07-27-2022, 06:08 AM
Code: (Select All)
' Incomplete calculator - demonstration of a better way of using clickable buttons. Let the program
' CALCULATE the button positions. Code is shorter, simpler, self-documenting, and much easier to modify.
Dim ckey$(50), bx1(50), bx2(50), by1(50), by2(50), gbuffer(8000)
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Dim As _Float acc, stack
For r = 1 To 9 ' row
For c = 1 To 4 ' column
Read t$ ' button contents
If Len(t$) Then ' not a blank button
x1 = 20 + (c - 1) * 100 ' x start
y1 = 99 + (r - 1) * 50 ' y start
x2 = x1 + 60 ' x end
y2 = y1 + 30 ' y end
For t = 0 To 5 ' shaded box
Line (x1 + t, y1 + t)-(x2 - t, y2 - t), _RGB32(t * 42), B
Next t
_PrintString ((x2 + x1) \ 2 - _PrintWidth(t$) \ 2, y1 + 8), t$ ' centered button text
n = n + 1 ' button number
ckey$(n) = t$: bx1(n) = x1: by1(n) = y1: bx2(n) = x2: by2(n) = y2 ' store button
End If
Next c
Next r ' done generating, displaying, and storing buttons
_PrintString (20, 30), Str$(acc) + Space$(20) ' show accumulator
_PrintString (20, 60), Space$(20) ' blank line
If Len(op$) Then _PrintString (20, 60), Str$(stack) + op$
Do: _Limit 20 ' check keyboard and mouse
i$ = InKey$
If Len(i$) Then ' keyboard key has been pressed
If i$ = Chr$(27) Then System ' Esc quits
If i$ = Chr$(13) Then i$ = "=" ' key remapping
If i$ = "c" Then i$ = "CLR" ' key remapping
If i$ = "*" Then i$ = "x" ' key remapping
For i = 1 To n ' does this key match a button?
If i$ = ckey$(i) Then hit = i ' yes, save which one
Next i
Else ' check mouse
While _MouseInput: Wend
mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
For i = 1 To n
Line (bx1(i), by1(i))-(bx2(i), by2(i)), _RGB32(0), B
If (mx > bx1(i)) And (mx < bx2(i)) And (my > by1(i)) And (my < by2(i)) Then
Line (bx1(i), by1(i))-(bx2(i), by2(i)), _RGB32(255), B
If _MouseButton(1) Then hit = i: i$ = ckey$(i)
End If
Next i
End If
Loop Until hit
i = hit: hit = 0
Get (bx1(i), by1(i))-(bx2(i), by2(i)), gbuffer(0) '
Put (bx1(i), by1(i)), gbuffer(), PReset ' highlight key
_Delay .2 ' ensure user has time to see highlight
Put (bx1(i), by1(i)), gbuffer(), PSet ' restore key
If InStr("0123456789", i$) Then ' entering a number
If div = 0 Then acc = 0: div = 1
If div > 1 Then
acc = acc + Val(i$) / div
div = div * 10
acc = acc * 10 + Val(i$)
End If
ElseIf InStr("+-x/", i$) Then ' operator
op$ = i$
stack = acc
acc = 0
End If
Select Case i$ ' other buttons, many non-functional for this demo
Case Is = "="
If op$ = "+" Then acc = stack + acc
If op$ = "-" Then acc = stack - acc
If op$ = "x" Then acc = stack * acc
If op$ = "/" Then acc = stack / acc
op$ = ""
stack = 0
div = 0
Case Is = ".": div = 10
Case Is = "CLR": acc = 0: stack = 0: op$ = ""
Case Is = "ûx": acc = Sqr(acc)
Case Is = "Sin": acc = Sin(acc)
Case Is = "Cos": acc = Cos(acc)
Case Is = "Tan": acc = Tan(acc)
Case Is = "Deg": angle_mode = angle_mode Xor 1
Case Is = "xý": acc = acc * acc
Case Is = "Log": acc = Log(acc)
Case Is = "pi": acc = _Pi
Case Is = "1/x": If acc > 0 Then acc = 1 / acc
Case Is = "x/2": acc = acc / 2
Case Is = "Exp"
Case Is = "+/-": acc = -acc
Case Is = "Copy" '
Case Is = "Paste"
Case Is = "<Back" '
Case Is = "RND": acc = Rnd
End Select
Data ,,,CLR
Data ûx,Sin,Cos,Tan
Data 7,8,9,/
Data 4,5,6,x
Data 1,2,3,-
Data 0,.,=,+
Data Deg,xý,Log,pi
Data "1/x",x/2,Exp,+/-