08-27-2022, 05:25 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-27-2022, 06:18 AM by PhilOfPerth.)
(08-22-2022, 03:08 PM)SMcNeill Wrote: Can you open files to the drive and PRINT and LINE INPUT data to them?
If so, then you can now use _MEM, with these little routines which let you work with mem blocks the same way you'd read and write to the disk with PRINT and LINE INPUT!
Code: (Select All)Type Mem_File_Type
inUse As Integer
EOF_Marker As _Offset
Current_Pos As _Offset
Content As _MEM
End Type
Dim Shared MemFile(1 To 100) As Mem_File_Type
'first, let's showcase how to print and input some information to and from memory
handle = MemFileOpen ' This is a combination FREEFILE + OPEN statement
MemPrint handle, "Hello World", 1 ' PRINT #filehandle, whatever$ + CRLF
MemPrint handle, "My name is Steve", 1 ' PRINT #filehandle, whatever$ + CRLF
For i = 1 To 10
MemPrint handle, Str$(i) + ") Record #" + _Trim$(Str$(i)), 1
MemSeek handle, 0 ' SEEK #filehandle, byte
Do Until MemEOF(handle) ' DO UNTIL EOF(filehandle)
MemLineInput handle, temp$ ' LINE INPUT #filehandle, temp$
Print temp$ ' PRINT temp$
Loop ' LOOP
'I hope the above with the comments help to highlight how exactly similar the two syntaxes are here.
'With these mem routines, we're basically just using mem *exactly* as we'd do basic file access with PRINT and LINE INPUT
'And here I'll showcase how to save and load your memblock to disk -- both in compressed and uncompressed form
MemFileSave handle, "temp.txt", 0 ' 0 says save it in uncompressed format. You can read the data in any old text editor!
MemFileSave handle, "temp_compressed.txt", -1 ' Anything else says to compress the data before saving it. Not readable untl uncompressed.
Print "Mem saved to disk in both compressed and uncompressed form."
Open "temp.txt" For Input As #1: LOF1 = LOF(1): Close
Open "temp_compressed.txt" For Input As #1: LOF2 = LOF(1): Close
Print "unCompressed file is "; LOF1; "bytes in size."
Print "Compressed file is "; LOF2; "bytes in size."
MemFileClose handle ' CLOSE filehandle
Print "Now to load back the file with the uncompressed data. Press <ANY KEY>"
newhandle = MemFileLoad("temp.txt", 0) 'load the uncompressed data file
Do Until MemEOF(newhandle) ' DO UNTIL EOF(filehandle)
MemLineInput newhandle, temp$ ' LINE INPUT #filehandle, temp$
Print temp$ ' PRINT temp$
Loop ' LOOP
MemFileClose newhandle
Print "Now to load back the file with the compressed data. Press <ANY KEY>"
newhandle = MemFileLoad("temp_compressed.txt", -1) 'load the compressed data file
Do Until MemEOF(newhandle) ' DO UNTIL EOF(filehandle)
MemLineInput newhandle, temp$ ' LINE INPUT #filehandle, temp$
Print temp$ ' PRINT temp$
Loop ' LOOP
MemFileClose newhandle
Print "And remember, the difference of the sizes of the files on disk were:"
Print " compressed:"; LOF2
Print "uncompressed:"; LOF1
Print "Press <ANY KEY> to compare speeds in loading an large file into an array in memory."
'And let's showcase a bit more of how this works, why don't we.
Dim As String wordlist(466544), wordlist2(466544), wordlist3(466544) 'arrays to hold the data
handle = MemFileLoad("466544 Word List.txt", 0) 'load a file directly into memory, and it's not compressed
t## = Timer ' timer to see how long we take loading this data
Do Until MemEOF(handle) ' Hopefully these lines will be intuitive enough.
