09-26-2022, 05:13 AM
I don't remember if QB/QBasic/PDS allowed "a%" and "a&", or "a%" and "a$" in the same source code module. Basically what you're asking for is to throw an error in that case which is not going to sit well with people using QB64 largely because of this quirk, and otherwise preferring to use some other programming system. Some people try to type the least possible whether it's a computer program or a resume or an inventory list. They've praised C++ because it's possible somehow to have multiple variables just called "A" or "a", like in an obfuscation example I discovered somewhere inside MSDN many years ago. Some people don't appreciate "protection". What you're requesting is going to affect function definitions as well; the request is cannot have sigils to set the function return type and instead make it look like Freebasic and Visual Basic.