06-16-2022, 07:03 AM
This is an incredibly odd way to draw circles:
Sub darc (xx, yy, r, klr, arc1, arc2)
'draws an arc, will draw an unfilled circle if the arc goes from 0 to 360
PSet (xx, yy), klr
Draw "c" + Str$(klr)
For d = arc1 To arc2 Step 1
Draw "ta " + Str$(d) + " br" + Str$(r - 1) + "r bl" + Str$(r)
Next d
End Sub
It took me forever to figure out how to make circles and arcs thicker, for instance:
Draw "ta " + Str$(d) + " br" + Str$(r - 3) + "rrr bl" + Str$(r)
produces thicker arcs. This didn't solve the leaking problem, however.
Sub darc (xx, yy, r, klr, arc1, arc2)
'draws an arc, will draw an unfilled circle if the arc goes from 0 to 360
PSet (xx, yy), klr
Draw "c" + Str$(klr)
For d = arc1 To arc2 Step 1
Draw "ta " + Str$(d) + " br" + Str$(r - 1) + "r bl" + Str$(r)
Next d
End Sub
It took me forever to figure out how to make circles and arcs thicker, for instance:
Draw "ta " + Str$(d) + " br" + Str$(r - 3) + "rrr bl" + Str$(r)
produces thicker arcs. This didn't solve the leaking problem, however.