Oh I have to comment on last GUI appl. I am amazed how long it took me to get going on a GUI app! Man, I can usually whip up some graphics code in what seems like minutes could be an hour or 2 but this:
What I wrote from the app, plus this:
Stuff already written but added to app. Plus I did change a couple minor things so I need to build next GUI from this version.
I will do as @RNBW suggested and start separating library code into BI and BM while I also work on adding a new control for images and drawing, a Picture Box. Control Type #5.
I better start work on documenting too because there are details that need to be remembered when creating an app.
Like now you need ~ for delimiter to separate items in a string to split to pass arrays into LstBox controls #3 Type.
Code: (Select All)
'set your controls and labels ======================================================================== appl plug-in
Xmax = 1280: Ymax = 640 ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Window size shared throughout program
OpenWindow Xmax, Ymax, "Test Very Simple GUI-2022-06-15" ' <<<<<<<< set your window screen size and title
Dim Shared curPath$ ' track where we are in navigation see GetListStrings
Dim Shared As Long LblPath, LblCurPath, LblDirs, LblFils, LstD, LstF, LblFile, LblSelFile, BtnOK, BtnKill, BtnCancel
Dim fils$, dirs$
GetListStrings dirs$, fils$
LblPath = NewControl(4, 0, 10, _Width, 20, "Current Folder:")
LblCurPath = NewControl(4, 0, 35, _Width, 16, curPath$)
LblDirs = NewControl(4, 150, 60, 300, 20, "Sub Directorys:")
LblFils = NewControl(4, 530, 60, 600, 20, "Files:")
LstD = NewControl(3, 150, 85, 300, 432, dirs$)
LstF = NewControl(3, 530, 85, 600, 432, fils$)
LblFile = NewControl(4, 0, 520, _Width, 20, "Selected File:")
LblSelFile = NewControl(4, 0, 550, _Width, 16, "Selected File goes here")
BtnOK = NewControl(1, 20, 580, 400, 50, "OK Run it.")
BtnCancel = NewControl(1, 440, 580, 400, 50, "Quit")
BtnKill = NewControl(1, 860, 580, 400, 50, "Kill it!")
' ============================================================================================================
Code: (Select All)
Sub BtnClickEvent (i As Long) ' attach you button click code in here
Dim answer$, dirs$, fils$ ' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< dim for click code
Select Case i
' according to your appl needs ================================================ for your appl
Case BtnOK: Shell _DontWait con(LblSelFile).Text ' hey run it!
Case BtnKill
answer$ = inputBox$(con(LblSelFile).Text, "Confirm Kill, enter y or n", _Width \ 8 - 7)
If answer$ = "y" Then
Kill con(LblSelFile).Text
GetListStrings dirs$, fils$
con(LstD).Text = dirs$
con(LstF).Text = fils$
con(LblSelFile).Text = ""
drwLbl LblSelFile
drwLst LstD, 0
drwLst LstF, 0
End If
Case BtnCancel: WindowClose = -1 ' goodbye
' ========================================================================= end plug-in
End Select
End Sub
Code: (Select All)
Sub LstSelectEvent (control As Long)
Dim fils$, dirs$
Select Case control
' =================================================================================== for your appl
Case LstD
ChDir con(LstD).Text2
curPath$ = _CWD$
con(LblCurPath).Text = curPath$
drwLbl LblCurPath
GetListStrings dirs$, fils$
con(LstD).Text = dirs$
con(LstF).Text = fils$
con(LblSelFile).Text = ""
drwLbl LblSelFile
drwLst LstD, 0
drwLst LstF, -1 'should be active
Case LstF
con(LblSelFile).Text = curPath$ + "/" + con(LstF).Text2
drwLbl LblSelFile
' ================================================================================= end plug-in
End Select
End Sub
What I wrote from the app, plus this:
Code: (Select All)
' This is added for this appl ===============================================================================
' direntry.h needs to be in QB64 folder '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< see end of Subs abd Functions for copy
Declare CustomType Library ".\direntry"
Function load_dir& (s As String)
Function has_next_entry& ()
Sub close_dir ()
Sub get_next_entry (s As String, flags As Long, file_size As Long)
End Declare
Code: (Select All)
' added to GUI - 2022-06-15 version ============================= Routines for this appl
' You can grab this box by title and drag it around screen for full viewing while answering prompt.
' Only one line allowed for prompt$
' boxWidth is 4 more than the allowed length of input, it needs to be longer than title$ and prompt$ also
' Utilities > Input Box > Input Box 1 tester v 2019-07-31
Function inputBox$ (prompt$, title$, boxWidth As Long) ' boxWidthin default 8x16 chars!!!
