09-03-2022, 12:09 AM
Quote:"Well I don't give a damn about my bad reputation."
Yeah! I see it!
I read and heard such profound reflections more than 20 years ago. And what did it do?
Microsoft has driven the development of programming and website design. In IE from 4.01 onwards, you could click on individual points in an image for the first time to go to a corresponding website. And so forth . . . Microsoft revolutionized the web and it normalized the computer like the phone.
Who knows where one would be today without Microsoft - maybe with the rip-off Apple, or with the Frickel-Linux?
Your claims about C and Cobol are not correct. And anyway, what's the point, if I know one programming language, I don't have a problem with others? Really?
What does Basic have to do with C, and C with Cobol, and all three with Java? Nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with each other. Except something like For, If, While, and so on.
Well, the usual phrases I've known for over 20 years. Nothing News!