kind of works? reading multiple mice: any c programmers want to look at this?
System won't print anything, it just exits the program with that code. The function is basically being called by STR$. Not sure what you're asking for on the other question, though. The events are all there to run the window created by CreateWindow and the callback function is registered with RegisterClass.

I see now that you mean line 381. Anyways, there's no way for it to be firing anything after WinMain because System kills the program. Everything is a bit out of order anyways. You wouldn't want your test outside of the loop that is displaying the window.
Ask me about Windows API and maybe some Linux stuff

Messages In This Thread
RE: kind of works? reading multiple mice: any c programmers want to look at this? - by SpriggsySpriggs - 09-12-2022, 09:25 PM

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