Dim ForeColor As _Unsigned Long, BackColor As _Unsigned Long
Dim sw As Long, sh As Long, curScrn As Long, backScrn As Long, ibx As Long 'some handles
ForeColor = &HFF000055 '< change as desired prompt text color, back color or type in area
BackColor = &HFF6080CC '< change as desired used fore color in type in area
'items to restore at exit
ScnState 0
'screen snapshot
sw = _Width: sh = _Height: curScrn = _Dest
backScrn = _NewImage(sw, sh, 32)
_PutImage , curScrn, backScrn
'moving box around on screen
Dim bxW As Long, bxH As Long
Dim mb As Long, mx As Long, my As Long, mi As Long, grabx As Long, graby As Long
Dim tlx As Long, tly As Long 'top left corner of message box
Dim lastx As Long, lasty As Long
Dim inp$, kh&
'draw message box
bxW = boxWidth * 8: bxH = 7 * 16
ibx = _NewImage(bxW, bxH, 32)
_Dest ibx
Color &HFF880000, &HFFFFFFFF
Locate 1, 1: Print Left$(Space$(Int((boxWidth - Len(title$) - 3)) / 2) + title$ + Space$(boxWidth), boxWidth)
Locate 1, boxWidth - 2: Print " X "
Color ForeColor, BackColor
Locate 2, 1: Print Space$(boxWidth);
Locate 3, 1: Print Left$(Space$((boxWidth - Len(prompt$)) / 2) + prompt$ + Space$(boxWidth), boxWidth);
Locate 4, 1: Print Space$(boxWidth);
Locate 5, 1: Print Space$(boxWidth);
Locate 6, 1: Print Space$(boxWidth);
inp$ = ""
GoSub finishBox
'convert to pixels the top left corner of box at moment
bxW = boxWidth * 8: bxH = 5 * 16
tlx = (sw - bxW) / 2: tly = (sh - bxH) / 2
lastx = tlx: lasty = tly
'now allow user to move it around or just read it
While 1
_PutImage , backScrn
_PutImage (tlx, tly), ibx, curScrn
While _MouseInput: Wend
mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY: mb = _MouseButton(1)
If mb Then
If mx >= tlx And mx <= tlx + bxW And my >= tly And my <= tly + 16 Then 'mouse down on title bar
If mx >= tlx + bxW - 24 Then Exit While
grabx = mx - tlx: graby = my - tly
Do While mb 'wait for release
mi = _MouseInput: mb = _MouseButton(1)
mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
If mx - grabx >= 0 And mx - grabx <= sw - bxW And my - graby >= 0 And my - graby <= sh - bxH Then
'attempt to speed up with less updates
If ((lastx - (mx - grabx)) ^ 2 + (lasty - (my - graby)) ^ 2) ^ .5 > 10 Then
tlx = mx - grabx: tly = my - graby
_PutImage , backScrn
_PutImage (tlx, tly), ibx, curScrn
lastx = tlx: lasty = tly
End If
End If
_Limit 400
End If
End If
kh& = _KeyHit
Select Case kh& 'whew not much for the main event!
Case 13: Exit While
Case 27: inp$ = "": Exit While
Case 32 To 128: If Len(inp$) < boxWidth - 4 Then inp$ = inp$ + Chr$(kh&): GoSub finishBox Else Beep
Case 8: If Len(inp$) Then inp$ = Left$(inp$, Len(inp$) - 1): GoSub finishBox Else Beep
End Select
_Limit 60
'put things back
ScnState 1 'need fg and bg colors set to cls
Cls '? is this needed YES!!
