Any math experts know what I'm missing here? [Solved]
I do have the decimal places worked out for square roots. I need to either modify it for nth roots, or see if I need to tweak it for square roots, in case I missed something. One I settle on a working method, I'll probably scrap the square root one and just use the nth root routine.

Looking forward to getting this up as a "Work in Progress" soon. Right now, it has been fun learning, and putting together systems. While approximation methods are fun, they are just not practical, and too slow for very large numbers. Long division is accurate. Long division with a way to approximate the next part of the quotient is also fast. I'm not quite sure how to do that estimate with nth roots, yet. I have already incorporated a great estimate method in the standard long division process. I hope to apply something similar to nth roots, soon. 100 digits of a two-digit number cube root takes under 1-second, but it takes a 2-3 minutes to take that same two-digit number out to 1,000. places

Anyway, here is a link to my latest nth root in string math, as well as a little routine to calculate the values in Pascal's Triangle.

Will you be posting your modified extended square root code? Fun stuff!

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RE: Any math experts know what I'm missing here? [Solved] - by Pete - 09-26-2022, 05:57 PM

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