08-01-2022, 02:11 AM
(08-01-2022, 01:03 AM)SierraKen Wrote: Thanks OldMoses. I also started in AppleSoft BASIC in the 80's. Remember HOME instead of CLS? And there was GR and HGR and HGR2 for graphic screens. GR had the regular text at the bottom for a few lines. lol Actually the very first programming I did was in the 7th grade in the brand new computer lab the school got and we did a graphics language called LOGO. With LOGO we did PU PD (pen up, pen down) and the turtle walked in steps drawing your lines.
Yep, I remember HOME, although in those days I wasn't enough in the graphics to remember the commands. I also remember PR#6, to load DOS from a boot disk, I typed that one almost every time I sat down at the machine. Applesoft is the only language I can lay any claim to other than QBasic/QB64. In college I tried to get my head around Assembly, even taking a class in it, but never got anything to work right. My Apple ][+ was heisted in college. My father-in-law later gave me an Apple ][ with an Integer Basic card. I gave that to a friend of mine some years later. I still have a ][C in the attic that was my sister's. It still worked the last time I had it out.