_PutImage , backScrn
_FreeImage backScrn
_FreeImage ibx
ScnState 1 'because we have to call _display, we have to call this again
inputBox$ = inp$
Exit Function
_Dest ibx
Color BackColor, ForeColor
Locate 5, 2: Print Left$(" " + inp$ + Space$(boxWidth - 2), boxWidth - 2)
_Dest curScrn
End Function
' for saving and restoring screen settins
Sub ScnState (restoreTF As Long) 'Thanks Steve McNeill
Static defaultColor~&, backGroundColor~&
Static font&, dest&, source&, row&, col&, autodisplay&, mb&
If restoreTF Then
_Font font&
Color defaultColor~&, backGroundColor~&
_Dest dest&
_Source source&
Locate row&, col&
If autodisplay& Then _AutoDisplay Else _Display
While _MouseInput: Wend 'clear mouse clicks
mb& = _MouseButton(1)
If mb& Then
While _MouseInput: Wend
mb& = _MouseButton(1)
_Limit 100
Loop Until mb& = 0
End If
font& = _Font: defaultColor~& = _DefaultColor: backGroundColor~& = _BackgroundColor
dest& = _Dest: source& = _Source
row& = CsrLin: col& = Pos(0): autodisplay& = _AutoDisplay
End If
End Sub
Sub GetListStrings (dirOut$, fileOut$)
ReDim Folders$(1 To 1), Files$(1 To 1) ' setup to call GetLists
If curPath$ = "" Then curPath$ = _CWD$
GetLists curPath$, Folders$(), Files$()
dirOut$ = Join$(Folders$(), "~")
fileOut$ = Join$(Files$(), "~")
End Sub
Sub GetLists (SearchDirectory As String, DirList() As String, FileList() As String)
' Thanks SNcNeill ! for a cross platform method to get file and directory lists
'put this block in main code section of your program close to top
'' direntry.h needs to be in QB64 folder '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
' FUNCTION load_dir& (s AS STRING)
' FUNCTION has_next_entry& ()
' SUB close_dir ()
' SUB get_next_entry (s AS STRING, flags AS LONG, file_size AS LONG)
Const IS_DIR = 1
Const IS_FILE = 2
Dim flags As Long, file_size As Long, DirCount As Integer, FileCount As Integer, length As Long
Dim nam$
ReDim _Preserve DirList(100), FileList(100)
DirCount = 0: FileCount = 0
If load_dir(SearchDirectory + Chr$(0)) Then
length = has_next_entry
If length > -1 Then
nam$ = Space$(length)
get_next_entry nam$, flags, file_size
If (flags And IS_DIR) Then
DirCount = DirCount + 1
If DirCount > UBound(DirList) Then ReDim _Preserve DirList(UBound(DirList) + 100)
DirList(DirCount) = nam$
ElseIf (flags And IS_FILE) Then
FileCount = FileCount + 1
If FileCount > UBound(FileList) Then ReDim _Preserve FileList(UBound(FileList) + 100)
FileList(FileCount) = nam$
End If
End If
Loop Until length = -1
'close_dir 'move to after end if might correct the multi calls problem
End If
close_dir 'this might correct the multi calls problem
ReDim _Preserve DirList(DirCount)
ReDim _Preserve FileList(FileCount)
End Sub
' Remove comments below and copy paste into text editor, save as direntry.h
' Save in your QB64.exe folder if you don't have it already
'============================================================= direntry.h copy but commented
'#include <dirent.h>
'#include <sys/stat.h>
'#include <unistd.h>
'const int IS_DIR_FLAG = 1, IS_FILE_FLAG = 2;
'DIR *pdir;
'struct dirent *next_entry;
'struct stat statbuf1;
'char current_dir[FILENAME_MAX];
'#ifdef QB64_WINDOWS
' #define GetCurrentDir _getcwd
' #define GetCurrentDir getcwd
'int load_dir (char * path) {
' struct dirent *pent;
' struct stat statbuf1;
'//Open current directory
'pdir = opendir(path);
'if (!pdir) {
'return 0; //Didn't open
'return -1;
'int has_next_entry () {
' next_entry = readdir(pdir);
' if (next_entry == NULL) return -1;
' stat(next_entry->d_name, &statbuf1);
' return strlen(next_entry->d_name);
'void get_next_entry (char * nam, int * flags, int * file_size) {
' strcpy(nam, next_entry->d_name);
' if (S_ISDIR(statbuf1.st_mode)) {
' *flags = IS_DIR_FLAG;
' } else {
' *flags = IS_FILE_FLAG;
' }
' *file_size = statbuf1.st_size;
' return ;
'void close_dir () {
' closedir(pdir);
' pdir = NULL;
' return ;
'int current_dir_length () {
' GetCurrentDir(current_dir, sizeof(current_dir));
' return strlen(current_dir);
'void get_current_dir(char *dir) {
' memcpy(dir, current_dir, strlen(current_dir));
' return ;
Stuff already written but added to app. Plus I did change a couple minor things so I need to build next GUI from this version.
I will do as @RNBW suggested and start separating library code into BI and BM while I also work on adding a new control for images and drawing, a Picture Box. Control Type #5.
I better start work on documenting too because there are details that need to be remembered when creating an app.
Like now you need ~ for delimiter to separate items in a string to split to pass arrays into LstBox controls #3 Type.
b = b + ...