count = count + 1 ' Especially when compared to the notes above
MemLineInput handle, wordlist(count) ' and the preceeding lines after
Print count; Using " words loaded into memory from file, in ##.#### seconds."; Timer - t##
MemFileClose handle
Open "466544 Word List.txt" For Input As #1
t## = Timer
Do Until EOF(1)
count2 = count2 + 1
Line Input #1, wordlist2(count2)
Print count2; Using " words loaded from file OPEN FOR INPUT, in ##.#### seconds."; Timer - t##
Close handle
Open "466544 Word List.txt" For Binary As #1
t## = Timer
Do Until EOF(1)
count3 = count3 + 1
Line Input #1, wordlist3(count3)
Print count3; Using " words loaded from file OPEN FOR BINARY, in ##.#### seconds."; Timer - t##
Close handle
'and let's compare contents to be safe
For i = 1 To count
If wordlist(i) <> wordlist2(i) Then Print "Wordlist does not match Wordlist2": failed = -1
If wordlist(i) <> wordlist3(i) Then Print "Wordlist does not match Wordlist3": failed = -1
If failed Then
Print "Lists do not match"
Print "Lists match each other perfectly"
End If
Sub MemFileDump (memfile, file$, compressed) 'just one quick call to save to disk and free the memory all at once.
MemFileSave memfile, file$, compressed
MemFileClose memfile
End Sub
Sub MemFileSave (memfile, file$, compressed)
If MemFile(memfile).inUse = 0 Then Error 53: Exit Sub 'File Not Found Error message
temphandle = FreeFile
Dim As _Offset length
length = MemFile(memfile).EOF_Marker + 1
temp$ = Space$(length)
_MemGet MemFile(memfile).Content, MemFile(memfile).Content.OFFSET, temp$
If compressed Then temp1$ = _Deflate$(temp$) Else temp1$ = temp$
Open file$ For Output As temphandle: Close temphandle 'erase any existing file with the same name
Open file$ For Binary As temphandle
Put #temphandle, 1, temp1$
End Sub
Function MemFileLoad (file$, compressed)
'Error codes for MemFileLoad
'1: No mem files available. (All 100 are in use! Free some to use more!)
For i = 1 To 100
If MemFile(i).inUse = 0 Then Exit For
If i > 100 Then MemFileLoad = 0: Exit Function 'can't open any more memfiles!
If _FileExists(file$) = 0 Then Error 53: Exit Function 'file not found
MemFileLoad = i
temphandle = FreeFile
Open file$ For Binary As #temphandle
temp$ = Space$(LOF(temphandle))
Get temphandle, 1, temp$
Close temphandle
If compressed Then temp$ = _Inflate$(temp$)
length = Len(temp$)
MemFile(i).Content = _MemNew(length)
_MemPut MemFile(i).Content, MemFile(i).Content.OFFSET, temp$
MemFile(i).inUse = -1 'TRUE
MemFile(i).EOF_Marker = length - 1 'the end of the file is the length of the file to begin with
MemFile(i).Current_Pos = 0 'and we're at the start of our nothing in the file
End Function
Sub MemFileClose (memfile)
If memfile < 1 Or memfile > 100 Then Error 5: Exit Sub 'ILLEGAL FUNCTION CALL
MemFile(memfile).inUse = 0 'no longer in sue
MemFile(memfile).EOF_Marker = 0 'nothing is written in the file to begin with
MemFile(memfile).Current_Pos = 0 'and we're at the start of our nothing in the file
_MemFree MemFile(memfile).Content 'free the memory we were using
End Sub
Function MemFileOpen
'Error codes for MemFileOpen
'1: No mem files available. (All 100 are in use! Free some to use more!)
For i = 1 To 100
If MemFile(i).inUse = 0 Then Exit For
If i > 100 Then MemFileOpen = 0: Exit Function 'can't open any more memfiles!
MemFileOpen = i
MemFile(i).inUse = -1 'TRUE
MemFile(i).EOF_Marker = 0 'nothing is written in the file to begin with
MemFile(i).Current_Pos = 0 'and we're at the start of our nothing in the file
MemFile(i).Content = _MemNew(1000000) '1mb memfile by default
_MemFill MemFile(i).Content, MemFile(i).Content.OFFSET, MemFile(i).Content.SIZE, 0 As _UNSIGNED _BYTE
'make certain to blank the file when opening it for the first time so we don't have unwanted characters in it.
