08-30-2022, 08:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2022, 08:22 PM by James D Jarvis.)
Added the means to scan in a portion of a true type font (currently only a subset or the all of the characters from 0 to 255)
Added a rich_print command to handle changes in the text output using a set of tags embedded in the text.
Added a rich_print command to handle changes in the text output using a set of tags embedded in the text.
Code: (Select All)
'Scale_print version 0.1
'by James D. Jarvis
'scans default font and setup up routines to rescale output as a base tile of 16 x 16 pixels
'meant for use to create a larger editable display font without needing to make use of external font files
'header, needed in any programs that will make use of the subroutines
Dim Shared xmax
xmax = 800 'max horizontal screen size, reset as you wish
Screen _NewImage(xmax, 500, 256)
Dim Shared tile(256) As String 'note.... if you want to create a larger tile set you can as scan816 sub will just fill the first 255 entries
Dim Shared t_wid As _Byte 'really doesn't really have to be a bytefor these routines or program but is for compatibility with another program of mine
Dim Shared charset(0), color_background, color_foreground
charset(0) = 0
t_wid = 16 'tile width set here in main routine if could be moved inside of scan816
color_background = 0
color_foreground = 15
_ControlChr Off
'demo program
scan816 'scan the 8by16 default font and store it in an array of tiles that are 16 by 16 pixels in size
Randomize Timer 'for later demo output not needed by the routines otherwise
'a simple example tile to show one way to make an extended charcter set
tile(256) = Chr$(120) + Chr$(144) + Chr$(130) + Chr$(128) + Chr$(140) + Chr$(120) + Chr$(130) + Chr$(130) + Chr$(128) + Chr$(140) + Chr$(120) + Chr$(130) + Chr$(130) + Chr$(128) + Chr$(140) + Chr$(120) + Chr$(130) + Chr$(130) + Chr$(128) + Chr$(140) + Chr$(120) + Chr$(130) + Chr$(130) + Chr$(128) + Chr$(140) + Chr$(120) + Chr$(130) + Chr$(130) + Chr$(128) + Chr$(140) + Chr$(120) + Chr$(130)
ptile 100, 100, tile(Asc("A")) 'just print the tile as scanned.
For x = 1 To 40
ptile (x - 1) * 16, 150, tile(Int(Rnd * 256)) 'showing how to
Next x
For x = 1 To 40
cptile (x - 1) * 16, 200, tile(33 + x), Int(1 + Rnd * 64) 'print a randomly generated series of characters randomly colored
Next x
tile_print 400, 10, " ÉÍÊÍ» ", 0 'print a string as scanned with no spacing
Input "press enter ", any$
scale_print 50, 50, "x8 by x2.5 text", 9, 8, 2.5 'print a colorized and scaled string
scale_print 10, 250, "x2 by x5", 10, 2, 5 'print a colorized and scaled string
_PrintString (50, 320), "aBcDeFgHi" 'just plain old _printstring for reference
scale_print 50, 350, "x1 by 0,5 text", 12, 1, 0.5 'print a tiny string
tile_print 50, 366, "String with spacing of 8 pixels", 8 'print a string with an extra 8 pixels between each tile
scale_print 0, 0, "press enter", 8, 1, 1
Locate 1, 23: Input any$
s = 0.1
Do 'show a string being scaled
_Limit 60
scale_print 0, 0, "AbC123", 15, s, s
s = s + .1
Loop Until s > 30
scale_print 0, 0, "press enter", 9, 1, 0.5
Locate 1, 13: Input any$
scale_print 10, 100, "Bonus Tile(256) :", 14, 1, 1
scale_tile 286, 100, tile(256), 15, 1, 1
scale_print 10, 117, "(just to show an example of a custom tile)", 8, 1, 0.5
Input A$
addfont 0, 255, "lucon.ttf" 'use a ttf font
scale_tile 10, 100, tile(256 + Asc("A")), 12, 1, 1
Print charset(0)
Print charset(1)
rich_print 100, 100, "ABCDEFG\CT13\123\CS1\ABC\CS0\\CT2\123\T#412\\SH2\\SW3\abc\CT15\\SH1\\SW1.4\HeLlo"
rich_print 200, 200, "\CT4\\SH4\\SW2\ Big Text \MX20\\MY400\ \SH1\\SW0.5\little text"
'scale_print subroutines
