Text2 ' dims are pixels Text2 is for future selected text from list box
' default wnd = 0, btn = 1, txtBx = 2
End Type
Dim Shared Xmax, Ymax, NControls, ActiveControl
ReDim Shared con(0) As Control
Dim As Long kh, mx, my, mb1, i, shift1, shift2, lc
Xmax = 800: Ymax = 600 ' shared throughout program
OpenWindow Xmax, Ymax, "Test GUI Starter" ' set your window size and title
'set your controls
NewControl 2, 10, 10, 200, 32, "Textbox 1" ' i = 1
NewControl 2, 10, 52, 200, 32, "Textbox 2" ' i = 2
NewControl 2, 10, 94, 200, 32, "Textbox 3" ' i = 3
NewControl 2, 10, 136, 200, 32, "Test pqg 4" ' i = 4
NewControl 1, 220, 178, 100, 32, "Button 1" ' i = 5
NewControl 1, 220, 220, 100, 32, "Clear" ' i = 6
' mouse clicks and tabs will decide the active control
While _MouseInput: Wend
mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY: mb1 = _MouseButton(1)
If mb1 Then ' find which control
For i = 1 To NControls
If mx >= con(i).X And mx <= con(i).X + con(i).W Then
If my >= con(i).Y And my <= con(i).Y + con(i).H Then
If i <> ActiveControl Then
activateControl ActiveControl, 0
ActiveControl = i
activateControl ActiveControl, -1
BtnClickEvent i
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
If con(ActiveControl).ConType = 2 Then ' move cursor to click point
con(ActiveControl).N1 = Int((mx - con(ActiveControl).X - 4) / 8) + 1
drwTB -1, i
End If
_Delay .1 ' user release key wait
End If
kh = _KeyHit
shift1 = _KeyDown(100304)
shift2 = _KeyDown(100303)
If kh = 9 Then 'tab
If shift1 Or shift2 Then
activateControl ActiveControl, 0
ActiveControl = ActiveControl - 1
If ActiveControl = 0 Then ActiveControl = NControls
activateControl ActiveControl, -1
activateControl ActiveControl, 0
ActiveControl = ActiveControl + 1
If ActiveControl > NControls Then ActiveControl = 1
activateControl ActiveControl, -1
End If
ElseIf kh = 13 And con(ActiveControl).ConType = 1 Then ' enter on a btn
BtnClickEvent ActiveControl
ElseIf kh = 13 And con(ActiveControl).ConType = 2 Then '
activateControl ActiveControl, 0
ActiveControl = ActiveControl + 1
If ActiveControl > NControls Then ActiveControl = 1
activateControl ActiveControl, -1
End If
If con(ActiveControl).ConType = 2 Then
TBKeyEvent ActiveControl, kh ' this handles keypress in active textbox
If lc Mod 10 = 9 Then con(ActiveControl).N2 = 1 - con(ActiveControl).N2 ' this is for blinking cursor
If con(ActiveControl).N2 Then
Line (con(ActiveControl).X + 4 + 8 * (con(ActiveControl).N1 - 1), con(ActiveControl).Y + (con(ActiveControl).H - 16) / 2 + 17)-Step(8, 3), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
Line (con(ActiveControl).X + 4 + 8 * (con(ActiveControl).N1 - 1), con(ActiveControl).Y + (con(ActiveControl).H - 16) / 2 + 17)-Step(8, 3), _RGB32(0, 0, 128), BF
End If
End If
lc = lc + 1
_Limit 60
Loop Until _Exit
Sub activateControl (i, activate)
Select Case con(i).ConType
Case 1: drwBtn activate, i
Case 2: drwTB activate, i
End Select
End Sub
Sub OpenWindow (WinWidth As Long, WinHeight As Long, title$)
Screen _NewImage(WinWidth, WinHeight, 32)
_ScreenMove 100, 20
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
