I've made over the GUI Get Filename app with the revised controls and made it even more handy as a practical application by adding the pathed filenames to the clipboard for pasting in where needed or for a list of pathed filenames delimited by chr$(10) for a mass file thing.
Here is the file listing of the zip off the clipboard from running this app:
Here is the new look:
The zip has been updated with fixed DrwBtn and Button colors reversed to show off new draw of buttons.
Here is the file listing of the zip off the clipboard from running this app:
Quote:C:\Users\marka\Desktop\QB64 work\000 work QB64\GUI Tools\GUI Makeover June 27-2022\Makeover GetFilename/arial.ttfThe first 3 files are fonts it uses and the 4th is bas source, no BI or BM yet still changing their contents.
C:\Users\marka\Desktop\QB64 work\000 work QB64\GUI Tools\GUI Makeover June 27-2022\Makeover GetFilename/ARLRDBD.TTF
C:\Users\marka\Desktop\QB64 work\000 work QB64\GUI Tools\GUI Makeover June 27-2022\Makeover GetFilename/FreeSansBold.ttf
C:\Users\marka\Desktop\QB64 work\000 work QB64\GUI Tools\GUI Makeover June 27-2022\Makeover GetFilename/GUI Makeover Get Filename.bas
Here is the new look:
The zip has been updated with fixed DrwBtn and Button colors reversed to show off new draw of buttons.
b = b + ...