' tile_print prints a string with added spacing between character tiles
' scale_print prinst a scaled and recolored string of character tiles
' scale_tile prints a single rescaled and recolored character tile
' ptile prints a single character tile as scanned
' cptile prints a single rrcolored character tile
' scan816 scan is the dedault font
' addfont scan in true type font
' rich_print print text with embeed tags to control text output settings
' scale_dat print a scaled character tile but onlt using orignally scanned pixel colors
' clantag$ an internal function used to process tags in rich_print
Sub tile_print (x, y, A$, spacing)
'print text as scanned, with spacing between the characters
px = x
py = y
cc = 0
For c = 1 To Len(A$)
cc = cc + 1
If px + (cc - 1) * 16 >= xmax Then
cc = 1
py = py + 16
End If
ptile px + (cc - 1) * (16 + spacing), py, tile(Asc(Mid$(A$, c, 1)))
End Sub
Sub scale_print (x, y, A$, klr, Hscale, Wscale)
'print string A$ Hscale and Vscale are in relative values (1.0 would be 100%)
'klr can be 0 to 127 from the standard 8 bit palette
'text can wrap back to x if the string would print beyond the screen edge
px = x
py = y
cc = 0
For c = 1 To Len(A$)
cc = cc + 1
If px + (cc - 1) * (16 * Wscale) >= xmax Then
cc = 1
py = py + 16 * Hscale
End If
scale_tile px + (cc - 1) * (16 * Wscale), py, tile(Asc(Mid$(A$, c, 1))), klr, Hscale, Wscale
End Sub
Sub scale_tile (px As Integer, py As Integer, im$, klr, HH, WW)
'print tile tt starting at point px,py
'klr can be 0 to 127 from the standard 8 bit palette
x = 0
For c = 1 To Len(im$)
n = Asc(Mid$(im$, c, 1)) - 128
If n < 1 Then aklr = Abs(n)
If n > 0 Then
If aklr > 0 Then
x2 = x + n
Line (px + ((x - 1) * WW), py + ((Y - 1) * HH))-(px + ((x2 - 1) * WW), py + ((Y - 1) * HH + HH - 1)), klr, BF
x = x2
x = x + n
End If
End If
If x >= t_wid Then
x = 0
Y = Y + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub
Sub ptile (px As Integer, py As Integer, im$)
'print tile im$ starting at point px,py
x = 0
For c = 1 To Len(im$)
n = Asc(Mid$(im$, c, 1)) - 128
If n < 1 Then klr = Abs(n)
If n > 0 Then
If klr > 0 Then
x2 = x + n
Line (px + x, py + Y)-(px + x2, py + Y), klr
x = x2
x = x + n
End If
End If
If x >= t_wid Then
x = 0
Y = Y + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub
Sub cptile (px As Integer, py As Integer, im$, klr)
'print tile im$ starting at point px,py
'recolor tile out put to color klr
'klr can be 0 to 127 from the standard 8 bit palette
x = 0
k1 = klr
For c = 1 To Len(im$)
n = Asc(Mid$(im$, c, 1)) - 128
If n < 1 Then aklr = Abs(n)
If n > 0 Then
If aklr > 0 Then
x2 = x + n
Line (px + x, py + Y)-(px + x2, py + Y), klr
x = x2
x = x + n
End If
End If
If x >= t_wid Then
x = 0
Y = Y + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub
Sub scan816
'scan the default font and load it into tile entries 0 to 255
'reads colors 0-127 in standard 8 bit palette
'each character will be rescaled to a tile 16 by 16 pixels in size
Dim p(t_wid, t_wid) As Integer 't_wid is set to 16 in main program
For c = 0 To 255
klr = -1
Locate 1, 1
Print Chr$(c)
For y = 0 To t_wid - 1
For x = 0 To t_wid - 1
p(x, y) = Point(Int(x / 2), y)
klr = p(0, 0)
If klr > 127 Then klr = 15
tile(c) = Chr$(128 - klr)
For y = 0 To t_wid - 1
x = -1
x = x + 1
If p(x, y) = klr Then n = n + 1
If p(x, y) <> klr Then
tile(c) = tile(c) + Chr$(128 + n)
klr = p(x, y)
If klr > 127 Then klr = 15 'if scanned color is over palette entry 127 it gets set to 15 for white in standard palette
tile(c) = tile(c) + Chr$(128 - klr)
n = 1
End If
If x = t_wid - 1 Then
tile(c) = tile(c) + Chr$(128 + n)
n = 0
End If
Loop Until x = t_wid - 1
Next c
End Sub
Sub addfont (fstart, fend, fontn$)
'load and scan a ttf font and rescale it slghtly to fit a 16x16 tile