_Title title$
Color &HFFFFFFFF, _RGB32(100, 180, 120)
End Sub
Sub NewControl (ConType As Long, X As Long, Y As Long, W As Long, H As Long, s$) ' dims are pixels
Dim As Long a
NControls = NControls + 1
ReDim _Preserve con(0 To NControls) As Control
con(NControls).ID = NControls
con(NControls).ConType = ConType
con(NControls).X = X
con(NControls).Y = Y
con(NControls).W = W
con(NControls).H = H
con(NControls).Text = s$
ActiveControl = 1
If NControls = 1 Then a = 1 Else a = 0
Select Case ConType
Case 1: drwBtn a, NControls
Case 2: drwTB a, NControls: con(NControls).N1 = Len(s$) + 1: con(NControls).N2 = 0 ' N1 is what letter position we are on or cursor for line
'N2 is the toggle for cursor blinking
End Select
End Sub
Sub drwBtn (active As Long, i As Long) ' gray back, black text
Line (con(i).X, con(i).Y)-Step(con(i).W, con(i).H), _RGB32(230, 200, 250), BF
If active Then Line (con(i).X, con(i).Y)-Step(con(i).W, con(i).H), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), B Else _
Line (con(i).X, con(i).Y)-Step(con(i).W, con(i).H), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), B
Color _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
_PrintString (con(i).X + (con(i).W - 8 * Len(con(i).Text)) / 2, (con(i).Y + (con(i).H - 16) / 2)), con(i).Text
End Sub
Sub drwTB (active As Long, i As Long) ' blue back, white text
Line (con(i).X, con(i).Y)-Step(con(i).W, con(i).H), _RGB32(0, 0, 128), BF
If active Then
Line (con(i).X, con(i).Y)-Step(con(i).W, con(i).H), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), B
Line (con(i).X, con(i).Y)-Step(con(i).W, con(i).H), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), B
End If
Color _RGB32(255, 255, 200)
_PrintString (con(i).X + 4, con(i).Y + (con(i).H - 16) / 2), con(i).Text
End Sub
Sub BtnClickEvent (i As Long) ' attach you button click code in here
Select Case i
Case 5: Color &HFFFFFF00: _PrintString (500, 20), "You pushed my button!"
Case 6: Line (500, 20)-Step(8 * Len("You pushed my button!"), 16), _RGB32(100, 180, 120), BF
End Select
End Sub
Sub TBKeyEvent (i As Long, ky As Long) ' for all text boxes
If ky = 19200 Then 'left arrow
If con(i).N1 > 1 Then con(i).N1 = con(i).N1 - 1: drwTB -1, i
ElseIf ky = 19712 Then ' right arrow
If con(i).N1 < Int((con(i).W - 16) / 8) Then con(i).N1 = con(i).N1 + 1: drwTB -1, i
ElseIf ky = 18176 Then 'home
con(i).N1 = 1: drwTB -1, i
ElseIf ky = 20224 Then ' end
If Len(con(i).Text) + 1 <= Int((con(i).W - 16) / 8) Then con(i).N1 = Len(con(i).Text) + 1: drwTB -1, i
ElseIf ky >= 32 And ky <= 128 Then
If Len(con(i).Text) + 1 <= Int((con(i).W - 16) / 8) Then
con(i).Text = Mid$(con(i).Text, 1, con(i).N1 - 1) + Chr$(ky) + Mid$(con(i).Text, con(i).N1)
con(i).N1 = con(i).N1 + 1: drwTB -1, i
End If
ElseIf ky = 8 Then 'backspace
If con(i).N1 > 1 Then
con(i).Text = Mid$(con(i).Text, 1, con(i).N1 - 2) + Mid$(con(i).Text, con(i).N1)
con(i).N1 = con(i).N1 - 1: drwTB -1, i
End If
ElseIf ky = 21248 Then 'delete
con(i).Text = Mid$(con(i).Text, 1, con(i).N1 - 1) + Mid$(con(i).Text, con(i).N1 + 1): drwTB -1, i
End If
End Sub
b = b + ...