07-23-2022, 06:30 PM
Found a program in my collection that generates melodies itself and then saves them as a WAV file.
Unfortunately, I don't know who it is from.
But maybe it will help you.
Unfortunately, I don't know who it is from.
But maybe it will help you.
Code: (Select All)
Dim fm(88) As Double
Dim f As Double
Dim tn(88) As String
Dim in As String
Randomize Timer(.001)
Dim t As Double
Dim Left As _MEM, Right As _MEM
Print "Welcone to Random Tones and Chords Generator v0.1b"
Input "Please specify Chord possibility in % (25):"; uaw$
Input "Please set music time [sec] for generating WAV file (120):"; uWAVLen
Input "Please set BPM (120):"; ubpm$
Input "Please set Pauses possibility in % (5):"; up$
If uWAVLen$ = "" Or Val(uWAVLen$) < 0 Or Val(uWAVLen$) > 1000 Then
WAVLen = 120
Else WAVLen = Val(uWAVLen$)
End If
Print "Music Time:"; LTrim$(Str$(WAVLen)); "s"
If uaw$ = "" Or Val(uaw$) < 0 Or Val(uaw$) > 100 Then
aw = 25
Else aw = Val(uaw$)
End If
Print "Chords possibility:"; aw; "%"
If ubpm$ = "" Or Val(ubpm$) < 0 Or Val(ubpm$) > 1000 Then
bpm = 120
Else bpm = Val(ubpm$)
End If
Print "BPM:"; bpm
If up$ = "" Or Val(up$) < 0 Or Val(up$) > 100 Then
pperc = 5
Else pperc = Val(up$)
End If
Print "Pauses:"; LTrim$(Str$(pperc)); "%"
Dim RawMusic(_Ceil(_SndRate * WAVLen)) As Single
Left = _Mem(RawMusic())
Right = _Mem(RawMusic()) 'mono signal, so both channels are the same
'bpm = 120
'interval 1 and 2 (semitones)
int1 = 4
int2 = 7
'interval possibility percent
'aw = 25
'tone minimum and maximum
tmin = 35
tmax = 47
'lengths min and max
lmin = 2
lmax = 4
'fill the tone names
For i = 1 To 88
f = ((2 ^ ((i - 49) / 12)) * 440)
fm(i) = CInt(f)
Select Case i Mod 12
Case 1: tn(i) = "A"
Case 2: tn(i) = "A#"
Case 3: tn(i) = "B"
Case 4: tn(i) = "C"
Case 5: tn(i) = "C#"
Case 6: tn(i) = "D"
Case 7: tn(i) = "D#"
Case 8: tn(i) = "E"
Case 9: tn(i) = "F"
Case 10: tn(i) = "F#"
Case 11: tn(i) = "G"
Case 0: tn(i) = "G#"
End Select
'Select Case Int(i / 12)
' Case 0: tn(i) = tn(i) + "0"
'End Select
'Print f; tn(i)
'If i > 24 Then Sleep
Next i
'delete all sharp tones
For i = 1 To 88
If Mid$(tn(i), 2, 1) = "#" Then
tn(i) = tn(i - 1)
fm(i) = fm(i - 1)
End If
Next i
'DEBUG fm(49)="A"
'Print fm(49)
'fill the lengths
For i = 1 To 7
lm(i) = 2 ^ i / 2
'Print lm(i)
Next i
'tones between tmin and tmax
i = CInt((Rnd * (tmax - tmin)) + tmin)
If Rnd < pperc / 100 Then p = 1 Else p = 0
lr = lm(CInt(Rnd * (lmax - lmin)) + lmin) 'Length out of the lenght fields between 2 and 4
L = 1 / lr * 60 / bpm * 4 'Lenght is parts of a second from the length fields multiplied by bpm
If Rnd < aw / 100 Then
akk = 1
Else akk = 0
End If
t = 0
If akk = 1 And p = 0 Then
Print "1/"; LTrim$(Str$(lr)); " Tone:"; tn(i); "+"; tn(i + int1); "+"; tn(i + 7)
ElseIf akk = 0 And p = 0 Then Print "1/"; LTrim$(Str$(lr)); " Tone:"; tn(i)
ElseIf p = 1 Then Print "1/"; LTrim$(Str$(lr)); " Pause"
End If
'queue some sound
Do While t < L 'you may wish to adjust this
sample1 = Sin(t * fm(i) * Atn(1) * 8) / 3 * 2
sample1 = sample1 * Exp(-t * L) / 3 * 2
t = t + 1 / _SndRate
If akk = 1 Then
sample2 = Sin(t * fm(i + int1) * Atn(1) * 8) / 3 * 2
sample2 = sample2 * Exp(-t * L) / 3 * 2
sample1 = (sample1 + sample2) / 2
'_SndRaw sample2
't = t + 1 / _SndRate
sample3 = Sin(t * fm(i + int2) * Atn(1) * 8) / 3 * 2
sample3 = sample3 * Exp(-t * L) / 3 * 2
sample1 = (sample1 + sample3) / 2
'_SndRaw sample
't = t + 1 / _SndRate
End If
If p = 1 Then sample1 = 0
_SndRaw sample1
RawMusic(rwi) = sample1
rwi = rwi + 1
If rwi > UBound(RawMusic) Then
Print "Sound generated, saving to file generated.wav"
_Delay .5
SAVESOUND8S Left, Right, "generated.wav"
_MemFree Left
_MemFree Right
Erase RawMusic
End If
Loop While t < L 'play for l seconds
Do While _SndRawLen > 0 'Finish any left over queued sound!
