Math's Trig Versus Basic's Trig Functions
Graphics based on Basic's Trig Functions

I base my x, y coordinates around point cx, cy like this:
x = cx + r * cos(RadianAngle)
y = cy + r * sin(RadianAngle)
r = radial distance between x, y and cx, cy or r = SQR((x-cx)^2 + (y-cy)^2)

When RadianAngle = 0 then Cos(0) = 1, Sin(0) = 0 this graphs due East of point cx, cy
When RadianAngle = Pi/2 = 90 degrees Cos(RadianAngle) = 0, Sin(RadianAngle) = 1 that
graphs due South of cx, cy and moving from East to South is Clockwise around cx, cy
and the angle increases from 0 to pi/2 (or if you prefer, 0 to 90 Degrees)
and onwards around the point in 2*pi Radians or 360 Degrees.

This means I use my own Arc drawing Sub to make arcs because Circle methods are upside down
and Counter-Clockwise.

I believe arc drawing should be consistent with Basic's Trig functions, thusly starting an angle where 
the Trig function would graph them and moving Clockwise as angle increases.
b = b + ...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Math's Trig Versus Basic's Trig Functions - by bplus - 09-24-2022, 06:20 PM

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