(08-19-2022, 03:57 PM)SMcNeill Wrote: Looks like Excel is probably converting to a DOUBLE type variable for the answer.
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/...d-by-excel -- from the online documentation, there's no INT64 type support. Since the result is larger than a LONG can hold, it's given as a DOUBLE, which loses precision after swapping into scientific notation.
Wow, I remember when Excel 2007 came out and everything started going to 64-bit, and we got a million rows and each cell could hold more than 255 characters. Sounds like they're due for another upgrade!
(I'm still a huge fan of Excel and VBA, which along with QB64 is my go-to programming and utility platform ... It would be super cool to see a spreadsheet app in QB64!)