Loop While in = ""
Sub SAVESOUND8S (Left As _MEM, Right As _MEM, file As String) 'Left and Right memory blocks contains value -1 to 1 (_SNDRAW compatible)
Size = OFFSET_to_I64(Left.SIZE) 'convertion is used for WAV file header, becuse offset value can not be used directly
Type head8
chunk As String * 4 ' 4 bytes (RIFF)
size As Long ' 4 bytes (file size)
fomat As String * 4 ' 4 bytes (WAVE)
sub1 As String * 4 ' 4 bytes (fmt )
subchunksize As Long ' 4 bytes (lo / hi), $00000010 for PCM audio
format As Integer ' 2 bytes (0001 = standard PCM, 0101 = IBM mu-law, 0102 = IBM a-law, 0103 = IBM AVC ADPCM)
channels As Integer ' 2 bytes (1 = mono, 2 = stereo)
rate As Long ' 4 bytes (sample rate, standard is 44100)
ByteRate As Long ' 4 bytes (= sample rate * number of channels * (bits per channel /8))
Block As Integer ' 2 bytes (block align = number of channels * bits per sample /8)
Bits As Integer ' 2 bytes (bits per sample. 8 = 8, 16 = 16)
subchunk2 As String * 4 ' 4 bytes ("data") contains begin audio samples
lenght As Long ' 4 bytes Data block size
End Type ' 44 bytes total
Dim H8 As head8
ch = FreeFile
H8.chunk = "RIFF"
H8.size = 44 + Size / 2
H8.fomat = "WAVE"
H8.sub1 = "fmt "
H8.subchunksize = 16
H8.format = 1
H8.channels = 2
H8.rate = 44100
H8.ByteRate = 44100 * 2 * 8 / 8
H8.Block = 2
H8.Bits = 8
H8.subchunk2 = "data"
H8.lenght = Size / 2
If _FileExists(file$) Then Kill file$
Open file$ For Binary As #ch
Put #ch, , H8
Dim LeftChannel8 As _Byte, RightChannel8 As _Byte, RawLeft As Single, RawRight As Single
Dim Recalc As _MEM, size As _Offset
size = Left.SIZE 'now this value is for memory size used by SINGLE ARRAY - WAV 8bit need 1 byte for 1 channel and 1 sample
'recalculate audiodata to file - byte - values
Recalc = _MemNew(size / 2) 'this is value used by WAV - size is 4 byte per sample, we recording stereo (2 x 1 byte) therefore is this divided by 2
start& = 0: LRO& = 0
Do Until start& = Left.SIZE
RawLeft = _MemGet(Left, Left.OFFSET + start&, Single)
RawRight = _MemGet(Right, Right.OFFSET + start&, Single)
LeftChannel8 = 128 - RawLeft * 128
RightChannel8 = 128 - RawRight * 128
_MemPut Recalc, Recalc.OFFSET + s&, LeftChannel8
_MemPut Recalc, Recalc.OFFSET + s& + 1, RightChannel8
s& = s& + 2
start& = start& + 4
'write audio data to file
WAVeRAW$ = Space$(s&)
_MemGet Recalc, Recalc.OFFSET, WAVeRAW$
Put #ch, , WAVeRAW$
'erase memory
_MemFree Recalc
WAVeRAW$ = ""
Close ch
End Sub
Function OFFSET_to_I64 (value As _Offset)
Dim m As _MEM
$If 32BIT Then
m = _MEM(num)
_MEMPUT m,m.offset, value
Offset_to_i64 = num
Dim num As _Integer64
m = _Mem(num)
_MemPut m, m.OFFSET, value
OFFSET_to_I64 = num
_MemFree m
$End If
End Function