08-30-2022, 05:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2022, 05:43 AM by SpriggsySpriggs.)
I typically pass strings to external libraries as _OFFSET. This isn't something you necessarily have to do but I feel safer doing it. It kind of forces you to declare your string variable and then it makes you remember to also null-terminate it with a CHR$(0). Whether you do it as a BYVAL _OFFSET or just STRING, the result is the same, provided you still null-terminate. I only do it this way for consistency, since the reference code shows these strings as pointers to strings. Also, I have set the BI to use $CONSOLE:ONLY since you will have no need for a QB64 window in your binary. Also, Raylib outputs some handy-dandy information to the console for debugging. Will be quite helpful, I'm sure. I would offer more assistance with using the BI file and functions but, unfortunately, I'm not a graphics person so I'm not too familiar with this library. However, if you find some C code that you want to replicate using this library, I can probably get it to at least work a little bit. Maybe. No guarantees
Also, regarding the strings being passed as _OFFSET.... Believe it or not, it makes it that much easier to deal with the strings with external libraries, especially when one has a mixture of UTF-8 and ANSI. Rather trivial to convert a pointer to a string in QB64 and I do it quite often. Below is some code I use but there are actually a few different ways to get the string content of an OFFSET
In the above code, PointerToWideString is used to convert an OFFSET which references a unicode string. PointerToString is used to convert an OFFSET which references an ANSI string.
Also, regarding the strings being passed as _OFFSET.... Believe it or not, it makes it that much easier to deal with the strings with external libraries, especially when one has a mixture of UTF-8 and ANSI. Rather trivial to convert a pointer to a string in QB64 and I do it quite often. Below is some code I use but there are actually a few different ways to get the string content of an OFFSET
Code: (Select All)
$If 64BIT Then
Declare Library ".\internal\c\c_compiler\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include\strsafe"
End Declare
Declare Library ".\internal\c\mingw32\i686-w64-mingw32\include\strsafe"
End Declare
$End If
Function PointerToWideString$ (pointer As _Offset)
Declare CustomType Library
Function wcslen%& (ByVal str As _Offset)
End Declare
$End If
Declare CustomType Library
Sub StringCchCopyW (ByVal pszDest As _Offset, Byval cchDest As _Offset, Byval pszSrc As _Offset)
End Declare
Dim As _Offset length: length = wcslen(pointer) * 2 'The length does not account for the 2-byte nature of Unicode so we multiply by 2
Dim As String __dest: __dest = Space$(length)
StringCchCopyW _Offset(__dest), Len(__dest), pointer
PointerToWideString = __dest
End Function
Function PointerToString$ (pointer As _Offset)
$If 64BIT Then
Declare CustomType Library ".\internal\c\c_compiler\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include\tchar"
Function tcslen%& Alias "_tcslen" (ByVal str As _Offset)
End Declare
Declare CustomType Library ".\internal\c\c_compiler\i686-w64-mingw32\include\tchar"
Function tcslen%& Alias "_tcslen" (ByVal str As _Offset)
End Declare
$End If
$End If
Declare CustomType Library
Sub StringCchCopyA (ByVal pszDest As _Offset, Byval cchDest As _Offset, Byval pszSrc As _Offset)
End Declare
Dim As _Offset length: length = tcslen(pointer) + 1
Dim As String __dest: __dest = Space$(length)
StringCchCopyA _Offset(__dest), Len(__dest), pointer
PointerToString = __dest
End Function
$End If
In the above code, PointerToWideString is used to convert an OFFSET which references a unicode string. PointerToString is used to convert an OFFSET which references an ANSI string.
Ask me about Windows API and maybe some Linux stuff