If all you need to do is break it up into byte values, then something simple like this:
(And you could simplify that even more, if you just passed it an array to store the values and then ran it in a simple FOR loop.)
Code: (Select All)
_Font _LoadFont("courbd.ttf", 32, "monospace")
Input "Enter quad decimal IP multicast group ->", addr$
GetIPv4 addr$, a, b, c, d
Print a, b, c, d
Loop until addr$ = ""
Sub GetIPv4 (temp$, a1, a2, a3, a4)
text$ = temp$
GoSub find_v
a1 = V
GoSub find_v
a2 = V
GoSub find_v
a3 = V
GoSub find_v
a4 = V
Exit Sub
p = InStr(text$, ".")
If p <> 0 Then
V = Val(Left$(text$, p))
text$ = Mid$(text$, p + 1)
V = Val(text$)
End If
End Sub
(And you could simplify that even more, if you just passed it an array to store the values and then ran it in a simple FOR loop.)