End Function
Function MemEOF (memfile)
If MemFile(memfile).inUse = 0 Then Error 53: Exit Function 'File Not Found Error message
If MemFile(memfile).Current_Pos >= MemFile(memfile).EOF_Marker Then MemEOF = -1
End Function
Sub MemSeek (memfile, position As _Offset)
If MemFile(memfile).inUse = 0 Then Error 53: Exit Sub 'File Not Found Error message
If position < 0 Then Error 5: Exit Sub 'Invalid Function Call
If position > MemFile(memfile).EOF_Marker Then Error 5: Exit Sub 'Invalid Function Call
MemFile(memfile).Current_Pos = position
End Sub
Sub MemLineInput (memfile, what$)
'only valid line endings here are CHR$(10), chr$(13), and chr$(13) + chr$(10)
If MemFile(memfile).inUse = 0 Then Error 53: Exit Sub 'File Not Found Error message
Dim As _Offset CP, EP, Size, L
Dim tempM As _MEM, a1 As _Unsigned _Byte
tempM = MemFile(memfile).Content 'it's just much shorter to type!
CP = MemFile(memfile).Current_Pos
EP = MemFile(memfile).EOF_Marker
If CP >= EP Then Error 62: Exit Sub 'INPUT PAST END OF FILE error
Size = tempM.SIZE
a$ = _MemGet(tempM, tempM.OFFSET + CP, String * 1)
Select Case a$
Case Chr$(13)
_MemGet tempM, tempM.OFFSET + CP + 1, a1
If a1 = 10 Then CP = CP + 1 'move the Current Pointer past the 2nd character in a windows CRLF ending
finished = -1
Case Chr$(10)
finished = -1
Case Else
temp$ = temp$ + a$
End Select
CP = CP + 1
If CP >= EP Then finished = -1
Loop Until finished
MemFile(memfile).Current_Pos = CP
what$ = temp$
End Sub
Sub MemPrint (memfile, what$, EOL_Type As Integer)
'memfile is the memfile handle to print to
'what$ is what we want to print
'EOL_Type is the type of line ending we want after this print statement
'1: This is a CHR$(10) line ending (Linux style line ending)
'2: This is a CHR$(13) line ending (Old Mac style line ending)
'3: This is a CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) line ending (Old Windows style line ending)
'4: This is a COMMA line ending. Use this if writing continous CSV fields.
' (Think PRINT #1, stuff$, <-- see the comma there at the end of the print statement??)
If MemFile(memfile).inUse = 0 Then Error 53: Exit Sub 'File Not Found Error message
Dim CRLF As String
Dim As _Offset CP, EP, Size, L
Select Case EOL_Type
Case 1: CRLF = Chr$(10)
Case 2: CRLF = Chr$(13)
Case 3: CRLF = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Case 4: CRLF = ","
End Select
CP = MemFile(memfile).Current_Pos
EP = MemFile(memfile).EOF_Marker
Size = MemFile(memfile).Content.SIZE
L = Len(what$) + Len(CRLF)
If CP + L > Size Then 'we're writing beyond the bounds of our reserved memory!
Dim tempM As _MEM
If Size <= 100000000 Then 'resize our memblock (to the limit) to save our data
tempM = _MemNew(Size * 10)
_MemCopy MemFile(memfile).Content, MemFile(memfile).Content.OFFSET, Size To tempM, tempM.OFFSET
_MemFree MemFile(memfile).Content
MemFile(memfile).Content = tempM
Size = Size * 10
GoTo recheck 'just to make certain that our reserved memory is now large enough to hold our data
Exit Sub 'I'm coding a hard size limit of 1GB for each memfile opened!
' Anything larger than that, and I'm tossing a Disk Full Error
End If
End If
_MemPut MemFile(memfile).Content, MemFile(memfile).Content.OFFSET + CP, what$ + CRLF
MemFile(memfile).Current_Pos = CP + L
If CP + L > EP Then MemFile(memfile).EOF_Marker = CP + L
End Sub
Grab the necessary dictionary file from here: https://staging.qb64phoenix.com/attachment.php?aid=760
(I didn't see any reason why the same file needed to be uploaded and attached to multiple posts when it was already here once. )
Of all the places on Earth, and all the planets in the Universe, I'd rather live here (Perth, W.A.)