'this will append the tile set with character entries from fstart to fend
Dim p(t_wid - 1, t_wid - 1) As Integer
tsize = UBound(tile)
fadd = fend - fstart + 1
ReDim _Preserve tile(tsize + fadd) As String
cs = UBound(charset)
ReDim _Preserve charset(cs + 1)
charset(cs + 1) = tsize + 1
fontpath$ = Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\fonts\" + fontn$
style$ = ""
fontsize% = t_wid
font& = _LoadFont(fontpath$, fontsize%, style$)
_Font font&
For c = tsize + fstart To tsize + fend
pixelWidth% = _PrintWidth(Chr$(c - tsize))
'pixelWidth% = _PrintWidth("W")
fyd = 1
fxd = t_wid / (pixelWidth%) 'this will stetcch a non-mom font slightyl to fill width
klr = -1
Locate 1, 1
Print Chr$(c - tsize)
For y = 0 To t_wid - 1
For x = 0 To t_wid - 1
p(x, y) = Point(Int(x / fxd), Int(y / fyd))
klr = p(0, 0)
If klr > 127 Then klr = 15
tile(c) = Chr$(128 - klr)
For y = 0 To t_wid - 1
x = -1
x = x + 1
If p(x, y) = klr Then n = n + 1
If p(x, y) <> klr Then
tile(c) = tile(c) + Chr$(128 + n)
klr = p(x, y)
If klr > 127 Then klr = 15
tile(c) = tile(c) + Chr$(128 - klr)
n = 1
End If
If x = t_wid - 1 Then
tile(c) = tile(c) + Chr$(128 + n)
n = 0
End If
Loop Until x = t_wid - 1
Next c
_Font 16 'select inbuilt 8x16 default font
_FreeFont font&
End Sub
Sub scale_dat (px As Integer, py As Integer, im$, HH, WW)
'print tile im$ starting at point px,py
'HH and WW are scale factors
x = 0
For c = 1 To Len(im$)
n = Asc(Mid$(im$, c, 1)) - 128
If n < 1 Then klr = Abs(n)
If n > 0 Then
If klr > 0 Then
x2 = x + n
Line (px + ((x - 1) * WW), py + ((Y - 1) * HH))-(px + ((x2 - 1) * WW), py + ((Y - 1) * HH + HH - 1)), klr, BF
x = x2
x = x + n
End If
End If
If x >= t_wid Then
x = 0
Y = Y + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub
Sub rich_print (x, y, txt$)
'prints richly formatted text using a simple set of tags identified by a paif of \
'valid tags
'\\ print a single \
'\CTnn\ change the text color to the value nn
'\CSn\ reference characters starting with the charcter start postion for loaded fonts \CS0\ is the default font
'\T#nnn\ print tile #nnn as per scanned data (it will not be recolored)
'\SHn\ set horizontal scale for folowing characters
'\SWn\ set width for following characters
'\MXnn\ move x print coridate to location nn
'\MYnn\ move y print coridate to location nn
c = 0
bk = color_background
fk = color_foreground
px = x
py = y
wscale = 1
hscale = 1
cset = 0
tag = 0
c = c + 1
a$ = Mid$(txt$, c, 1)
If a$ = "\" Then
b$ = ""
c2 = c
c2 = c2 + 1
bb$ = Mid$(txt$, c2, 1)
b$ = b$ + bb$
If bb$ = "\" Then tag = 1
Loop Until c2 = Len(txt$) Or tag = 1
If tag = 1 Then
Print b$
If b$ = "\" Then
scale_tile px, py, tile(charset(cset) + Asc(a$)), fk, hscale, wscale
px = px + (16 * wscale)
End If
If InStr(b$, "CT") Then
b$ = cleantag(b$, 2)
fk = Val(b$)
End If
If InStr(b$, "CS") Then
b$ = cleantag(b$, 2)
cset = Val(b$)
End If
If InStr(b$, "T#") Then
b$ = cleantag(b$, 2)
scale_dat px, py, tile(Val(b$)), hscale, wscale
px = px + wscale * t_wid
End If
If InStr(b$, "SH") Then
b$ = cleantag(b$, 2)
hscale = Val(b$)
End If
If InStr(b$, "SW") Then
b$ = cleantag(b$, 2)
hscale = Val(b$)
End If
If InStr(b$, "MX") Then
b$ = cleantag(b$, 2)
px = Val(b$)
End If
If InStr(b$, "MY") Then
b$ = cleantag(b$, 2)
py = Val(b$)
End If
c = c2
scale_print px, py, "ERROR:NO CLOSING TAG", 14, 1, 0.5
c = c2
End If
If c <= Len(txt$) Then scale_tile px, py, tile(charset(cset) + Asc(a$)), fk, hscale, wscale
px = px + (t_wid * wscale)
If px + (t_wid * wscale) >= xmax Then
px = x
py = py + (t_wid * hscale)
End If
End If
Loop Until c = Len(txt$)
End Sub
Function cleantag$ (A$, ww)
al = Len(A$)
b$ = Right$(A$, Len(A$) - ww)
cleantag$ = Left$(b$, Len(b$) - 1)
End Function