This fixes showing whether the Picture Box is active or not:
Now I see it had the comment from the Pic Click Event.
Code: (Select All)
Sub PicFrameUpdate (i As Long)
Dim x, y
Select Case i
Case PicTestMouse 'test handling a click event
_Dest con(i).N1
' loop code here shared all variables that need to persist between calls
Line (1, 20)-Step(318, 318), &H09220044, BF
aaa = aaa + _Pi(2 / 360): bbb = bbb + dbbb: ccc = ccc + dccc
If bbb < 5 Then bbb = 5: dbbb = -dbbb
If bbb > 53 Then bbb = 53: dbbb = -dbbb
If ccc < 53 Then ccc = 53: dccc = -dccc
If ccc > 106 Then ccc = 106: dccc = -dccc
x = 160 + 53 * Cos(aaa): y = 180 + 53 * Sin(aaa)
drawShip x, y, _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
x = 160 + ccc * Cos(aaa + _Pi(2 / 3)): y = 180 + bbb * Sin(aaa + _Pi(2 / 3))
drawShip x, y, _RGB32(200, 0, 0)
x = 160 + bbb * Cos(aaa + _Pi(4 / 3)): y = 180 + ccc * Sin(aaa + _Pi(4 / 3))
drawShip x, y, _RGB32(0, 0, 160)
_Dest 0
drwPic i, ActiveControl = i
End Select
End Sub
Now I see it had the comment from the Pic Click Event.
b = b + ...