08-22-2022, 11:14 AM
@justsomeguy Easiest way to load a whole file at once is this method:
OPEN "desired_file.txt" FOR BINARY AS #1
file_length = LOF(1)
file_contents$ = SPACE$(file_length)
GET #1, 1, file_contents$
Open the file
Get the length of file.
Set a string to be that length.
Read the whole file into that string.
Close the file.
OPEN "desired_file.txt" FOR BINARY AS #1
file_length = LOF(1)
file_contents$ = SPACE$(file_length)
GET #1, 1, file_contents$
Open the file
Get the length of file.
Set a string to be that length.
Read the whole file into that string.
Close the file.